this image contains text
d e l u s i o n
s o f g r a n d e u r
6 1
9 . 5 6 6 . 0 7 9 4
staff... the undead sorcerorshiver/ble
ach... soul rebelice/pwa... as
ylumshiver... defective... gate keeper... sniper...
sites... shiver memberboard... vor memb
erboard... skavid distro...
morbid distro... macabre distro... wind distr
o... vfc distro... stats...
seven hundred megz... twenty eight.eight bps.
i finally said hell with to aci
ddraw.. it fuqed up many ansis too many times
well in this ansi there are
guna be some things called greetz, here they are..
greetz to all integrity members..u guys are looking excellent
right now..
especially darkforce :..lord jazzbleach..haha i gave u like 4
ansis for free
we should make a joint production are sumthing like that..tus
heres the ansi i owe you from a year ago. i hope yer happy
el diablozillionz.firm..jesus, if you werent using renegade y
er board would
be one of the best in sixonenine..the guardianshiver senior.
.dude.. do you
have any spare time with running shiver?..lemonhead..haha. i
made mitch an
ansi..and all acid, ice, union, remorse, blade, an
d shiver members..also to everyo
ne who contributes to bleach!
we gotta stick together
to make it work
- p-chan acid/union/fo
rmer studio-x president
this has been a release of shiver productions copyright 199
d e l u s i o n
s o f g r a n d e u r
6 1
9 . 5 6 6 . 0 7 9 4
staff... the undead sorcerorshiver/ble
ach... soul rebelice/pwa... as
ylumshiver... defective... gate keeper... sniper...
sites... shiver memberboard... vor memb
erboard... skavid distro...
morbid distro... macabre distro... wind distr
o... vfc distro... stats...
seven hundred megz... twenty eight.eight bps.
i finally said hell with to aci
ddraw.. it fuqed up many ansis too many times
well in this ansi there are
guna be some things called greetz, here they are..
greetz to all integrity members..u guys are looking excellent
right now..
especially darkforce :..lord jazzbleach..haha i gave u like 4
ansis for free
we should make a joint production are sumthing like that..tus
heres the ansi i owe you from a year ago. i hope yer happy
el diablozillionz.firm..jesus, if you werent using renegade y
er board would
be one of the best in sixonenine..the guardianshiver senior.
.dude.. do you
have any spare time with running shiver?..lemonhead..haha. i
made mitch an
ansi..and all acid, ice, union, remorse, blade, an
d shiver members..also to everyo
ne who contributes to bleach!
we gotta stick together
to make it work
- p-chan acid/union/fo
rmer studio-x president
this has been a release of shiver productions copyright 199
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