this image contains text
hello. my name is w
arpus and i something
very important to share with you.
after bowling 117 last
wednesday, i have
decided to leave the ansi scene al
and join a pro bowling
league. i am selling
my computer tomorrow
and am using the money
to install a bowling lane in my
i am aware that i still have 4 or
5 requests.
i will *not* finish them. instead, i wi
bowl in your honour. th
ats more than fair
enough. if anybody wants
me to bowl in their
honour, request stuff at warpus@mul
1 for each bowl, 10 for the
whole game.
if you dont think that i can make it in
competitive bowling
scene, think again. i
have already purchased a variet
y of country
cds and my mom is stiching my
name on a shirt
as we speak.
unfortunately hennifer
will have to run septic
all by himself. h
ell manage, dont worry.
good bye, you wo
nt hear from me again.
arpus and i something
very important to share with you.
after bowling 117 last
wednesday, i have
decided to leave the ansi scene al
and join a pro bowling
league. i am selling
my computer tomorrow
and am using the money
to install a bowling lane in my
i am aware that i still have 4 or
5 requests.
i will *not* finish them. instead, i wi
bowl in your honour. th
ats more than fair
enough. if anybody wants
me to bowl in their
honour, request stuff at warpus@mul
1 for each bowl, 10 for the
whole game.
if you dont think that i can make it in
competitive bowling
scene, think again. i
have already purchased a variet
y of country
cds and my mom is stiching my
name on a shirt
as we speak.
unfortunately hennifer
will have to run septic
all by himself. h
ell manage, dont worry.
good bye, you wo
nt hear from me again.
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