this image contains text
alrighty... in the tradition of some fellow ascii artists, this colly has a
name... I thought for a long hard 3 minutes... and decided to name it after
one of the finer intellectual publications on the market... so here we go..
:: welcome to a newschool ascii colly entitled... . . ::
a S S - f U C K
note that I didnt both to draw a logo. I think we can all learn a
lesson from this.. . ... .
some of these logos are from the Grill 1/97 pack, which I doubt will ever be
released. but just you know in case it is...
at any rate, enjoy the colly... cmon party people everybody here we go
moo--------------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
. . . mp.
g ggg . g.gg. ,gg, this is for
g: 4Lg , ,,gg, infrareds
...g . gg . , .:. . , irc script
: : dP 4P
l L l l
,P 4L dL. : .
. gl : :: .gS : .,
oats-------------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
oats for :: .gg. : g ::::
sudiphed... . g..g : . . : . g. .
sorry this is : g g .... :
so small... B 4 g.
then again, ,:. i i :g.
its a freebie, .g.g. : : g. :
so deal with it. gg ,. .
::::::: .. ::: . . :::::...:...::mp.
wicked garden----------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
.g@. : o :
@ . g. . . .g
. .S, SggS g. g.
i ll ..
.:.,S .. .SSg. .. g. . ..
S, S. Sg : .g .
:g : !: : o
:::: :: :P ::::::::::: :::mp.
:ggg. :. :
g. . @ . . . g. .
.,g. g.. . , .
@ . . . g. .. ,g.
: : . .wicked.garden.
wicked garden, for social... I think this looks
kinda cool. 15 minutes, too.
spam.--------------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you ---
: spam. sPam. SPAM. :
.. , @g, . . .
.g :g. ,g g. . .:g.,g . .g .
,@ g @ : ::: . ,g : :
: :: : : .g : , : .d g : g
. . g, : : : , . . : : .
. . . : , .,g@ . : :. l : i :
. . . ,@ ::: . . . . : .
g . : : g. . 4, : : i spam...
:, g : : . . .. Sg. . : . g : for...
. : . , . .g : : drumroll
, :. : . . :..: rumish?!
i i .
. spam! she cried out in the throes : mp.
of orgasm. spam! spam! spam! ::::: .
the fifth element--------------------------------------- - - assfuck you ---
one of the ingredients was tfe, for thclone... missing... but which one? sorry this one
. . took so long, dewd. g. g.
g. .,gb
T H E g
: t h
: . g.
i g : :
i : .P .g :
g. g g ..
. E L E M E N T
, :mp. !
l. : . .
4 g.:.
plastic------------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you ---
@ . :
. , . : .i.
.gI ::: g.. i : .gg.
: g i . . . : .
,i :: . g...g .. : : : :::
g. bg. b .. . igg,i, .i . ...
, d .g : . . .
.,gd :dSP P : :g , ig .g
: . . .,g,g: . gd g.,db
.gd i . : . . ...g ::::::.. . : g : . 4P
..:B: ::: l . gg gg. : : g . .. .,db.
4 ! l:::g P .. :,g. .gb d : . P
: g ! b. . :: ..d,gmgb. 4P ..
. g : : g. , ,g. jP . l i g
: . ,bg. .: ! g. : ::: , !
. ::: . P i : . .g : ! . . .
. . ! : . . . P . : . .
i . P 4 . g g.gn.d :: i . . .
g :: g . . ! g .
: plastic. . @ . ! :...
. ,g . :
! mp. plastic for my grillbuddy
. phanatik...
styrofoam tsunami------------------------------------- - - assfuck you ----- . g .
: .! @ :: : .gdbg.
. ,d. b .
g,. .,ig,. .g,. S T Y R O F O A M i.
lP .gg. . . . . . dP
g : . . i . g,.. . . gg . j .
! . . . . g . g,. . : g
.,gg : . . . . . : . . g,. .g .
, y . g, . g . . . g. gb : . .
ji :: . .g , : . . .g g b , . . .
g,.,. d ? . . . , , , .
gb . : . P .,yP , ,l i
: , g. . . ! . g. ,g g:
. @,. . bggd. i . :, .,.
. ,dL , g,. .. . j :?
mdP . .,gP . g.. :..,yg.i mp.
. g. . . P g,.
. styrofoam tsunami... for tviolence... sorry dude,
I like... forgot your email...
vintage----------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
vintage, for my boy sargon... .
. . . o. ,g . il
.db. .* . . .,gg gP
,b. ,i ,g .g. g : ,d a g g
ggdg , ,glg,...,i . g b.
P . . n lbud bo ,
l v i : i ,i iPb.. , , ,i
?, . . ,gl .PP ,
mp. o. ,i. . ?P ,
P. ? . ji. .,g
P . . . . e d
. t . . b. .
. . ,o
o ?P
tha shroom palace------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
touch me.. please, she begged.
im sorry, i cant...
P thA shR3wm p4l4Ce..
, . ,g : l
,P . . ,dbg. g ? . b.
. iP i . : . . g.
, jP,P? g. . l .,d ?b.
,g .d b b. g j,d jP o.
dP . .d . . .,g .,g. . , ?.
. . ,g P ?? . b.
... .g P s. .d b .,d
.d h. bgd d :P
g,. ,d j . ,?b,. .. ,
mp. bg ggg . ?P .
. . ..d
! tee ess P.d,. ..
: i big fux0rd pee ,
. ,bg,. . .. . ggg
g tsp, for jd
my font buddy...
its like mad psycho
serial------------------------------------------------ - - assfuck you ----- .
?. :: .i : .
. ?bgdP .d
. og g.. lP .od g
.,gdP ,g b. . i .. :
i d 3 b : il :P b. : : :
bg.,. i ,P?,..,o :b,dP
mp. . . g. .,g g. .,g P , li
,d. :: . ?bg g.,ig,. .,dg,..i ?b,.
.,gP . . ii :: L :
: 5 ,P il R : 4 : i. .dP
b. , . ,g. ,P! jP d: . . : .
?: i,gP bgggdP .d .?o, . i : . ?ggg
? o.. .: . . .o,.. .,d l i l
: . ib@@di . .dP?i
,P?b,., . Pgd
. : P?:bgd :! . ! : ! ?
fluph------------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
. . the corpse in the oblong box
mp. ,b. was covered with salt, to
. : ,b. .d. preserve the body...
. . - o. . . d, .d.
,bg ndb. . ,dPgb . ,b.
,b. ,b. P .?b ,b.
d, b iP . P. .,yyy,.,d,
dP. d.lg bgbg?P
: . . .,?P lb. ?
liP . i,:.,gd : i, ?iP .
:l ?P il lP. ll
?i ?P ,: . ii j.
: !l :::::::::: ,.gdP. ::::: ..? ::::: ll :::::::: b :: ?. . ?P . , .d?l .P?. ,:
. . ? gdP ?i . .l
. . P , ,,?l . . .
g, .di :. . .dP
. d? . ..,g
. P . ?
F L U P H . .. : : . ?P
logo for serial appgen-------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
.o . .o . .o . - .
P?bP? dP? .db.:. .?.gg i::?,gg lgl g.? .,gg,. .P?b@g,. : .,b,.:. .,P ?,. :: db : .? . di .d,. .... . . b:,d ?P .,gd.,o : i ,b..d, :gdP: .dPiPl P?bggd. .bggd?.gdb.:. .li ,di P,b. ?P?P.l b, :?bggdP.?bggd.bm...,db,..,d: :?P,d.?P ! : :
tha end of awl---------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
yup... I think thats all I have time for... I know I have a billion requets
that I didnt get to yet, but I had a lot on my plate this month what with
serial beginning and everything... now for greets
group- ACiD Productions Corp. Inc. Ltd., Soap, noname, VINYL!@! Grill also.
personals- 9lives, mart, ps, caithor, blizzard, kaz, polygon, phanatik, radical,oatbran, icepick, maestro, duke, nyckid, cardiac, leaf, tallion, xavii, cheeze,
mhz, mrmadness, migraine, remorse, pariah, s0dium, spook, speah, tsk, illx...
oh yeah... and jd, my font buddy... oh yeah. CATBONES from ACiD also.
every last little person in serial ascii, esp. sargon...
uh... machiavelli... taiwan... whoever else was on that conf...
mart and all the ex-grill fellows
my local boys, leaf eater and cardiac, and uh... moz too. and tallion.
the person this colly is dedicated to knows who they are, and that I will never
forgive them because I am a petty sentimental jerk. . thats all.
i also wanna give a shoutout to paula jones. thank you.
this text is dedicated to all things flannel and thermal... so
and uh... I dunno... blow it outcher ass...
... .g:g.
the g
sun -- . : ---- a penis..
.gdbg. :
l I
name... I thought for a long hard 3 minutes... and decided to name it after
one of the finer intellectual publications on the market... so here we go..
:: welcome to a newschool ascii colly entitled... . . ::
a S S - f U C K
note that I didnt both to draw a logo. I think we can all learn a
lesson from this.. . ... .
some of these logos are from the Grill 1/97 pack, which I doubt will ever be
released. but just you know in case it is...
at any rate, enjoy the colly... cmon party people everybody here we go
moo--------------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
. . . mp.
g ggg . g.gg. ,gg, this is for
g: 4Lg , ,,gg, infrareds
...g . gg . , .:. . , irc script
: : dP 4P
l L l l
,P 4L dL. : .
. gl : :: .gS : .,
oats-------------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
oats for :: .gg. : g ::::
sudiphed... . g..g : . . : . g. .
sorry this is : g g .... :
so small... B 4 g.
then again, ,:. i i :g.
its a freebie, .g.g. : : g. :
so deal with it. gg ,. .
::::::: .. ::: . . :::::...:...::mp.
wicked garden----------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
.g@. : o :
@ . g. . . .g
. .S, SggS g. g.
i ll ..
.:.,S .. .SSg. .. g. . ..
S, S. Sg : .g .
:g : !: : o
:::: :: :P ::::::::::: :::mp.
:ggg. :. :
g. . @ . . . g. .
.,g. g.. . , .
@ . . . g. .. ,g.
: : . .wicked.garden.
wicked garden, for social... I think this looks
kinda cool. 15 minutes, too.
spam.--------------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you ---
: spam. sPam. SPAM. :
.. , @g, . . .
.g :g. ,g g. . .:g.,g . .g .
,@ g @ : ::: . ,g : :
: :: : : .g : , : .d g : g
. . g, : : : , . . : : .
. . . : , .,g@ . : :. l : i :
. . . ,@ ::: . . . . : .
g . : : g. . 4, : : i spam...
:, g : : . . .. Sg. . : . g : for...
. : . , . .g : : drumroll
, :. : . . :..: rumish?!
i i .
. spam! she cried out in the throes : mp.
of orgasm. spam! spam! spam! ::::: .
the fifth element--------------------------------------- - - assfuck you ---
one of the ingredients was tfe, for thclone... missing... but which one? sorry this one
. . took so long, dewd. g. g.
g. .,gb
T H E g
: t h
: . g.
i g : :
i : .P .g :
g. g g ..
. E L E M E N T
, :mp. !
l. : . .
4 g.:.
plastic------------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you ---
@ . :
. , . : .i.
.gI ::: g.. i : .gg.
: g i . . . : .
,i :: . g...g .. : : : :::
g. bg. b .. . igg,i, .i . ...
, d .g : . . .
.,gd :dSP P : :g , ig .g
: . . .,g,g: . gd g.,db
.gd i . : . . ...g ::::::.. . : g : . 4P
..:B: ::: l . gg gg. : : g . .. .,db.
4 ! l:::g P .. :,g. .gb d : . P
: g ! b. . :: ..d,gmgb. 4P ..
. g : : g. , ,g. jP . l i g
: . ,bg. .: ! g. : ::: , !
. ::: . P i : . .g : ! . . .
. . ! : . . . P . : . .
i . P 4 . g g.gn.d :: i . . .
g :: g . . ! g .
: plastic. . @ . ! :...
. ,g . :
! mp. plastic for my grillbuddy
. phanatik...
styrofoam tsunami------------------------------------- - - assfuck you ----- . g .
: .! @ :: : .gdbg.
. ,d. b .
g,. .,ig,. .g,. S T Y R O F O A M i.
lP .gg. . . . . . dP
g : . . i . g,.. . . gg . j .
! . . . . g . g,. . : g
.,gg : . . . . . : . . g,. .g .
, y . g, . g . . . g. gb : . .
ji :: . .g , : . . .g g b , . . .
g,.,. d ? . . . , , , .
gb . : . P .,yP , ,l i
: , g. . . ! . g. ,g g:
. @,. . bggd. i . :, .,.
. ,dL , g,. .. . j :?
mdP . .,gP . g.. :..,yg.i mp.
. g. . . P g,.
. styrofoam tsunami... for tviolence... sorry dude,
I like... forgot your email...
vintage----------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
vintage, for my boy sargon... .
. . . o. ,g . il
.db. .* . . .,gg gP
,b. ,i ,g .g. g : ,d a g g
ggdg , ,glg,...,i . g b.
P . . n lbud bo ,
l v i : i ,i iPb.. , , ,i
?, . . ,gl .PP ,
mp. o. ,i. . ?P ,
P. ? . ji. .,g
P . . . . e d
. t . . b. .
. . ,o
o ?P
tha shroom palace------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
touch me.. please, she begged.
im sorry, i cant...
P thA shR3wm p4l4Ce..
, . ,g : l
,P . . ,dbg. g ? . b.
. iP i . : . . g.
, jP,P? g. . l .,d ?b.
,g .d b b. g j,d jP o.
dP . .d . . .,g .,g. . , ?.
. . ,g P ?? . b.
... .g P s. .d b .,d
.d h. bgd d :P
g,. ,d j . ,?b,. .. ,
mp. bg ggg . ?P .
. . ..d
! tee ess P.d,. ..
: i big fux0rd pee ,
. ,bg,. . .. . ggg
g tsp, for jd
my font buddy...
its like mad psycho
serial------------------------------------------------ - - assfuck you ----- .
?. :: .i : .
. ?bgdP .d
. og g.. lP .od g
.,gdP ,g b. . i .. :
i d 3 b : il :P b. : : :
bg.,. i ,P?,..,o :b,dP
mp. . . g. .,g g. .,g P , li
,d. :: . ?bg g.,ig,. .,dg,..i ?b,.
.,gP . . ii :: L :
: 5 ,P il R : 4 : i. .dP
b. , . ,g. ,P! jP d: . . : .
?: i,gP bgggdP .d .?o, . i : . ?ggg
? o.. .: . . .o,.. .,d l i l
: . ib@@di . .dP?i
,P?b,., . Pgd
. : P?:bgd :! . ! : ! ?
fluph------------------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
. . the corpse in the oblong box
mp. ,b. was covered with salt, to
. : ,b. .d. preserve the body...
. . - o. . . d, .d.
,bg ndb. . ,dPgb . ,b.
,b. ,b. P .?b ,b.
d, b iP . P. .,yyy,.,d,
dP. d.lg bgbg?P
: . . .,?P lb. ?
liP . i,:.,gd : i, ?iP .
:l ?P il lP. ll
?i ?P ,: . ii j.
: !l :::::::::: ,.gdP. ::::: ..? ::::: ll :::::::: b :: ?. . ?P . , .d?l .P?. ,:
. . ? gdP ?i . .l
. . P , ,,?l . . .
g, .di :. . .dP
. d? . ..,g
. P . ?
F L U P H . .. : : . ?P
logo for serial appgen-------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
.o . .o . .o . - .
P?bP? dP? .db.:. .?.gg i::?,gg lgl g.? .,gg,. .P?b@g,. : .,b,.:. .,P ?,. :: db : .? . di .d,. .... . . b:,d ?P .,gd.,o : i ,b..d, :gdP: .dPiPl P?bggd. .bggd?.gdb.:. .li ,di P,b. ?P?P.l b, :?bggdP.?bggd.bm...,db,..,d: :?P,d.?P ! : :
tha end of awl---------------------------------------- - - assfuck you -----
yup... I think thats all I have time for... I know I have a billion requets
that I didnt get to yet, but I had a lot on my plate this month what with
serial beginning and everything... now for greets
group- ACiD Productions Corp. Inc. Ltd., Soap, noname, VINYL!@! Grill also.
personals- 9lives, mart, ps, caithor, blizzard, kaz, polygon, phanatik, radical,oatbran, icepick, maestro, duke, nyckid, cardiac, leaf, tallion, xavii, cheeze,
mhz, mrmadness, migraine, remorse, pariah, s0dium, spook, speah, tsk, illx...
oh yeah... and jd, my font buddy... oh yeah. CATBONES from ACiD also.
every last little person in serial ascii, esp. sargon...
uh... machiavelli... taiwan... whoever else was on that conf...
mart and all the ex-grill fellows
my local boys, leaf eater and cardiac, and uh... moz too. and tallion.
the person this colly is dedicated to knows who they are, and that I will never
forgive them because I am a petty sentimental jerk. . thats all.
i also wanna give a shoutout to paula jones. thank you.
this text is dedicated to all things flannel and thermal... so
and uh... I dunno... blow it outcher ass...
... .g:g.
the g
sun -- . : ---- a penis..
.gdbg. :
l I
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