this image contains text
sense 12
back in the ball game
words by aesthetic and avenging angel
welcome to sense imagery pack 12. this time we didnt manage
to release the pack later than it shouldve come out. smack
bang on the first of febuary as promised. the art speaks for
itself here but id just like to tell the world that sense is
once again on the move, with new members, new projects, and a
whole positive atittude that we once shared in the scene, some-
how back again to haunt us.
avenging angel rants
Okay, this is where i welcome you to pack 12, and ive been
appointed as a senior, what can i say, its great to be here
and, its great to see the group thriving, along with several
new members, and alot of quality work in the pack, congrats to
everyone who contributed to sense 12, without this group
commitment, there would be nothing, so thank you all, keep it
up, and dont ever cease to inspire me.
member changes
the roster members.ans has been highly modified. weve taken
off basically all the members who have been highly inactive
either since the last pack, or since the group began so many
moons ago. if you were formally on this list and youve some-
how decided that you want to be a part of it all again, but you
havent drawn in months then you have to prove to me that you
can still draw, or even just surface on irc, thats fine enough
for me.
new members this pack: propane, spear fx, sinisterx, sephiroth.
avenging angel and sephiroth appointed concillieri.
world wide wankwww
the web page has finally, since its promise 8 months ago by
a former member started to take shape as its being fully re-
formed. sinister silent is the man for this job, and the way
things are looking, the page should be up in no time. head on
down to www.senseimagery.com in the mean time as a temporary
page is up until the new one is. we hope you enjoy such things
as were putting in the effort at long last to get things once
again moving in the ansi scene.
thrashed reality?
included in this pack is a text file titled tr.txt. inside
you will find some info on a mailing list network to encourage
communication between the scene - the most vital ingredient.
captioned a mailing list centering to the internet under-
ground, by zerostar its founder, thrashed reality is just one
of the many examples that ansis heart beats fondly in us all.
no one really reads these things anyway? :. the next pack will
be released in two months time april 1st, 2003. if you like our
art please let us know, catch us on sense on efnet. or mail
aesthetic - aesth0r@hotmail.com
avenging angel - avex0r@yahoo.com
sephiroth - sadist@expressen.nu
until next time, enjoy the pack and suck our juicy testicles.
sense 12
back in the ball game
words by aesthetic and avenging angel
welcome to sense imagery pack 12. this time we didnt manage
to release the pack later than it shouldve come out. smack
bang on the first of febuary as promised. the art speaks for
itself here but id just like to tell the world that sense is
once again on the move, with new members, new projects, and a
whole positive atittude that we once shared in the scene, some-
how back again to haunt us.
avenging angel rants
Okay, this is where i welcome you to pack 12, and ive been
appointed as a senior, what can i say, its great to be here
and, its great to see the group thriving, along with several
new members, and alot of quality work in the pack, congrats to
everyone who contributed to sense 12, without this group
commitment, there would be nothing, so thank you all, keep it
up, and dont ever cease to inspire me.
member changes
the roster members.ans has been highly modified. weve taken
off basically all the members who have been highly inactive
either since the last pack, or since the group began so many
moons ago. if you were formally on this list and youve some-
how decided that you want to be a part of it all again, but you
havent drawn in months then you have to prove to me that you
can still draw, or even just surface on irc, thats fine enough
for me.
new members this pack: propane, spear fx, sinisterx, sephiroth.
avenging angel and sephiroth appointed concillieri.
world wide wankwww
the web page has finally, since its promise 8 months ago by
a former member started to take shape as its being fully re-
formed. sinister silent is the man for this job, and the way
things are looking, the page should be up in no time. head on
down to www.senseimagery.com in the mean time as a temporary
page is up until the new one is. we hope you enjoy such things
as were putting in the effort at long last to get things once
again moving in the ansi scene.
thrashed reality?
included in this pack is a text file titled tr.txt. inside
you will find some info on a mailing list network to encourage
communication between the scene - the most vital ingredient.
captioned a mailing list centering to the internet under-
ground, by zerostar its founder, thrashed reality is just one
of the many examples that ansis heart beats fondly in us all.
no one really reads these things anyway? :. the next pack will
be released in two months time april 1st, 2003. if you like our
art please let us know, catch us on sense on efnet. or mail
aesthetic - aesth0r@hotmail.com
avenging angel - avex0r@yahoo.com
sephiroth - sadist@expressen.nu
until next time, enjoy the pack and suck our juicy testicles.
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