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mination of SKiLL Presents:
Cyborg Interface
51O 943-7271 WARPnet WEASnet FOXnet LiGHTnet
Running WWIV v4.22 Modded 24OO+ TONS-OF-Messages
SysOp : Gamera CoSysOp : Ace
/NSI By Abomination of SKiLL
Finally, I joined a group.......... its like.. like.. LIKE BUTTHA!
Devils Spawn - Thanks For letting me in! :
Gamera - Here ya go, enjoy the ansi! :
mination of SKiLL Presents:
Cyborg Interface
51O 943-7271 WARPnet WEASnet FOXnet LiGHTnet
Running WWIV v4.22 Modded 24OO+ TONS-OF-Messages
SysOp : Gamera CoSysOp : Ace
/NSI By Abomination of SKiLL
Finally, I joined a group.......... its like.. like.. LIKE BUTTHA!
Devils Spawn - Thanks For letting me in! :
Gamera - Here ya go, enjoy the ansi! :
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