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KONAMI - DOCTOR SHIZUMA :: Years 3 and 4. A two year compilation of ascii ::
houlala, hes so cool and h4rdc0r3.. hes also a library.
As promised, January is just over and its the year 2001 Time for an other
amazing Konami Compilation! Let me take you back to the beginning of 1999, back
then I probably thought a lot was in store for me, well, its been a fairly
bleek last couple of years. Im still in Mimic and Im still an ascii scene
jerkoff. But again, back to Feburary 1999.. Things where going fairly well, thatwas, untill I hit a minor snag Two mental breakdowns, Yes my friends, you
always thought I wasnt quite right in the head and you where right.. Jeff tellsme there was quite a bit of talk on IRC about Konami going Crazy. Well I was
fine a few months later. During my period of insanity, I finally met Jeff
blkjack. When I got out of the hospital.. around the end of spring, I quit
Mimic to go solo, probably a bad idea, but I did meet David aeternam.. As
well as his crazy-ass dad. Later in the year, I came up with the marvelous
idea of joining Galza, as well as taking up smoking! Which one was dumber? The
world may never know. I went back to mimic in 2000, and since then Its been
mostly Conference calls where us mimic members make fun of Wackie.
Anything else?, Well not much.. A note on one of my asciis, DR-EUPHO.ANS The
date had to be redated by me setting back my clock.. this is because the Galza 6pack is infact an executable, and when you extract a pack from it, the date
of creation for the file is the date you extracted it galza OOOPS.
So long then, enjoy these twenty something asciis, And as for 2003, if you see
me still drawing ascii by then, Ill surely be a limp corpse hangig from a
rope tied to the ceiling. PEACE!
Hi to all my good friends in mimic.
KONAMI - DOCTOR SHIZUMA :: Years 3 and 4. A two year compilation of ascii ::
houlala, hes so cool and h4rdc0r3.. hes also a library.
As promised, January is just over and its the year 2001 Time for an other
amazing Konami Compilation! Let me take you back to the beginning of 1999, back
then I probably thought a lot was in store for me, well, its been a fairly
bleek last couple of years. Im still in Mimic and Im still an ascii scene
jerkoff. But again, back to Feburary 1999.. Things where going fairly well, thatwas, untill I hit a minor snag Two mental breakdowns, Yes my friends, you
always thought I wasnt quite right in the head and you where right.. Jeff tellsme there was quite a bit of talk on IRC about Konami going Crazy. Well I was
fine a few months later. During my period of insanity, I finally met Jeff
blkjack. When I got out of the hospital.. around the end of spring, I quit
Mimic to go solo, probably a bad idea, but I did meet David aeternam.. As
well as his crazy-ass dad. Later in the year, I came up with the marvelous
idea of joining Galza, as well as taking up smoking! Which one was dumber? The
world may never know. I went back to mimic in 2000, and since then Its been
mostly Conference calls where us mimic members make fun of Wackie.
Anything else?, Well not much.. A note on one of my asciis, DR-EUPHO.ANS The
date had to be redated by me setting back my clock.. this is because the Galza 6pack is infact an executable, and when you extract a pack from it, the date
of creation for the file is the date you extracted it galza OOOPS.
So long then, enjoy these twenty something asciis, And as for 2003, if you see
me still drawing ascii by then, Ill surely be a limp corpse hangig from a
rope tied to the ceiling. PEACE!
Hi to all my good friends in mimic.
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