this image contains text
dF ,dS Sb. ,dS ,dS Sb.
dS8i i8Sb ,od d d i8S
8i i8 diP i8
,db db. ii P i i ,db db.
dS8SSvSS8Sb S!P !S S S! SP dS8SSvSS8Sb
Q8S8P +. ,odbo. S8 !Sb.S8 Q8S8P
QiiP Si diS dS S8 8S iS8 Sb. QiiP
QP S8ii8S 8i8S8i i8S S8i i8S QP
QP 8i i8 8i i8 8i i8 QP
QP Ti iP iiP TiiP Tii QP
Well its februarywow i spelled it right! and this is SiLKS 2 release. SiLK is goin through some major changes to get the group goin the way i want it. Anyways i hope ya liked the pack. Oh and i got some greetz this month:
UNiT for keepin 410 alive, Infect for gettin a nice oldschool setup in maryland finally, and all the 410 peeps that i talk to.
Da Major changes
1. Im starting to get the sound part of the group going.
2. Im throin out some artists because they arent releasing again
3. And umm. Im laying back on the group for awhile. Packs will be
bigger but will be taking longer to be released
New Members
The new additions to SiLK are Tommyknox, Puma, and Suicide Machine. There postions are as follows:
Tommyknox: A great techno sound artist. Hes got 2 files in the pack so go checkem out.
Puma: A great new ascii artist. Hes got like millions of asciis in the pack.
This guy is getting better by the day..
Suicide Machine: A coo s3m sound artist with some real talent. Go check his shitout!
Distr0s/membah b0ards
Umm.. Wanta be one email me! df0SiLK@aol.com
Ka0s 4io.592.2891
Darkened Humanities 4io.ifer.g0t
Web www.concentric.net/castout/hell.htm
Founder dF
Senior Blackrain
ANSii/ASCii Members dF, Blackrain, Shaolin Priest, Phlux, Puma
c0DiN Nuke, dF
mUSiC ARTiST Tommyknox, Suicide Machine
I think i have more but umm i forgot hah. let me think.. Umm email me on the
net if i fergot ya.
Last c0uple 0f n0tes
I still need some artists so if ya wanta join email medf0SiLK@aol.com. I took my board downpSYC0TiC so dont call. Im gettin tired of pickin up the
fone and saying hello and nobody answers. Fuckin pick up the fone!@. The
good thing is im putting it back up using iniquity. Ive been modding and editin it for like 2 weeks now. So itll be back up soon. Oh yea Ka0s bbs is down till fridaythe 28th i think. And itll be under a new so just dont call. Welp
hope ya likes da pack. latez
- dFDa Freak
dS8i i8Sb ,od d d i8S
8i i8 diP i8
,db db. ii P i i ,db db.
dS8SSvSS8Sb S!P !S S S! SP dS8SSvSS8Sb
Q8S8P +. ,odbo. S8 !Sb.S8 Q8S8P
QiiP Si diS dS S8 8S iS8 Sb. QiiP
QP S8ii8S 8i8S8i i8S S8i i8S QP
QP 8i i8 8i i8 8i i8 QP
QP Ti iP iiP TiiP Tii QP
Well its februarywow i spelled it right! and this is SiLKS 2 release. SiLK is goin through some major changes to get the group goin the way i want it. Anyways i hope ya liked the pack. Oh and i got some greetz this month:
UNiT for keepin 410 alive, Infect for gettin a nice oldschool setup in maryland finally, and all the 410 peeps that i talk to.
Da Major changes
1. Im starting to get the sound part of the group going.
2. Im throin out some artists because they arent releasing again
3. And umm. Im laying back on the group for awhile. Packs will be
bigger but will be taking longer to be released
New Members
The new additions to SiLK are Tommyknox, Puma, and Suicide Machine. There postions are as follows:
Tommyknox: A great techno sound artist. Hes got 2 files in the pack so go checkem out.
Puma: A great new ascii artist. Hes got like millions of asciis in the pack.
This guy is getting better by the day..
Suicide Machine: A coo s3m sound artist with some real talent. Go check his shitout!
Distr0s/membah b0ards
Umm.. Wanta be one email me! df0SiLK@aol.com
Ka0s 4io.592.2891
Darkened Humanities 4io.ifer.g0t
Web www.concentric.net/castout/hell.htm
Founder dF
Senior Blackrain
ANSii/ASCii Members dF, Blackrain, Shaolin Priest, Phlux, Puma
c0DiN Nuke, dF
mUSiC ARTiST Tommyknox, Suicide Machine
I think i have more but umm i forgot hah. let me think.. Umm email me on the
net if i fergot ya.
Last c0uple 0f n0tes
I still need some artists so if ya wanta join email medf0SiLK@aol.com. I took my board downpSYC0TiC so dont call. Im gettin tired of pickin up the
fone and saying hello and nobody answers. Fuckin pick up the fone!@. The
good thing is im putting it back up using iniquity. Ive been modding and editin it for like 2 weeks now. So itll be back up soon. Oh yea Ka0s bbs is down till fridaythe 28th i think. And itll be under a new so just dont call. Welp
hope ya likes da pack. latez
- dFDa Freak
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