this image contains text
r o/o
t / . . / . .
. oo/ . /
martz of the aphro-klan!
proudly presents:
//martz / / // /
//-------------- my comments --------------------------------//
/ welp, I know this collie isnt much, it shouldve been? maybe. /
Ive been trooly busy this month, and this is all i came up with...
i wanna greet serial ppl, all the aphro-klan, noname, remorse and
all ascii makers out there.....
personal greetz: kaz,meatpodz,sargon,pS,mj,d2mac,tk,........ BUH!!
Ill never remember everyone anywayz, so just enjoy the damn asciis!
/ mart. /
nOmadik termite terrace is the name!!
martz welp, ill doodle yew aye -
termite / terrace /
martz ok??
nOmadik come on!
nOmadik do something better!
mart darn...... hmmmmpf, ok:
/ / // /martz/ /
// t e r r a c e ! //
mart better?
nOmadik err.... no
mart damn this, im outa here
termite terrace for nOmadik!
/ martz! /
o a t b r a n
oatbran for oatbranz!
/ martz! /
mARtz/ / / /
aye download screen! / / /
foah meatpodz! / / / /
mARtz/ / / /
ayen uplawd askkey foah meatpodz...
uplawd/downlawd for meatpodz muh bitz!
/ martz! /
m o r b i d a n a t o m y ! / /
morbid anatomy for dunno who!
/ martz! /
/ // / / /mart
d i s t o r t i o n
mental distortion Im tired, dunno for who
/ martz! /
zzzzzzzz zz zzz / /zz z Z
echo for someone in serial i think...
/ martz! /
moslem for Allla and eMMbItz!
/ martz! /
mARt!/ / /
l release info..... l
l l
aye spam diz for spam leaderz!
/ martz! /
t o r n a d o o f s o u l s
o f
put whatever yew want
tornAdo of soulz.
/ martz! /
d2 and rN for d2!mAC muh fuqin englizh mate!
/ martz! /
hidden message downstairs.....
EOF ------.
fuck /
is 400 linez bitz!
----------- the hidden msg is: JIZE!
r o/o
t / . . / . .
. oo/ . /
martz of the aphro-klan!
proudly presents:
//martz / / // /
//-------------- my comments --------------------------------//
/ welp, I know this collie isnt much, it shouldve been? maybe. /
Ive been trooly busy this month, and this is all i came up with...
i wanna greet serial ppl, all the aphro-klan, noname, remorse and
all ascii makers out there.....
personal greetz: kaz,meatpodz,sargon,pS,mj,d2mac,tk,........ BUH!!
Ill never remember everyone anywayz, so just enjoy the damn asciis!
/ mart. /
nOmadik termite terrace is the name!!
martz welp, ill doodle yew aye -
termite / terrace /
martz ok??
nOmadik come on!
nOmadik do something better!
mart darn...... hmmmmpf, ok:
/ / // /martz/ /
// t e r r a c e ! //
mart better?
nOmadik err.... no
mart damn this, im outa here
termite terrace for nOmadik!
/ martz! /
o a t b r a n
oatbran for oatbranz!
/ martz! /
mARtz/ / / /
aye download screen! / / /
foah meatpodz! / / / /
mARtz/ / / /
ayen uplawd askkey foah meatpodz...
uplawd/downlawd for meatpodz muh bitz!
/ martz! /
m o r b i d a n a t o m y ! / /
morbid anatomy for dunno who!
/ martz! /
/ // / / /mart
d i s t o r t i o n
mental distortion Im tired, dunno for who
/ martz! /
zzzzzzzz zz zzz / /zz z Z
echo for someone in serial i think...
/ martz! /
moslem for Allla and eMMbItz!
/ martz! /
mARt!/ / /
l release info..... l
l l
aye spam diz for spam leaderz!
/ martz! /
t o r n a d o o f s o u l s
o f
put whatever yew want
tornAdo of soulz.
/ martz! /
d2 and rN for d2!mAC muh fuqin englizh mate!
/ martz! /
hidden message downstairs.....
EOF ------.
fuck /
is 400 linez bitz!
----------- the hidden msg is: JIZE!
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