this image contains text
tG hamster
/ thiz is serial production 97 /
presents a small cluster called :
i felt naked when she opened up my life, i felt naked when she came inside,
i felt naked when she knew all of me, i felt naked when my life was so free,
yes she loved me and i loved her, but the feeling whouldnt go away, she left
me in the summer today its spring, she left me a letter that explain the whole
thing, love is strange, love is hard, love is wierd, love is smart, every time
is diffrent and its allways hearts, nobody coud change it and nobody whould...
so lets present the asciis...
---elite spartewh0re-------for : squish---say : black sun----------------
+o squish, volatile, mortify n phony eye
------------- - volatile - -------------
fer my mate squishy.....
---elite spartewh0re-------for : n/a------say : daft punk----------------
your music rox my balls good! /
volatile rox my nuts hamster /
my fav deejay, love it guyz keep rocking...
---elite spartewh0re-------for : tomahawk-say : astmatic cough-----------
/ / / / C
+o tomahawk
hrmmm no bg this time i was tired anyway fer tomahawk keep practice...
---elite spartewh0re-------for : mjay-----say : moslem-------------------
fer mjay my friend who didnt even greet me hope yew like it and again no bg.
---elite spartewh0re-------for : disco74--say : futa---------------------
+o discopunk
fer mah paw discofunk hope yew like it it took me lot... and also... no bg :
---elite spartewh0re-------for : ca1n-----say : kwest side---------------
// ----- -- - kWest sIDE - -- ------ /
bla! foh my friend cain new group kwest sIDE... hope yell use it as
: a guest or smth.... :
. later mate.... .
---elite spartewh0re-------for : muah-----say : ncd----------------------
v o l a t i l e / s e r i a l, s e i k e n
well what can i say / / / /
im in love with block style // / / /
this ascii says ncd soon in / / //
your house : . . // /
---elite spartewh0re-------for : muah-----say : phunk!asskey-------------
well my oldschool group that died before the 1st pack /
/ volatile im the man hampster
---elite spartewh0re-------for : tango----say : tango--------------------
/ / / / / / / -----/-----/-----/-----/-----/ for the most nice an awsome miggy dewd... // volatileserial/seiken
fer tango man,... coz he made me rocking sig
---elite spartewh0re-------for : baphomet-say : upload-------------------
.----------- uploaD ppE bY baphomeT -----------.
upload to the public
upload to the sysgod /
dont upload i dont need your favors
----------- volatile srl/sd -----------
---elite spartewh0re-------for : squish---say : squish-------------------
----/----/ ---/---/----/----/volatile
fer one of my best friends in the scene
---elite spartewh0re-------for : blindman-say : basic!ascii--------------
. bASIC aSCII 97 //.
holocaust / blindman / martz / squish / some more...
fer squish and blindman and all the other basic niggs /
//---- -- - volatile - -- ----
my guest fer basic ascii
---elite spartewh0re-------for : end!!!---say : greets for mah niggs-----
mjay g r e e t s /
: first for the asciis : tango - volatile sig
. mjay - greets
well i have too many to greet so anyone who thinks he deserve a greet for me
probley deserve it so hope yew enjoyed the cluster i think i realy got better,
and i hope i will release in the future at the moment i dont know, anyway
here is the way yew can contect me only one : thuru my board the prodigy
the number is +972-6-6271344 enjoy friends, later...
/ thiz is serial production 97 /
presents a small cluster called :
i felt naked when she opened up my life, i felt naked when she came inside,
i felt naked when she knew all of me, i felt naked when my life was so free,
yes she loved me and i loved her, but the feeling whouldnt go away, she left
me in the summer today its spring, she left me a letter that explain the whole
thing, love is strange, love is hard, love is wierd, love is smart, every time
is diffrent and its allways hearts, nobody coud change it and nobody whould...
so lets present the asciis...
---elite spartewh0re-------for : squish---say : black sun----------------
+o squish, volatile, mortify n phony eye
------------- - volatile - -------------
fer my mate squishy.....
---elite spartewh0re-------for : n/a------say : daft punk----------------
your music rox my balls good! /
volatile rox my nuts hamster /
my fav deejay, love it guyz keep rocking...
---elite spartewh0re-------for : tomahawk-say : astmatic cough-----------
/ / / / C
+o tomahawk
hrmmm no bg this time i was tired anyway fer tomahawk keep practice...
---elite spartewh0re-------for : mjay-----say : moslem-------------------
fer mjay my friend who didnt even greet me hope yew like it and again no bg.
---elite spartewh0re-------for : disco74--say : futa---------------------
+o discopunk
fer mah paw discofunk hope yew like it it took me lot... and also... no bg :
---elite spartewh0re-------for : ca1n-----say : kwest side---------------
// ----- -- - kWest sIDE - -- ------ /
bla! foh my friend cain new group kwest sIDE... hope yell use it as
: a guest or smth.... :
. later mate.... .
---elite spartewh0re-------for : muah-----say : ncd----------------------
v o l a t i l e / s e r i a l, s e i k e n
well what can i say / / / /
im in love with block style // / / /
this ascii says ncd soon in / / //
your house : . . // /
---elite spartewh0re-------for : muah-----say : phunk!asskey-------------
well my oldschool group that died before the 1st pack /
/ volatile im the man hampster
---elite spartewh0re-------for : tango----say : tango--------------------
/ / / / / / / -----/-----/-----/-----/-----/ for the most nice an awsome miggy dewd... // volatileserial/seiken
fer tango man,... coz he made me rocking sig
---elite spartewh0re-------for : baphomet-say : upload-------------------
.----------- uploaD ppE bY baphomeT -----------.
upload to the public
upload to the sysgod /
dont upload i dont need your favors
----------- volatile srl/sd -----------
---elite spartewh0re-------for : squish---say : squish-------------------
----/----/ ---/---/----/----/volatile
fer one of my best friends in the scene
---elite spartewh0re-------for : blindman-say : basic!ascii--------------
. bASIC aSCII 97 //.
holocaust / blindman / martz / squish / some more...
fer squish and blindman and all the other basic niggs /
//---- -- - volatile - -- ----
my guest fer basic ascii
---elite spartewh0re-------for : end!!!---say : greets for mah niggs-----
mjay g r e e t s /
: first for the asciis : tango - volatile sig
. mjay - greets
well i have too many to greet so anyone who thinks he deserve a greet for me
probley deserve it so hope yew enjoyed the cluster i think i realy got better,
and i hope i will release in the future at the moment i dont know, anyway
here is the way yew can contect me only one : thuru my board the prodigy
the number is +972-6-6271344 enjoy friends, later...
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