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Information File 11 :: July 15th 1998
First of all, you may notice a new setup. If you dont,
you truly are the king of kings .... MWU HAH AHA AHA!@!
So, Kingy .. Wheres my tax return, hmmm?
First of all, before you get into some of the lighter
details of the month, we would like to pay tribute to
our friend?, Argyle, who left us this month. It seems
the ambulance people found him choking on a ceiling fan.
They tried to save him, but he had no chance. He will be
dearly missed, and if he ever revives himself one day
p and becomes a freak of nature, well glady take him back
h as our Communists representative. Good bye.
a Stop licking me.
h Marauder was arrested this month after police officials
i found him with squirrels in his mouth. It turns out
d cannabalism is illegal in these parts. We all went with
d him to jail too keep him company.
n And now Marauders Plea For Innocence
t h
i Hi, Im Marauder... and about that thing with the
n squirrels, I wasnt eating them, I was eating with them
g ... they just happend to wander into my mouth, and into
s my stomach... and into my intestines... by then they
i wernt much of the rodent they were... they seemed to
n be interested about the dangly thing at the back of my
t throat... thats how this entire thing started. Please,
h believe me... and no its not my fault that Argyle died.
e All I did was sell him the fan! And support your local
b ceiling fan distributor. Thank you and goodnite.
n I cant beleive i just let him type that... Im sorry..
e And now Regular Crap ..
r !
This month, we are able to shakle CyberPhreak to the
group, after he disocvered that the Pole-Vaulting
scene was long dead. He gave us his old poles, and
we let him draw ansi for us. He also gave us Corn.
Zero Vision finally did some ansi. :
The info file is now compled. You must phear it and
all its completed glory ... MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
I thought I told you to stop licking me ..
If you say That I Marauder is Guilty, THAN I WILL SEE
YOU IN HELL, But If You Say That I Marauder Is Innocent
Then you will have a peaceful death and go to heaven.
First of all, you may notice a new setup. If you dont,
you truly are the king of kings .... MWU HAH AHA AHA!@!
So, Kingy .. Wheres my tax return, hmmm?
First of all, before you get into some of the lighter
details of the month, we would like to pay tribute to
our friend?, Argyle, who left us this month. It seems
the ambulance people found him choking on a ceiling fan.
They tried to save him, but he had no chance. He will be
dearly missed, and if he ever revives himself one day
p and becomes a freak of nature, well glady take him back
h as our Communists representative. Good bye.
a Stop licking me.
h Marauder was arrested this month after police officials
i found him with squirrels in his mouth. It turns out
d cannabalism is illegal in these parts. We all went with
d him to jail too keep him company.
n And now Marauders Plea For Innocence
t h
i Hi, Im Marauder... and about that thing with the
n squirrels, I wasnt eating them, I was eating with them
g ... they just happend to wander into my mouth, and into
s my stomach... and into my intestines... by then they
i wernt much of the rodent they were... they seemed to
n be interested about the dangly thing at the back of my
t throat... thats how this entire thing started. Please,
h believe me... and no its not my fault that Argyle died.
e All I did was sell him the fan! And support your local
b ceiling fan distributor. Thank you and goodnite.
n I cant beleive i just let him type that... Im sorry..
e And now Regular Crap ..
r !
This month, we are able to shakle CyberPhreak to the
group, after he disocvered that the Pole-Vaulting
scene was long dead. He gave us his old poles, and
we let him draw ansi for us. He also gave us Corn.
Zero Vision finally did some ansi. :
The info file is now compled. You must phear it and
all its completed glory ... MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
I thought I told you to stop licking me ..
If you say That I Marauder is Guilty, THAN I WILL SEE
YOU IN HELL, But If You Say That I Marauder Is Innocent
Then you will have a peaceful death and go to heaven.
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