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Optimus Prime powerm Function: Autobot Leader Group: Autobot
Freedom is the right of all sentinent beings.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 10 6 10 10 10 9 10
The beloved leader of all Autobots. Dedicated to protecting all life
forms -- mechanical, human, and otherwise. Willing to sacrifice
anything in order to end the Autobot/Decepticon conflict. Wise and
compassionate... the inspiration that fuels every Autobot. Binary
bonded to the super intelligent Nebulan computer programmer, HiQ.
In engine mode, HiQ handles all of Primes power needs. Trailer
transforms into armed fortress, complete with laser rifle, concussion
blaster, and 2 twin particle beam cannons. Tractor and trailer
combined construct Optimus Primes new super-powered robot form.
Optimus Prime action Function: Autobot Commander Group: Autobot
Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 10 7 10 10 10 9 10
Philosopher, scholar, soldier, leader -- Optimus Prime is all this
and more. To peace-loving beings across the galaxy, he is the
living symbol of freedom. A true beacon of hope that shines against
the forces of darkness. To his followers, Optimus Prime represents
a bottomless well from which they draw courage and strength. And to
the evil Decepticons, he is the hero in the universe who can
shatter their dreams of conquest. He drives the Armored Convoy, a
trailer truck with communications, fueling and offensive
capabilities. It divides into an interceptor shuttle and fortified
battle headquarters equipped with a multitude of defense weaponry,
including heat-seeking ballistic buzz bombs, a long-range photon
cannon, rapid-fire disintegration laser and double-barreled pom-pom
Rodimus Prime Function: Protector Group: Autobot
Experience is the benchmark of maturity
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10
A vanguard for the Autobot ranks. Possesses acute military prowess.
Speaks with the savvy of seasoned veteran. Expert tactician with
exceptional maneuverability in battle. Can be hot-headed at times.
Has a tendency to act first and ask questions later. In robot mode,
carries a photon eliminator that shoots high voltage electricity.
Range: 500 miles. Speed: 200mph. Sole purpose is to protect all life.
His only weakness is his compassion for other living creatures.
Goldbug Function: Espionage Director Group: Throttlebot
To know others you must know yourself first.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
9 8 4 8 8 10 1 7
Has the mind of the Autobot Bumblebee, but new, improved body.
More serious, assertive, mature than he was. Realizes what others
think of him isnt nearly as important as what he thinks of himself.
Excellent fuel efficiency 2 1/2 times better than the next best
Throttlebot. Adaptable to underwater, cold and hot environments.
Can withstand temperatures from -150 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
Wideload Function: Materials Transport Group: Throttlebot
Look good and youll have the world in your pocket.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
9 4 2 9 5 7 1 5
Usually hes so dirty youd think he sweated grease, but hes a
neatness fanatic. Vain and superficial -- judges others on
appearances. Uses spare time to work on his polish. Can haul up
to 1,000,000 pounds. Uses hands and tires sensors to find new
sources of raw materials. Unusually susceptible to rust, an
embarrassment given his pride in his appearance.
Ultra Magnus Function: City Commander Group: Autobot
Consistancy is victory.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
9 9 6 8 8 9 6 8
Ultra Magnus is all soldier. Most comfortable when carrying out
Optimus Primes orders. Possesses magnificent fighting skills,
courage, and a gift for battlefield improvisation. Uncomfortable in
the mantle of leadership, but presents strong profile as a commander.
Carries missile launchers capable of hitting a target 30 miles away.
Resolute, fair, and courageous beyond reproach. Ever ready to
sacrifice himself for the good of men and mission.
Omega Supreme Function: Defense Base Group: Autobot
Unyielding resolve has no conqueror.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 5 3 10 7 10 10 6
The ultimate defensive force. Great strength, even greater
courage. Serious, even grim... last line of Autobot defense.
Protects the Ark and all else vital to his cause. As robot, can
shatter a mountainside, lift 300,000 tons with clawed arm, destroy
12 steel cube with plasma blaster arm... has head-mounted laser
cannon. Can transform to laser cannon tank and launching pad with
rocket. Rocket can achieve planetary orbit.
Catilla pretnd Function: Surveillance Group: Autobot
Stalk before you strike.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
8 7 6 7 5 6 6 9
Silent, yet vigilant. Enjoys stalking his victims and then moving
in to attack. Nothing escapes his cunning clutches. Battle helmet
equipped with infrared sensors, long range radar and tracking
systems. Whip-like tail can crush buildings with its iron grip.
Top-mounted turbo blaster provides phenominal speed and agility on
the battlefield. Maximum speed: 150 mph. Armed with air concussion
cannon, durabyllium-steel alloy fangs and claws that can slash
through the thickest armor.
Blaster Function: Communications Group: Autobot
When the music is rockin, Im rollin.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
8 8 2 8 7 9 7 9
Finds all Earth music interesting, but its rocknroll -- good,
hard and loud -- that really sparks his circuits. In the forefront of
any situation hes involved in. As AM/FM stereo cassette player, he
can perform as deck plus receive radio signals of all frequencies
with power outputs as low as 1/1,000,000 watt. Acts as Autobot
communications center... can transmit up to 4,000 miles. Carries
electro-scrambler gun that disrupts electrical devices.
Skyhammer pretnd Function: Ground and Air Assault Group: Autobot
There is no disgrace in not succeeding, only in not trying.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
8 8 8 9 7 9 8 9
A valiant, vigilant warrior. Dedicated to defending the innocent.
Automated high-tech sky cruiser ideal for defending against enemy
attack. Thermal blasters in wings liquefy metal on impact.
Front-mounted high-frequency modulators provide long-range audio
and visual surveillance and tracking capabilities. Coolant vents
in nose emit black clouds of sleep gas, and top-mounted turbo-fans
can produce cyclonic wind funnels. Also armed with twin lightning
bolt cannons and programmable, steel-shattering sonic overloader.
Outer shell armed with photon pistol and converts to super-sonic
Ratchet Function: Medic Group: Autobot
You break it, Ill remake it.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
4 8 4 5 7 8 3 10
Ratchet was the best tool-and-die man on Cybertron. In his workbay
he can make anything from a pin to a missile. Repairs injured
Autobots, given the right parts. Likes to party, give
backtalk, but does any job as well as anyone. Has laser scalpels,
arc-welders, electron microscopes, circuit sensors, fluid
dispensers at his disposal. Sometimes his having a good time
interferes with his effectiveness.
Bumblebee Function: Espionage Group: Autobot Minibot
The least likely can be the most dangerous.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
2 8 4 7 7 10 2 7
Small, eager, and brave, Bumblebee acts as a messenger and spy. Due
to his small size, he dares to go where others cant and wont. He
idolizes the bigger Autobots, especially Optimus Prime and Prowl, and
strives to be accepted. He is the most energy efficient and has the
best vision of all the Autobots. He can go underwater for
reconnaissance and salvage missions. Although physically the weakest
Autobot, his stealth more than compensates for this inadequacy.
Trailbreaker Function: Defensive Strategist Group: Autobot
An Autobot is as good as the fuel in his tank.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
7 6 4 10 7 9 3 7
Trailbreaker makes light of any situation, no matter how serious.
Practical joker and cheerleader, but considers himself a liability
to Autobots since he consumes the most fuel. Lacks self-esteem and
often asks to be left behind. Projects nearly impenetrable invisible
force-field. Can jam radio transmissions. Very slow. Often mopes
about his handicaps, but his bravery and defensive prowess is
Grimlock Function: Dinobot Commander Group: Dinobot
Among the winners, there is no room for the weak.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 7 3 10 9 10 8 10
Most fearsome and powerful Dinobot. Although dedicated to the
Autobot cause, resents authority. Cold merciless, but a valiant
warrior. Has contempt for the weak, including all humans. Great
strength, uses jaws to break almost anything in two. Carries energo
sword and galaxial rocket launcher in Dinobot mode. Other than
arrogance and lack of speed, has no real weakness.
Cosmos Function: Reconnaissance Communications Group: Autobot Minibot
Reach for the stars, but never leave your friends.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
2 8 10 6 6 7 6 9
Lonely in outer space... relieves boredom by scaring humans by
hovering over their backyards at night or zig-zagging through metor
showers. Can achieve Earth orbit, even go to the Moon and back with
enough fuel. Acts as communications satellite... optical sensors can
see bicycle at 600 miles. Has pinpoint accuracy, high-powered
particle beam. Not well suited to function on ground as robot.
Jazz Function: Special Ops. Agent Group: Autobot
Do it with style or dont bother doing it.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
5 9 7 7 8 9 5 10
Jazz loves Earth culture. Always looking to learn more. His
knowledge of Earth makes him the indispensable right-hand man to
Optimus Prime. Takes most dangerous missions. Very cool, very
stylish, very competent. Equipped with photon rifle, flamethrower,
full-spectrum beacon, 180db stereo speakers. Creates dazzling,
disorienting sound and light shows. Versatile, clever, daring, but
prone to be distracted.
Defensor Function: Super Warrior Group: Protectobot Gestalt
As long as one innocent being is threatened, none are truly free.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 7 2 9 6 10 8 8
Views humans as if they were his own children -- will expend his
last drop of fuel to protect them. Seeks human friendship, but
humans fear his hulking, mechanical form. Can lift 300,000 pounds
with one hand. Impervious to most artillery, can surround himself
with force field for brief periods. Carries fireball cannon...
shoots 2000 degree bursts of blue fire 1.5 miles.
Nightbeat Function: Detective Group: Autobot Headmaster
Truth is revealed in the smallest detail.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
5 8 7 6 7 9 7 9
Tough, no-nonsense type. Sometimes breaks rules in order to get
what he wants. Works best when he works alone. As comfortable
driving down a dark alley as he is on a well-lit, six-lane
superhighway. Binary-bonded to Muzzle, a Nebulan private
detective with an eye for detail. Carries two photon pistols
and a plasma blaster with an infra-red sight. Also equipped
with visual and audio sensors. Usually gets by with just
cool-headed logic.
Sky Lynx Function: Lieutenant Commander Group: Autobot
The best achievements are worth repeating.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 8 10 10 9 10 7 8
A powerful fighter. Self-centered and boastful. Fearless, daring,
believes himself to be superior to many of his fellow Autobots.
Shell-resistent and steel-reinforced hull can withstand enemy
bombardment and extreme temperature variations. Possesses solar
powered auxiliary engines. Acetylene blaster inside cockput shoots
3000 degree celcius flames. As space shuttle, has interplanetary
travel capabilities -- maximum speed 30,000 mph, range 40,000,000
Optimus Prime powerm Function: Autobot Leader Group: Autobot
Freedom is the right of all sentinent beings.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 10 6 10 10 10 9 10
The beloved leader of all Autobots. Dedicated to protecting all life
forms -- mechanical, human, and otherwise. Willing to sacrifice
anything in order to end the Autobot/Decepticon conflict. Wise and
compassionate... the inspiration that fuels every Autobot. Binary
bonded to the super intelligent Nebulan computer programmer, HiQ.
In engine mode, HiQ handles all of Primes power needs. Trailer
transforms into armed fortress, complete with laser rifle, concussion
blaster, and 2 twin particle beam cannons. Tractor and trailer
combined construct Optimus Primes new super-powered robot form.
Optimus Prime action Function: Autobot Commander Group: Autobot
Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 10 7 10 10 10 9 10
Philosopher, scholar, soldier, leader -- Optimus Prime is all this
and more. To peace-loving beings across the galaxy, he is the
living symbol of freedom. A true beacon of hope that shines against
the forces of darkness. To his followers, Optimus Prime represents
a bottomless well from which they draw courage and strength. And to
the evil Decepticons, he is the hero in the universe who can
shatter their dreams of conquest. He drives the Armored Convoy, a
trailer truck with communications, fueling and offensive
capabilities. It divides into an interceptor shuttle and fortified
battle headquarters equipped with a multitude of defense weaponry,
including heat-seeking ballistic buzz bombs, a long-range photon
cannon, rapid-fire disintegration laser and double-barreled pom-pom
Rodimus Prime Function: Protector Group: Autobot
Experience is the benchmark of maturity
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10
A vanguard for the Autobot ranks. Possesses acute military prowess.
Speaks with the savvy of seasoned veteran. Expert tactician with
exceptional maneuverability in battle. Can be hot-headed at times.
Has a tendency to act first and ask questions later. In robot mode,
carries a photon eliminator that shoots high voltage electricity.
Range: 500 miles. Speed: 200mph. Sole purpose is to protect all life.
His only weakness is his compassion for other living creatures.
Goldbug Function: Espionage Director Group: Throttlebot
To know others you must know yourself first.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
9 8 4 8 8 10 1 7
Has the mind of the Autobot Bumblebee, but new, improved body.
More serious, assertive, mature than he was. Realizes what others
think of him isnt nearly as important as what he thinks of himself.
Excellent fuel efficiency 2 1/2 times better than the next best
Throttlebot. Adaptable to underwater, cold and hot environments.
Can withstand temperatures from -150 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
Wideload Function: Materials Transport Group: Throttlebot
Look good and youll have the world in your pocket.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
9 4 2 9 5 7 1 5
Usually hes so dirty youd think he sweated grease, but hes a
neatness fanatic. Vain and superficial -- judges others on
appearances. Uses spare time to work on his polish. Can haul up
to 1,000,000 pounds. Uses hands and tires sensors to find new
sources of raw materials. Unusually susceptible to rust, an
embarrassment given his pride in his appearance.
Ultra Magnus Function: City Commander Group: Autobot
Consistancy is victory.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
9 9 6 8 8 9 6 8
Ultra Magnus is all soldier. Most comfortable when carrying out
Optimus Primes orders. Possesses magnificent fighting skills,
courage, and a gift for battlefield improvisation. Uncomfortable in
the mantle of leadership, but presents strong profile as a commander.
Carries missile launchers capable of hitting a target 30 miles away.
Resolute, fair, and courageous beyond reproach. Ever ready to
sacrifice himself for the good of men and mission.
Omega Supreme Function: Defense Base Group: Autobot
Unyielding resolve has no conqueror.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 5 3 10 7 10 10 6
The ultimate defensive force. Great strength, even greater
courage. Serious, even grim... last line of Autobot defense.
Protects the Ark and all else vital to his cause. As robot, can
shatter a mountainside, lift 300,000 tons with clawed arm, destroy
12 steel cube with plasma blaster arm... has head-mounted laser
cannon. Can transform to laser cannon tank and launching pad with
rocket. Rocket can achieve planetary orbit.
Catilla pretnd Function: Surveillance Group: Autobot
Stalk before you strike.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
8 7 6 7 5 6 6 9
Silent, yet vigilant. Enjoys stalking his victims and then moving
in to attack. Nothing escapes his cunning clutches. Battle helmet
equipped with infrared sensors, long range radar and tracking
systems. Whip-like tail can crush buildings with its iron grip.
Top-mounted turbo blaster provides phenominal speed and agility on
the battlefield. Maximum speed: 150 mph. Armed with air concussion
cannon, durabyllium-steel alloy fangs and claws that can slash
through the thickest armor.
Blaster Function: Communications Group: Autobot
When the music is rockin, Im rollin.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
8 8 2 8 7 9 7 9
Finds all Earth music interesting, but its rocknroll -- good,
hard and loud -- that really sparks his circuits. In the forefront of
any situation hes involved in. As AM/FM stereo cassette player, he
can perform as deck plus receive radio signals of all frequencies
with power outputs as low as 1/1,000,000 watt. Acts as Autobot
communications center... can transmit up to 4,000 miles. Carries
electro-scrambler gun that disrupts electrical devices.
Skyhammer pretnd Function: Ground and Air Assault Group: Autobot
There is no disgrace in not succeeding, only in not trying.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
8 8 8 9 7 9 8 9
A valiant, vigilant warrior. Dedicated to defending the innocent.
Automated high-tech sky cruiser ideal for defending against enemy
attack. Thermal blasters in wings liquefy metal on impact.
Front-mounted high-frequency modulators provide long-range audio
and visual surveillance and tracking capabilities. Coolant vents
in nose emit black clouds of sleep gas, and top-mounted turbo-fans
can produce cyclonic wind funnels. Also armed with twin lightning
bolt cannons and programmable, steel-shattering sonic overloader.
Outer shell armed with photon pistol and converts to super-sonic
Ratchet Function: Medic Group: Autobot
You break it, Ill remake it.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
4 8 4 5 7 8 3 10
Ratchet was the best tool-and-die man on Cybertron. In his workbay
he can make anything from a pin to a missile. Repairs injured
Autobots, given the right parts. Likes to party, give
backtalk, but does any job as well as anyone. Has laser scalpels,
arc-welders, electron microscopes, circuit sensors, fluid
dispensers at his disposal. Sometimes his having a good time
interferes with his effectiveness.
Bumblebee Function: Espionage Group: Autobot Minibot
The least likely can be the most dangerous.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
2 8 4 7 7 10 2 7
Small, eager, and brave, Bumblebee acts as a messenger and spy. Due
to his small size, he dares to go where others cant and wont. He
idolizes the bigger Autobots, especially Optimus Prime and Prowl, and
strives to be accepted. He is the most energy efficient and has the
best vision of all the Autobots. He can go underwater for
reconnaissance and salvage missions. Although physically the weakest
Autobot, his stealth more than compensates for this inadequacy.
Trailbreaker Function: Defensive Strategist Group: Autobot
An Autobot is as good as the fuel in his tank.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
7 6 4 10 7 9 3 7
Trailbreaker makes light of any situation, no matter how serious.
Practical joker and cheerleader, but considers himself a liability
to Autobots since he consumes the most fuel. Lacks self-esteem and
often asks to be left behind. Projects nearly impenetrable invisible
force-field. Can jam radio transmissions. Very slow. Often mopes
about his handicaps, but his bravery and defensive prowess is
Grimlock Function: Dinobot Commander Group: Dinobot
Among the winners, there is no room for the weak.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 7 3 10 9 10 8 10
Most fearsome and powerful Dinobot. Although dedicated to the
Autobot cause, resents authority. Cold merciless, but a valiant
warrior. Has contempt for the weak, including all humans. Great
strength, uses jaws to break almost anything in two. Carries energo
sword and galaxial rocket launcher in Dinobot mode. Other than
arrogance and lack of speed, has no real weakness.
Cosmos Function: Reconnaissance Communications Group: Autobot Minibot
Reach for the stars, but never leave your friends.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
2 8 10 6 6 7 6 9
Lonely in outer space... relieves boredom by scaring humans by
hovering over their backyards at night or zig-zagging through metor
showers. Can achieve Earth orbit, even go to the Moon and back with
enough fuel. Acts as communications satellite... optical sensors can
see bicycle at 600 miles. Has pinpoint accuracy, high-powered
particle beam. Not well suited to function on ground as robot.
Jazz Function: Special Ops. Agent Group: Autobot
Do it with style or dont bother doing it.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
5 9 7 7 8 9 5 10
Jazz loves Earth culture. Always looking to learn more. His
knowledge of Earth makes him the indispensable right-hand man to
Optimus Prime. Takes most dangerous missions. Very cool, very
stylish, very competent. Equipped with photon rifle, flamethrower,
full-spectrum beacon, 180db stereo speakers. Creates dazzling,
disorienting sound and light shows. Versatile, clever, daring, but
prone to be distracted.
Defensor Function: Super Warrior Group: Protectobot Gestalt
As long as one innocent being is threatened, none are truly free.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 7 2 9 6 10 8 8
Views humans as if they were his own children -- will expend his
last drop of fuel to protect them. Seeks human friendship, but
humans fear his hulking, mechanical form. Can lift 300,000 pounds
with one hand. Impervious to most artillery, can surround himself
with force field for brief periods. Carries fireball cannon...
shoots 2000 degree bursts of blue fire 1.5 miles.
Nightbeat Function: Detective Group: Autobot Headmaster
Truth is revealed in the smallest detail.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
5 8 7 6 7 9 7 9
Tough, no-nonsense type. Sometimes breaks rules in order to get
what he wants. Works best when he works alone. As comfortable
driving down a dark alley as he is on a well-lit, six-lane
superhighway. Binary-bonded to Muzzle, a Nebulan private
detective with an eye for detail. Carries two photon pistols
and a plasma blaster with an infra-red sight. Also equipped
with visual and audio sensors. Usually gets by with just
cool-headed logic.
Sky Lynx Function: Lieutenant Commander Group: Autobot
The best achievements are worth repeating.
Stren. Intel. Speed Endur. Rank Cour. Firep. Skill
10 8 10 10 9 10 7 8
A powerful fighter. Self-centered and boastful. Fearless, daring,
believes himself to be superior to many of his fellow Autobots.
Shell-resistent and steel-reinforced hull can withstand enemy
bombardment and extreme temperature variations. Possesses solar
powered auxiliary engines. Acetylene blaster inside cockput shoots
3000 degree celcius flames. As space shuttle, has interplanetary
travel capabilities -- maximum speed 30,000 mph, range 40,000,000
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