this image contains text
- serial!ascii :
- presents a :
spn .
: - production
jesus! im feeling really, really bad.
- i think im gonna ... :
spn :
: - kolaps!!
this i my first ascii colly for serial. most of this asciis are made for
certain people, so please dont use them without my approval unless its
made for you. i did just twenty logos this time, prolly next time will
be more.
-----number-----ascii name-------made for------
O1 comic me
O2 spoof darkchylde
O3 aneurysm markgoh
O4 mater pound mater
O5 noname cain
O6 scene nobody
O7 genfab mighty mouse
O8 energy nobody
O9 remorse necromancer
1O mess mess
11 pandora lord draracle
12 ransom shah
13 beyond insanity mess
14 back in the day necromancer
15 toast absent spins.
16 industrial sabotage defcon4
17 grape milkman
18 black sun squish
19 serial dizzie sargon
2O blind illusions brandx
--all asciis are done by spinn under serial label--
O1 ascii name: comic made for: me comment: paper based group
:: .. its just a..a...a, comic! .. ::
O2 ascii name: spoof made for: darkchylde comment: serial req.
O3 ascii name: aneurysm made for: markgoh comment: serial too :
- aneurysm +o markgoh
O4 ascii name: mater pound made for: mater comment: use it for add
- mater
: spn :
:.......:.....................................:.......: -pound
...:... + 385 - 1 - 215 - 132 ...:...
O5 ascii name: noname made for: cain comment: some nonamed ascii
spn . . . . . .
: noname : : brand : : ascii! :
O6 ascii name: scene made for: nobody comment: i dont like it
/ / / /spn
O7 ascii name: genfab made for: mighty mouse comment: my gift :
O8 ascii name: energy made for: nobody comment: past inspiration
feel the ...
O9 ascii name: remorse made for: necromancer comment: kinda long 1
1O ascii name: mess made for: mess comment: you rule! code! draw!
11 ascii name: pandora made for: lord draracle comment: here u go
12 ascii name: ransom made for: shah comment: sorry, i am late :
13 ascii name: beyond ins. made for: mess comment: 4 modding king
...................... beyond insanity ..............................
: spn / / / / / / :
..:.. +385-1-326-357 oped by: mess.spinn.roadrunner 22-O7 cet ..:..
14 ascii name: back in the day made for: necromancer comment: rmx
/ -iN/
/ -dAY/
15 ascii name: toast made for: absent spinsister comment: hi c1 :
16 ascii name: industrial sabotage made for: defcon4 comment: ---
- industrial sabotage . operated by defcon4 . telnet . art oriented -
17 ascii name: grape made for: milkman comment: make vine of this
18 ascii name: black sun made for: squish comment: israeli sun :
spn/ / / /.. /
:: -*- black sun -*- +o squish -*- ::
19 ascii name: serial dizzie made for: sargon comment: use it
serial!ascii packet number three!
: spinn :.:...... :.:serial :
: O3....... ....... . ...... :
2O ascii name: blind illusions made for: brandx comment: dunno...
-+- B-L-I-N-D - I-L-L-U-S-I-O-N-S -+-
21 ascii name: end of colly made for: me comment: colly colapsed!
et voila! this is end of my second colly and first one for serial!ascii.
trades and requests are always welcome so if u need a couple of oldskool
lines mail me. And now i wanna greet some people in no order:
mess.d2macroman.sargon.mjay.mHz.necromancer.zerohour.martz.speed freak
the knight.thrasher.phrenetic.absent spinsister.meatpod.kaleidas.empty
polymorph.mr4tune.catharsis.mSO and to other ones i forgot.
if u want to contact me, you can do it via:
1 email: spinn@bitsmart.com
2 board: beyond insanity +385-1-326-357
3 or you can catch me on efnet ascii
- presents a :
spn .
: - production
jesus! im feeling really, really bad.
- i think im gonna ... :
spn :
: - kolaps!!
this i my first ascii colly for serial. most of this asciis are made for
certain people, so please dont use them without my approval unless its
made for you. i did just twenty logos this time, prolly next time will
be more.
-----number-----ascii name-------made for------
O1 comic me
O2 spoof darkchylde
O3 aneurysm markgoh
O4 mater pound mater
O5 noname cain
O6 scene nobody
O7 genfab mighty mouse
O8 energy nobody
O9 remorse necromancer
1O mess mess
11 pandora lord draracle
12 ransom shah
13 beyond insanity mess
14 back in the day necromancer
15 toast absent spins.
16 industrial sabotage defcon4
17 grape milkman
18 black sun squish
19 serial dizzie sargon
2O blind illusions brandx
--all asciis are done by spinn under serial label--
O1 ascii name: comic made for: me comment: paper based group
:: .. its just a..a...a, comic! .. ::
O2 ascii name: spoof made for: darkchylde comment: serial req.
O3 ascii name: aneurysm made for: markgoh comment: serial too :
- aneurysm +o markgoh
O4 ascii name: mater pound made for: mater comment: use it for add
- mater
: spn :
:.......:.....................................:.......: -pound
...:... + 385 - 1 - 215 - 132 ...:...
O5 ascii name: noname made for: cain comment: some nonamed ascii
spn . . . . . .
: noname : : brand : : ascii! :
O6 ascii name: scene made for: nobody comment: i dont like it
/ / / /spn
O7 ascii name: genfab made for: mighty mouse comment: my gift :
O8 ascii name: energy made for: nobody comment: past inspiration
feel the ...
O9 ascii name: remorse made for: necromancer comment: kinda long 1
1O ascii name: mess made for: mess comment: you rule! code! draw!
11 ascii name: pandora made for: lord draracle comment: here u go
12 ascii name: ransom made for: shah comment: sorry, i am late :
13 ascii name: beyond ins. made for: mess comment: 4 modding king
...................... beyond insanity ..............................
: spn / / / / / / :
..:.. +385-1-326-357 oped by: mess.spinn.roadrunner 22-O7 cet ..:..
14 ascii name: back in the day made for: necromancer comment: rmx
/ -iN/
/ -dAY/
15 ascii name: toast made for: absent spinsister comment: hi c1 :
16 ascii name: industrial sabotage made for: defcon4 comment: ---
- industrial sabotage . operated by defcon4 . telnet . art oriented -
17 ascii name: grape made for: milkman comment: make vine of this
18 ascii name: black sun made for: squish comment: israeli sun :
spn/ / / /.. /
:: -*- black sun -*- +o squish -*- ::
19 ascii name: serial dizzie made for: sargon comment: use it
serial!ascii packet number three!
: spinn :.:...... :.:serial :
: O3....... ....... . ...... :
2O ascii name: blind illusions made for: brandx comment: dunno...
-+- B-L-I-N-D - I-L-L-U-S-I-O-N-S -+-
21 ascii name: end of colly made for: me comment: colly colapsed!
et voila! this is end of my second colly and first one for serial!ascii.
trades and requests are always welcome so if u need a couple of oldskool
lines mail me. And now i wanna greet some people in no order:
mess.d2macroman.sargon.mjay.mHz.necromancer.zerohour.martz.speed freak
the knight.thrasher.phrenetic.absent spinsister.meatpod.kaleidas.empty
polymorph.mr4tune.catharsis.mSO and to other ones i forgot.
if u want to contact me, you can do it via:
1 email: spinn@bitsmart.com
2 board: beyond insanity +385-1-326-357
3 or you can catch me on efnet ascii
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