this image contains text
My Name Is Peace
This Is My Hour
Can I Get
Just A Little Bit Of Power
/ Lard Assed Doughnut Loving Freak
cr /
/ TANGo/Serial 1997
/ Shoulda Been A Cop But My Gut Is Just Too Damned Big
People In Pain
I Do Not Dig It
Change Of Brain
For Mr.Bigot
/ / / - MoFunky - Fellowship Trip -
: / / /tG
Little Brother Do You Hear Me
Have A Heart Oh Come Get Near Me
Misery Is Not My Friend
But Ill Break Before I Bend
What I See Is Insanity
Whatever Happened To Humanity
Yuh miss my name?
TANGo / Serial Senior 1997 / /
. ... . .. . . /tnsrlasci
I started this collection a few weeks ago now because Sargon was
pestering me for my contribution to Serial5. I had no inspiration and
no requests, and then I just got inspired - grass and alchohol have
been major influences in my restored vigour so i thank my sponsors :
Big shout to my gs Drax, Sargon, Tzeentch OhSeven who really keep
me going with all this shit i draw. I dont know if anyone else will
notice but i think i might actually be getting better.
Anyone can use these logos, I dont own the sole copyright on keys on
your keyboard - although some people seem to think they do. Bit of a
shame some people cant see a little further than their nose ...
There is however *ONE* condition on using a logo drawn by me, if you
are using it in an ascii collection. You must email me a copy of that
collection. Send it to tango@13thhour.warp.co.uk ... Not too tough I
guess hehe.
I dont rip and I never disrespect. I have far better things to do.
If you dont like my style then thats tough. You wont stop me from
releasing while at least one person says they like it. They day I
stop getting requests or inspiration is the day I quit. Until then,
you are just gonna have to cope with my stuff or dont bother looking
at it ... Im not bothered.
If any of you request stuff and I draw it online then its done on my
Amiga, but if I draw it offline, its drawn on my PC at work. Can you
tell the difference between them?
my collection - i can say wtf i want
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Apply
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: One
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Distortion
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Two
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
:: D i S t O R t i O N ::
:: tG/:. .: / /:
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Singe
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Three
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ .S.i.N.G.E.
: ::::::: :::::::/ tG::::::: :::::::
: / As Close As You Can Get ...
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Introduction
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Four
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
A Word From Our Sponsor
C Quad-P Productions
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Index
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Five
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: M.ain F.ucking I.ndex
: tG/
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Vintage Issue Eight
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Six
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: V . P.resenting A.nother O.ne / :
i :
: N /
// t / / /
A / /
: / /tG
: G :
. E V.intage I.ssue E.ight /
What More Can I Say? I Wouldnt Be Here Today
If The Oldskool Didnt Pave The Way
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Sky High
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Seven
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ tG/
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Whodini
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Eight
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ C.ontacting R.emorse
/ W.hodini - R.emorse 1.981 : :
. . blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla : :
/ blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla : :
blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla : :
.. blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla : :
blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla : ..:..
gift for whodini - youve improved so much its frightening - keep it up bud
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Sargon
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Nine
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: / tG/
gift for sargon - what a phucken mouth :
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Midnight Judge
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Ten
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
:: M . j . A . Y ::
/ / /tG
gift for mjay - use your full name, its far cooler heh
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Feedback 1
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Eleven
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. Uuuh write something n stuff
: / tG/
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Feedback 2
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twelve
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
- -----------------------------------------------------------------tG/
info info info info info info info info info info info info info info
info info info info info info info info info info info info info info
info info info info info info info info info info info info info info
info info info info info info info info info info info info info info
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Frantik
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. / tG/
: / l :
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Roujin-X 1
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Fourteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. .R.O.U.J.i.N. .X.
/ / /tG
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Elenium
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Fifteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ :E . L . E . N . i . U . M:
: / : tG/
: //: :l// :
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Satanic Chaos
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Sixteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: Satanic cinataS : /
. Chaos soahC .
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Arlequin
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Seventeen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: A . R . L . E . Q . U . i . N
/ : tG/
gift for arlequin - you arent allowed to win vintage every week :D
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Envisionz
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Eighteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
.E.N.V.i.S.i.O.N.Z. :
/ tG/ .
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: JU
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Nineteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ : :tG /
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Poison
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
.X You Got The Poison X. : /
/ tG/
/: .X Weve Got The Phukken Remedy X.
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Mel Farr
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-One
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. Y . . . /. . /. /
Y .
:::. :::. :::. tG:::. :::. :::. :::.
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Trilogy
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Two
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
tG:::. :::. :::. :::. :::. :::. :::.
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Dire
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Three
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: News
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Four
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/: / /: /tG
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Resistance
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Five
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. /tG
+ its phucken futile +
: / l :
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Lemon Soda
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Six
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
// / / /tG
Lemon Soda . .
It Doesnt Taste Any / / /
. Better Than This / /
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: PVM diz
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Seven
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
tG/ / /
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Square Dog
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Eight
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: tG /
. : /. // oo
YY :./.: //YY
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: The Future II
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Nine
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ T.he F.uture - P.art T.wo
/ M . i . l . l . e . n . i . u . m
a little gift for hiro - hope ya like it bud
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Likwit
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: / tG :
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Rest In Peace
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-One
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. . I . N . .
/ / tG
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Serial
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Two
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ S.E.R.i.A.L /
. . tG / .
: l :
gift for my team mates - keep it going
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: SPAM diz
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Three
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ /tG
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Basic
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Four
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
:::. :::. :::. :::. :::. tG
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Squish
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Five
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
Q .
. . / / U . /
/ / i / /
tG S /
/: H
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Blender
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Six
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
gift for warpus hennifer - what a nice competition you run
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Remorse
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Seven
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
necromancer whodini omicron
R / E M / O R / S E
hiro protagonist megga hertz
/ 1 9 8 / 1
erupt acid jack other fucks
gift for remorse - you guys rock
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Roujin-X 2
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Eight
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
hack / phreak / cellular / drugs / anarchy / unix
virii / cracks / carding / scrams / ra pcb support
.R.O.U.J.I.N. Staff: rOMANd2MAC
: n0RM0N
.X. :: gREENY
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: D2MacRoman
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Nine
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
- a - n - d -
/ /tG
gift for d2macroman - keep spinning them vinyls man
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: SAS
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Fourty
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
S : A : S
. tG
/ tG
thanks go to those who contributed guest artwork in this production
crane tzeentch - for their tango logos at the beginning
great work guys ... thanks
a few handshakes to my current favourites
-/- whodini -/- hiro protagonist -/- mjay -/- arelequin -/-
-/- oh seven -/- purify -/- crane -/- sargon -/- squish -/-
A lot of you might argue with my choices but its personal opinion
My right to choose something and your right to choose something different
That is what makes a democracy - that is what gives us our freedom
respect comes to those who earn it - not always those who want it
tG /
music: beautiful south - blue is the colour
u2 - pop
r.h.c.p - blood sugar sex magik
chemical brothers - exit planet dust
leftfield - leftism
consumed: rothmans royals - student style cigarettes
coca cola - accept nothing less
used: StRAtOSPhERE BBS - see me on irc for the number
a1200 18mb ram - yes ... amiga
p100/32mb ram - yes ... peecee
john lydon - the man is a phucken legend
in absolutely no order whatsoever
. sargon . meatpod . feral . squish . midnight judge . crane .
. whodini . hiro protagonist . tzeentch . ohseven . arlequin .
d2 roman megga hertz sludge sodom
and all other serial members friends
with so much senseless death in the world - argue there is a just god
My Name Is Peace
This Is My Hour
Can I Get
Just A Little Bit Of Power
/ Lard Assed Doughnut Loving Freak
cr /
/ TANGo/Serial 1997
/ Shoulda Been A Cop But My Gut Is Just Too Damned Big
People In Pain
I Do Not Dig It
Change Of Brain
For Mr.Bigot
/ / / - MoFunky - Fellowship Trip -
: / / /tG
Little Brother Do You Hear Me
Have A Heart Oh Come Get Near Me
Misery Is Not My Friend
But Ill Break Before I Bend
What I See Is Insanity
Whatever Happened To Humanity
Yuh miss my name?
TANGo / Serial Senior 1997 / /
. ... . .. . . /tnsrlasci
I started this collection a few weeks ago now because Sargon was
pestering me for my contribution to Serial5. I had no inspiration and
no requests, and then I just got inspired - grass and alchohol have
been major influences in my restored vigour so i thank my sponsors :
Big shout to my gs Drax, Sargon, Tzeentch OhSeven who really keep
me going with all this shit i draw. I dont know if anyone else will
notice but i think i might actually be getting better.
Anyone can use these logos, I dont own the sole copyright on keys on
your keyboard - although some people seem to think they do. Bit of a
shame some people cant see a little further than their nose ...
There is however *ONE* condition on using a logo drawn by me, if you
are using it in an ascii collection. You must email me a copy of that
collection. Send it to tango@13thhour.warp.co.uk ... Not too tough I
guess hehe.
I dont rip and I never disrespect. I have far better things to do.
If you dont like my style then thats tough. You wont stop me from
releasing while at least one person says they like it. They day I
stop getting requests or inspiration is the day I quit. Until then,
you are just gonna have to cope with my stuff or dont bother looking
at it ... Im not bothered.
If any of you request stuff and I draw it online then its done on my
Amiga, but if I draw it offline, its drawn on my PC at work. Can you
tell the difference between them?
my collection - i can say wtf i want
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Apply
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: One
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Distortion
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Two
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
:: D i S t O R t i O N ::
:: tG/:. .: / /:
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Singe
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Three
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ .S.i.N.G.E.
: ::::::: :::::::/ tG::::::: :::::::
: / As Close As You Can Get ...
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Introduction
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Four
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
A Word From Our Sponsor
C Quad-P Productions
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Index
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Five
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: M.ain F.ucking I.ndex
: tG/
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Vintage Issue Eight
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Six
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: V . P.resenting A.nother O.ne / :
i :
: N /
// t / / /
A / /
: / /tG
: G :
. E V.intage I.ssue E.ight /
What More Can I Say? I Wouldnt Be Here Today
If The Oldskool Didnt Pave The Way
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Sky High
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Seven
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ tG/
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Whodini
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Eight
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ C.ontacting R.emorse
/ W.hodini - R.emorse 1.981 : :
. . blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla : :
/ blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla : :
blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla : :
.. blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla : :
blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla : ..:..
gift for whodini - youve improved so much its frightening - keep it up bud
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Sargon
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Nine
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: / tG/
gift for sargon - what a phucken mouth :
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Midnight Judge
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Ten
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
:: M . j . A . Y ::
/ / /tG
gift for mjay - use your full name, its far cooler heh
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Feedback 1
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Eleven
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. Uuuh write something n stuff
: / tG/
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Feedback 2
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twelve
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
- -----------------------------------------------------------------tG/
info info info info info info info info info info info info info info
info info info info info info info info info info info info info info
info info info info info info info info info info info info info info
info info info info info info info info info info info info info info
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Frantik
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. / tG/
: / l :
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Roujin-X 1
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Fourteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. .R.O.U.J.i.N. .X.
/ / /tG
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Elenium
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Fifteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ :E . L . E . N . i . U . M:
: / : tG/
: //: :l// :
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Satanic Chaos
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Sixteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: Satanic cinataS : /
. Chaos soahC .
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Arlequin
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Seventeen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: A . R . L . E . Q . U . i . N
/ : tG/
gift for arlequin - you arent allowed to win vintage every week :D
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Envisionz
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Eighteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
.E.N.V.i.S.i.O.N.Z. :
/ tG/ .
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: JU
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Nineteen
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ : :tG /
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Poison
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
.X You Got The Poison X. : /
/ tG/
/: .X Weve Got The Phukken Remedy X.
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Mel Farr
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-One
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. Y . . . /. . /. /
Y .
:::. :::. :::. tG:::. :::. :::. :::.
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Trilogy
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Two
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
tG:::. :::. :::. :::. :::. :::. :::.
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Dire
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Three
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: News
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Four
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/: / /: /tG
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Resistance
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Five
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. /tG
+ its phucken futile +
: / l :
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Lemon Soda
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Six
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
// / / /tG
Lemon Soda . .
It Doesnt Taste Any / / /
. Better Than This / /
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: PVM diz
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Seven
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
tG/ / /
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Square Dog
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Eight
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: tG /
. : /. // oo
YY :./.: //YY
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: The Future II
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Twenty-Nine
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ T.he F.uture - P.art T.wo
/ M . i . l . l . e . n . i . u . m
a little gift for hiro - hope ya like it bud
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Likwit
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
: / tG :
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Rest In Peace
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-One
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
. . I . N . .
/ / tG
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Serial
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Two
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ S.E.R.i.A.L /
. . tG / .
: l :
gift for my team mates - keep it going
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: SPAM diz
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Three
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
/ /tG
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Basic
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Four
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
:::. :::. :::. :::. :::. tG
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Squish
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Five
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
Q .
. . / / U . /
/ / i / /
tG S /
/: H
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Blender
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Six
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
gift for warpus hennifer - what a nice competition you run
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Remorse
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Seven
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
necromancer whodini omicron
R / E M / O R / S E
hiro protagonist megga hertz
/ 1 9 8 / 1
erupt acid jack other fucks
gift for remorse - you guys rock
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: Roujin-X 2
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Eight
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
hack / phreak / cellular / drugs / anarchy / unix
virii / cracks / carding / scrams / ra pcb support
.R.O.U.J.I.N. Staff: rOMANd2MAC
: n0RM0N
.X. :: gREENY
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: D2MacRoman
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Thirty-Nine
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
- a - n - d -
/ /tG
gift for d2macroman - keep spinning them vinyls man
Album Title: MoFunky //: Title: SAS
Lead Artist: TANGo : Track: Fourty
. Record Studio: Serial //:// .
S : A : S
. tG
/ tG
thanks go to those who contributed guest artwork in this production
crane tzeentch - for their tango logos at the beginning
great work guys ... thanks
a few handshakes to my current favourites
-/- whodini -/- hiro protagonist -/- mjay -/- arelequin -/-
-/- oh seven -/- purify -/- crane -/- sargon -/- squish -/-
A lot of you might argue with my choices but its personal opinion
My right to choose something and your right to choose something different
That is what makes a democracy - that is what gives us our freedom
respect comes to those who earn it - not always those who want it
tG /
music: beautiful south - blue is the colour
u2 - pop
r.h.c.p - blood sugar sex magik
chemical brothers - exit planet dust
leftfield - leftism
consumed: rothmans royals - student style cigarettes
coca cola - accept nothing less
used: StRAtOSPhERE BBS - see me on irc for the number
a1200 18mb ram - yes ... amiga
p100/32mb ram - yes ... peecee
john lydon - the man is a phucken legend
in absolutely no order whatsoever
. sargon . meatpod . feral . squish . midnight judge . crane .
. whodini . hiro protagonist . tzeentch . ohseven . arlequin .
d2 roman megga hertz sludge sodom
and all other serial members friends
with so much senseless death in the world - argue there is a just god
log in to add a comment.