this image contains text
in -- ----
i i
l l+ demonic - acid inf + uranus
- savage + acid inf + sense
- uranus + flatscan - conference
+ oneliner + haven
+ digital high - high cas + tried
page down for each new picture made for 80x50 in AcidDraw
:over 20 / /
:judges / ---- / ::
:all // / :best :
:local!!.. // ::...... :..............
:ind / :........
/.......... // :prizes? :.....
all artists be ready :
indecents rave
in /
l o g o c o l l e c t i o n
n u m e r h o o n e
brought to you in part by,
l l l l
seNSe!! i i : i l i i : i bros
: : : : i : : : :
sense, your friendly local criminals
/ / / indecents rave sez demonic reqd me
IN / // /
d e m o n i k
this is really dope i think, im rocking at oldschoool hey??
/ / / indecents rave sez savage seas reqd me
:....in.... .... .......... : //
: o / / / / ...:...
:....: - seas - ..... :. :..... // : . :.......:
ind?sense :..........: // :..: ........:
/ / / indecents rave sez uranus reqd me
in / / / / /
u r a n u s op + p r o ctolog i s t
/ / / indecents rave sez oneliner reqd nitro
I ----. : ..--------------............ .... . .
N // --/--- /
/ - / / / -// /--./ / // / / o.n.e.l.i.n.e.r.s
this is
for high
/ / / indecents rave sez digital high reqd me
/ dont you dare
./ / / / rip this, or
/ ill rip yer
/ / brain out
i shwear ophicaer /
im nut entuxictod // /
./ iN / / adsl/56k wit 5 gigz
/ / wHQ o pHOBIA
/ -- m0DeDd UP r3neg@De
/ /-- .--- / hQ o tunnnes groups
/ / / indecents rave sez acid inf reqd me
iN /
/ / / indecents rave sez acid inf reqd me
I.....:....: : :.....:......: :: ..... :...:
N : :.....: / :: ...:............:.........
.:... : / ruined by : p r o:j e c t X :
/---- / / ---/ / :acid:inf:
: ::a c i d : i n f:e c t i o n..: / :...:
/ / / indecents rave sez flatscan reqd me
..:..: :scan: ...........//......
: /:/ / flatscan..
:... /scan .. .....:
----------. In.-//
/ / / indecents rave sez haven reqd me
: oo0oOo: / / : .........I.,nd / . ...:.
: / :/ /. :Ox / .....:
/ / / indecents rave sez high cas reqd nitro
..I... :
/ N / / :/
: logon : apply help other :
/ / / indecents rave sez uranus reqd me
/ u r a n u s /
/ / / indecents rave sez sense reqd us
:........................: ind!sense
/ / / indecents rave sez conferences reqd free
/ in / /
/ / / indecents rave sez uprise reqd me
as you may see ive got some good stuff in there, as i am better as i went
through the different logos to complete my first oldschool collys. if you
would like to request an old school ascii, or new school check out:
in-req.asc and will list the stuff you need, etc...
greetz fly out to: bio, and that is all. Even though he has reduced my axs
on his board, i still greet him, as he helped me in all
school, and no-one else did.
--448 lines of pure sense rave
i i
l l+ demonic - acid inf + uranus
- savage + acid inf + sense
- uranus + flatscan - conference
+ oneliner + haven
+ digital high - high cas + tried
page down for each new picture made for 80x50 in AcidDraw
:over 20 / /
:judges / ---- / ::
:all // / :best :
:local!!.. // ::...... :..............
:ind / :........
/.......... // :prizes? :.....
all artists be ready :
indecents rave
in /
l o g o c o l l e c t i o n
n u m e r h o o n e
brought to you in part by,
l l l l
seNSe!! i i : i l i i : i bros
: : : : i : : : :
sense, your friendly local criminals
/ / / indecents rave sez demonic reqd me
IN / // /
d e m o n i k
this is really dope i think, im rocking at oldschoool hey??
/ / / indecents rave sez savage seas reqd me
:....in.... .... .......... : //
: o / / / / ...:...
:....: - seas - ..... :. :..... // : . :.......:
ind?sense :..........: // :..: ........:
/ / / indecents rave sez uranus reqd me
in / / / / /
u r a n u s op + p r o ctolog i s t
/ / / indecents rave sez oneliner reqd nitro
I ----. : ..--------------............ .... . .
N // --/--- /
/ - / / / -// /--./ / // / / o.n.e.l.i.n.e.r.s
this is
for high
/ / / indecents rave sez digital high reqd me
/ dont you dare
./ / / / rip this, or
/ ill rip yer
/ / brain out
i shwear ophicaer /
im nut entuxictod // /
./ iN / / adsl/56k wit 5 gigz
/ / wHQ o pHOBIA
/ -- m0DeDd UP r3neg@De
/ /-- .--- / hQ o tunnnes groups
/ / / indecents rave sez acid inf reqd me
iN /
/ / / indecents rave sez acid inf reqd me
I.....:....: : :.....:......: :: ..... :...:
N : :.....: / :: ...:............:.........
.:... : / ruined by : p r o:j e c t X :
/---- / / ---/ / :acid:inf:
: ::a c i d : i n f:e c t i o n..: / :...:
/ / / indecents rave sez flatscan reqd me
..:..: :scan: ...........//......
: /:/ / flatscan..
:... /scan .. .....:
----------. In.-//
/ / / indecents rave sez haven reqd me
: oo0oOo: / / : .........I.,nd / . ...:.
: / :/ /. :Ox / .....:
/ / / indecents rave sez high cas reqd nitro
..I... :
/ N / / :/
: logon : apply help other :
/ / / indecents rave sez uranus reqd me
/ u r a n u s /
/ / / indecents rave sez sense reqd us
:........................: ind!sense
/ / / indecents rave sez conferences reqd free
/ in / /
/ / / indecents rave sez uprise reqd me
as you may see ive got some good stuff in there, as i am better as i went
through the different logos to complete my first oldschool collys. if you
would like to request an old school ascii, or new school check out:
in-req.asc and will list the stuff you need, etc...
greetz fly out to: bio, and that is all. Even though he has reduced my axs
on his board, i still greet him, as he helped me in all
school, and no-one else did.
--448 lines of pure sense rave
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