this image contains text
:::: :::::: :: l : ll :: ::::::: :: ::
:: ,. i ,i:: .. .. i ,. i ,i : .. ::
:: i, ili ili :: i i ili i, ili ili :: i ::::::::::: :: i , l l i , l ::
:::: ,l:: ,ll ll ::: ,l :: ,ll :::::
:: Info File 12 -- August 1998 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!@ +.
::::::::::::::.:::::::::::GIMME:A:CAKE:.::::::::::::::::. :
Phear this. Sense is now officialy an acronym. You ::
shall now now us as Siberian Entertaining Nimnolts ::
En Stuff .. Phear my mad acronyming skillz, and ::
. my mad action quake skillz, aswell .. :: :
:: Zero Vision left us this month :::::::::: :
. :: so that he would be able to :: .
j, . :: move on with his life in the scene. He : :
,dP d, :: is now an artist with Avenge. Ave. has i: ::
.+ :: a strict No-Dauling rule which .
. :: explains his departure. Before he left
:: he was reported saying Sense was . this is
:: da bomb, boyeee!@ We all wish him . a booger
:: luck in Avenge. Cya round, buddy. +.
i. In other news, Cyber Phreak has been ::
: rendered immobile due to a strange :: .
:: explosion in sense .. :: ,sP
:: .:: .,g,
::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::: t
. :: Marauder has again been arrested this month. It ::
.+ : seems Marys car was found in a ditch after Eqoteq :: :
,S .i and Tainted X were found dead from a hit and run. :: .
: , Control of Zenith has now been turned over to Rad ::
ManAcid and Precious MetalRiot .. Lets hope ::
this is a turn for the better .. :: :
,::::PHEAR:SUBLIMINAL:MESSAGES:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
. :: Please remember, Im lying out my teeth. .. They found :i
:: his car under an oak .. not in a ditch. .
. .i :: .
: :: I just realized that I screwed up my acronym .. :: +.
:: : And because Im always right, we are now known :: S,
:: as SENES .. MuwhaHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha .. hah .. :: :
So is this ::
. :: 5 says Useless fell over dead ,
.+ :: after seeing that blinking header. lS+.
: Cyber Phreak programmed us an AppGen .. Phear his ::
.i mad Pascal programming skillz .. phear .. yeah .. :: .
.. though, they will never match my phearable Quick :: +.
.+ Basic 4.5 skillz. Yeah .. uh .. Im making :: S,
,S this paragrah longer then it has to be for :: : : reasons of humor .. yeah .. kick ass .. eh .. EH! ::
:: Kriminal has offered to make us Anew webpage, considering he kicks lS+.
:: so much damned ass at it .. We are still somewhat in need of a non .+
:: commercial server, but for the time being, we are moving from Geo
:: Cities to XOOM .. PS: XOOM OWNS YER MOM!@
Klumzee of the blosomming Flare!Ansi guests with us :: S,
. this month due to the fact that he owes me money .. :: :
. Lots .. and lots .. and lots .. and lots .. of money ::
:i of money .. lots .. yeah .. money .. lots .. ::
You may think Im an idiot for putting all that blank space, but youre the one
who wasted his/her time scrolling through it .. who looks dumb, now?
:: ,. i ,i:: .. .. i ,. i ,i : .. ::
:: i, ili ili :: i i ili i, ili ili :: i ::::::::::: :: i , l l i , l ::
:::: ,l:: ,ll ll ::: ,l :: ,ll :::::
:: Info File 12 -- August 1998 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!@ +.
::::::::::::::.:::::::::::GIMME:A:CAKE:.::::::::::::::::. :
Phear this. Sense is now officialy an acronym. You ::
shall now now us as Siberian Entertaining Nimnolts ::
En Stuff .. Phear my mad acronyming skillz, and ::
. my mad action quake skillz, aswell .. :: :
:: Zero Vision left us this month :::::::::: :
. :: so that he would be able to :: .
j, . :: move on with his life in the scene. He : :
,dP d, :: is now an artist with Avenge. Ave. has i: ::
.+ :: a strict No-Dauling rule which .
. :: explains his departure. Before he left
:: he was reported saying Sense was . this is
:: da bomb, boyeee!@ We all wish him . a booger
:: luck in Avenge. Cya round, buddy. +.
i. In other news, Cyber Phreak has been ::
: rendered immobile due to a strange :: .
:: explosion in sense .. :: ,sP
:: .:: .,g,
::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::: t
. :: Marauder has again been arrested this month. It ::
.+ : seems Marys car was found in a ditch after Eqoteq :: :
,S .i and Tainted X were found dead from a hit and run. :: .
: , Control of Zenith has now been turned over to Rad ::
ManAcid and Precious MetalRiot .. Lets hope ::
this is a turn for the better .. :: :
,::::PHEAR:SUBLIMINAL:MESSAGES:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
. :: Please remember, Im lying out my teeth. .. They found :i
:: his car under an oak .. not in a ditch. .
. .i :: .
: :: I just realized that I screwed up my acronym .. :: +.
:: : And because Im always right, we are now known :: S,
:: as SENES .. MuwhaHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha .. hah .. :: :
So is this ::
. :: 5 says Useless fell over dead ,
.+ :: after seeing that blinking header. lS+.
: Cyber Phreak programmed us an AppGen .. Phear his ::
.i mad Pascal programming skillz .. phear .. yeah .. :: .
.. though, they will never match my phearable Quick :: +.
.+ Basic 4.5 skillz. Yeah .. uh .. Im making :: S,
,S this paragrah longer then it has to be for :: : : reasons of humor .. yeah .. kick ass .. eh .. EH! ::
:: Kriminal has offered to make us Anew webpage, considering he kicks lS+.
:: so much damned ass at it .. We are still somewhat in need of a non .+
:: commercial server, but for the time being, we are moving from Geo
:: Cities to XOOM .. PS: XOOM OWNS YER MOM!@
Klumzee of the blosomming Flare!Ansi guests with us :: S,
. this month due to the fact that he owes me money .. :: :
. Lots .. and lots .. and lots .. and lots .. of money ::
:i of money .. lots .. yeah .. money .. lots .. ::
You may think Im an idiot for putting all that blank space, but youre the one
who wasted his/her time scrolling through it .. who looks dumb, now?
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