this image contains text
o all, I am proud to introduce you to our first pack. Alot of h
ard workwent into it and I would like to thank all the peo
ple that have contributed tomaking this our first pack s
uch a success.We are looking for ne
w talent, so if you are interested in joining our groupas
an ANSi artist, and think you have the potential to one day joi
n iCE, andwould be interested in joining iCE some day, pl
ease call the WHQ South of Hellat 3O5.36O.O575 to apply
.If you have any comments or sugge
stions you can reach us at our base in CCi,our members o
r the senior staff at least read that base daily and would
appreciate hearing your comments whatever they might be. :
Id like to welcome Thor and Ground Z
ero to the group... you guys are great,and have some outs
tanding potential. -DSSo sit back,
and enjoy........ SKiLL is here to stay.
Hell Raiser SKi
LL Ansi Coordinator
o all, I am proud to introduce you to our first pack. Alot of h
ard workwent into it and I would like to thank all the peo
ple that have contributed tomaking this our first pack s
uch a success.We are looking for ne
w talent, so if you are interested in joining our groupas
an ANSi artist, and think you have the potential to one day joi
n iCE, andwould be interested in joining iCE some day, pl
ease call the WHQ South of Hellat 3O5.36O.O575 to apply
.If you have any comments or sugge
stions you can reach us at our base in CCi,our members o
r the senior staff at least read that base daily and would
appreciate hearing your comments whatever they might be. :
Id like to welcome Thor and Ground Z
ero to the group... you guys are great,and have some outs
tanding potential. -DSSo sit back,
and enjoy........ SKiLL is here to stay.
Hell Raiser SKi
LL Ansi Coordinator
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