this image contains text
* S A M S A R A *
there is no substitude for fat. - posk
welcum nets3rfur to samsara.org.
the site that redefines the term information superhighway.
login: mogel
sekret werd: b1s0un0urs
Last login: Thu Aug 1 02:11:24
o88PY88o o88PY88o 8o o8 o88PY88o o88PY88o 888Y
88o o88PY88o
Y88 888 888 888 888o o888 Y88 888 888 888 888
88P 888 888
8bo od888 88888888 8bo od888 888oood
8 od888
ooo Y8o o8P 888 888 888 ooo Y8o o8P 888 888 Y
8o o8P 888
888 88b d88 888 888 888 888 88b d88 888 888
888 d88 888
888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888
888 888 888
88bood88 88bood88 888 888 88bood88 88bood88 888
888 88bood88
excuse this lame ascii, but i hate ascii. -33
sms w
10:54am up 3 days, 19:36, 23 users, load average: 2.32, 2.8
4, 2.80
User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what
eerie console Mon12pm 3days 11 1 ftp ftp.vegetab
rza ttyp3 5:22am 1 45 9 lynx http://www
defiant ttyp4 5:24am 5 3:24 23 pine
fluor ttyp6 3:02am - 38 32 pico never-use-
diehard ttyp7 7:46am - 20 more dto-012.tx
flame ttyp8 6:57am 2 8:06 7:38 sz girlie17.jpg
ellis ttyp9 7:28am - 6 irc ellisdee- i
mogel ttypa 7:58am - 1:11 1 w
sms wall
hey guys, its about time i hacked ice.org. wish me luck!!!!
Broadcast Message from mogel@samsara ttypa at 10:54 ...
hey guys, its about time i hacked ice.org. wish me luck!!!!
Broadcast Message from rza@samsara ttyp3 at 10:54 ...
Hey Mogel,
How are you gonna do that?? You have the password file?
Broadcast Message from defiant@samsara ttyp4 at 10:54 ...
go mogel!
sms wall
heh, nope! i have a hunch what syntaxs password is!
Broadcast Message from mogel@samsara ttypa at 10:54 ...
heh, nope! i have a hunch what syntaxs password is!
Broadcast Message from fluor@samsara ttyp6 at 10:54 ...
hehe : they are not gonna be happy!
Broadcast Message from ellis@samsara ttyp9 at 10:54 ...
i hope youre gonna make it through their firewall dood..
sms werd
y0r eleet haxor skript iz activated. i phear.
sms telnet ice.org
Trying ..
Connected to lemon.ice.org.
Escape character is .
.o0000o. .oo000000000o,.,o00 .oo0000000oo.
00000000 o000000000000000000 .00000000000000000o.
Y0000P .0000000 000P .00000000Y000000X
.o00000 0P .000000 000
000000o 00000 000000l 0
000000 0000l 0000000000000000000P
00 0 0 0 00l 0 0 00l
0 o 0 00 0m o 0 m
0 . o0 0 o 00. T00000P o 0. T00000P
0 .0 0 o 0m,. ..od o 00 . . 0m,. .od o 00
0 0. o. . . 00o o . . 00o
.o0o..o0o. oo.. .o0P o. .o0P TT
lemon.ice.org insane creators enterprise http://www.ic
SunOS UNIX lemon
login: syntax
Password: iamnotgay!!!
Last login: Fri Aug 2 07:09:34 from netcom3.netcom.com.
Welcome on ice.org.
Well, here is some very boring information for the MOTD. Wed
like to point
out that unlike what most people think, iCE is NOT a corpora
tion - we
like to see ourselves more as an intelligence agency or someth
Dont forget, no matter what people say when they rag on us:
iCE is
friendly, strong, stable, and striding towards bigger goals.
Repeat this to
yourself until you believe it, and keep that in mind while you
do the great
work you accomplish you guys and gals sure are an inspiratio
n to many
others in our little microcosm, as well as the reason why our
ego is so big
at this time. As always, were more than proud to be iCE! Wh
o else would
On a happier note, wed need some more stupid jokes for the ne
xt packs
infofile. Please email them to syntax@ice.org, who will appr
eciate them
before submitting to the senior staff.
With love and other re
lated things
Force Ten and Syntax Er
ice ls /dev/hda/pub/GAYPICS/*
boaschlong.jpg icespeedo.pcx littleboy.jpg tem
f10COCK.gif icestaff.XXX.jpg nakednsexy.jpg
ice irc syntax
*** Connecting to port 6666 of server irc.ice.org.
*** Welcome to the College Dropout Network syntax
*** Your host is irc.ice.org., running version 2.8/digi+th.4c3
*** This server was created Fri Jun 1 1996 at 18: 21:20 EDT
*** umodes available oiwscrk, channel modes available biklmnop
*** There are 6315 users and 7608 invisible on 79 servers
*** There are 154 operators online
*** 5338 channels have been formed
*** This server has 280 clients and 1 servers connected
*** Current local users: 280 Max: 619
*** Current global users: 13923 Max: 23259
*** syntax syntax@lemon.ice.org has joined channel ansi
*** Topic for ansi: ansi CYB3RS3X HERE!@! ansi
*** Topic for ansi set by ky- on Thu Aug 1 08:45:04 1996
*** Users on ansi: syntax posk @snowy teklord @acidjazz radma
n shroom
mindcrime sphive whte7rash @whodini k6rinder creep @ky-
oUTkaST ewheat
cidica spear blatz- greyhawk @ellis dieznyik MMouse @illu
sionX kHz edi
mrmadness @wizy hOlocaust massmurd phazeone @deeplyd sa
rkazm tm
@quisling pOd fractal- Visigoth prisoner1 maestro hala
ster parasite
kaleidas ts- TGuardian @pHLOMe
dieznyik maybe i should start a new group!
parasite syntax!!!!
*** misfit misfit@apathy.org has joined channel ansi
pHLOMe misfit give me conference, or give me death
ewheat misfit!!!
blatz- m1zf1t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*dieznyik* hey, you should hook me up with some kodez or somet
hing ..
*dieznyik* what?! fuck you! im an ansi legend now and peopl
e look for my
ansis every month. i am pheared!
*dieznyik* im like, a redefining psycho ansi doodler.
* syntax is away shelled - messages logged.
stopped signal
ice cd ..
ice rm -rf nootropic
ice fg
* syntax is back - what did i miss?
*** Signoff: dieznyik EOF from Client
pOd whos up for drawing some *FREE* ansi for a new art boar
creep you people are so fucking pathetic. i own every one
of you. i
was on this channel before your mom was even born.
creep speaking of which, i fucked her up the ass and she a
sked for more.
shroom OPS
shroom OPS
shroom OPS
*** shroom has been kicked off channel ansi by ellis KICKS
*twizard* d0od can you unban me please? remember spastic???
blatz- i made up the word the everyone bites THE damn bi
- *radman* hey, whats up, man??!@
*radman* fUQ oWF, cUNT!
sphive i hate you fUcking lemMings.... always begging for an
SI. im so
glad im out of the scene now
- *radman* hey man, how about an ice acid merge?
*radman* hmm .. well, ok!
- *radman* duh.
- *radman* serious??
*radman* sure!@ i lub ice!@!@ i thought youd never want to
merge though!!
- *radman* well, SCREW YEW!!@ this isnt even syntax, l3mur!
*radman* NO SHIT?
*radman* ahahahahahahahahaha
*radman* this isnt really radman either
*** info for radman
*** irc address radman@acid.org
*** irc name ACiD Productions
*** on channels ansi
*** server irc.acid.org
- *radman* what the hell?
*radman* its trip!! i hax0red acid.org!!!
- *radman* TRIP!!! this is mogel!!!!!
*radman* whoa MOGEL THE SASSY MAN...well, i gotta go, but ill
be back, i
have radmans k0d3z... login: radman, password: ice
- *radman* dood that rocks!@
*** Signoff: radman Connection reset by feer
*** radman: No such nick/channel
TGuardian thats in case you didnt know already
TGuardian i also like to fuck dogs.
cidica piker!piker@topaz.kern.com ill give you an O-Line i
f you suck my
*** efphar ef@phar.org has joined channel ansi
pHLOMe efphar i am a dysfunctional lamer
*efphar* hey, do you do ansi? want to join my new group phar
? were up
and coming...
- *efphar* ok!!!
kHz you people dont know what funny is
* whte7rash is selling 100 line ansis for 5 bucks! /msg whte7r
ash for info.
* creep is selling 0-line ansi for a kick in the ass. /msg
spear thats it, i leave the scene.
- *ellis* hey, whats up?
*ellis* what the fuck do you want?
- *ellis* do0d this is mogel! i ownz ice.org!
*ellis* hahahaha
*ellis* ELEET
tm you know why i hate tennis?
*** whte7rash has left channel ansi
spear tm: cuz you suck at it?
Whodini id just like to say that im a complete idiot. tha
tm spear- cause i dont understand it!
*oUTkaST* y0e!! whatz up?! hehe jiZZnutz! w00p! h
syntax ok, thats it - im going to go KILL MYSELF.
*** Signoff: syntax ice is gay
ice cd ../../etc
ice rm motd
ice pico motd
UW PICOtm 2.5 New Buffer
W3lKuM 2 iCE.oRG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
----- your site is now owned. ------
File Saved.
* S A M S A R A *
there is no substitude for fat. - posk
welcum nets3rfur to samsara.org.
the site that redefines the term information superhighway.
login: mogel
sekret werd: b1s0un0urs
Last login: Thu Aug 1 02:11:24
o88PY88o o88PY88o 8o o8 o88PY88o o88PY88o 888Y
88o o88PY88o
Y88 888 888 888 888o o888 Y88 888 888 888 888
88P 888 888
8bo od888 88888888 8bo od888 888oood
8 od888
ooo Y8o o8P 888 888 888 ooo Y8o o8P 888 888 Y
8o o8P 888
888 88b d88 888 888 888 888 88b d88 888 888
888 d88 888
888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888
888 888 888
88bood88 88bood88 888 888 88bood88 88bood88 888
888 88bood88
excuse this lame ascii, but i hate ascii. -33
sms w
10:54am up 3 days, 19:36, 23 users, load average: 2.32, 2.8
4, 2.80
User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what
eerie console Mon12pm 3days 11 1 ftp ftp.vegetab
rza ttyp3 5:22am 1 45 9 lynx http://www
defiant ttyp4 5:24am 5 3:24 23 pine
fluor ttyp6 3:02am - 38 32 pico never-use-
diehard ttyp7 7:46am - 20 more dto-012.tx
flame ttyp8 6:57am 2 8:06 7:38 sz girlie17.jpg
ellis ttyp9 7:28am - 6 irc ellisdee- i
mogel ttypa 7:58am - 1:11 1 w
sms wall
hey guys, its about time i hacked ice.org. wish me luck!!!!
Broadcast Message from mogel@samsara ttypa at 10:54 ...
hey guys, its about time i hacked ice.org. wish me luck!!!!
Broadcast Message from rza@samsara ttyp3 at 10:54 ...
Hey Mogel,
How are you gonna do that?? You have the password file?
Broadcast Message from defiant@samsara ttyp4 at 10:54 ...
go mogel!
sms wall
heh, nope! i have a hunch what syntaxs password is!
Broadcast Message from mogel@samsara ttypa at 10:54 ...
heh, nope! i have a hunch what syntaxs password is!
Broadcast Message from fluor@samsara ttyp6 at 10:54 ...
hehe : they are not gonna be happy!
Broadcast Message from ellis@samsara ttyp9 at 10:54 ...
i hope youre gonna make it through their firewall dood..
sms werd
y0r eleet haxor skript iz activated. i phear.
sms telnet ice.org
Trying ..
Connected to lemon.ice.org.
Escape character is .
.o0000o. .oo000000000o,.,o00 .oo0000000oo.
00000000 o000000000000000000 .00000000000000000o.
Y0000P .0000000 000P .00000000Y000000X
.o00000 0P .000000 000
000000o 00000 000000l 0
000000 0000l 0000000000000000000P
00 0 0 0 00l 0 0 00l
0 o 0 00 0m o 0 m
0 . o0 0 o 00. T00000P o 0. T00000P
0 .0 0 o 0m,. ..od o 00 . . 0m,. .od o 00
0 0. o. . . 00o o . . 00o
.o0o..o0o. oo.. .o0P o. .o0P TT
lemon.ice.org insane creators enterprise http://www.ic
SunOS UNIX lemon
login: syntax
Password: iamnotgay!!!
Last login: Fri Aug 2 07:09:34 from netcom3.netcom.com.
Welcome on ice.org.
Well, here is some very boring information for the MOTD. Wed
like to point
out that unlike what most people think, iCE is NOT a corpora
tion - we
like to see ourselves more as an intelligence agency or someth
Dont forget, no matter what people say when they rag on us:
iCE is
friendly, strong, stable, and striding towards bigger goals.
Repeat this to
yourself until you believe it, and keep that in mind while you
do the great
work you accomplish you guys and gals sure are an inspiratio
n to many
others in our little microcosm, as well as the reason why our
ego is so big
at this time. As always, were more than proud to be iCE! Wh
o else would
On a happier note, wed need some more stupid jokes for the ne
xt packs
infofile. Please email them to syntax@ice.org, who will appr
eciate them
before submitting to the senior staff.
With love and other re
lated things
Force Ten and Syntax Er
ice ls /dev/hda/pub/GAYPICS/*
boaschlong.jpg icespeedo.pcx littleboy.jpg tem
f10COCK.gif icestaff.XXX.jpg nakednsexy.jpg
ice irc syntax
*** Connecting to port 6666 of server irc.ice.org.
*** Welcome to the College Dropout Network syntax
*** Your host is irc.ice.org., running version 2.8/digi+th.4c3
*** This server was created Fri Jun 1 1996 at 18: 21:20 EDT
*** umodes available oiwscrk, channel modes available biklmnop
*** There are 6315 users and 7608 invisible on 79 servers
*** There are 154 operators online
*** 5338 channels have been formed
*** This server has 280 clients and 1 servers connected
*** Current local users: 280 Max: 619
*** Current global users: 13923 Max: 23259
*** syntax syntax@lemon.ice.org has joined channel ansi
*** Topic for ansi: ansi CYB3RS3X HERE!@! ansi
*** Topic for ansi set by ky- on Thu Aug 1 08:45:04 1996
*** Users on ansi: syntax posk @snowy teklord @acidjazz radma
n shroom
mindcrime sphive whte7rash @whodini k6rinder creep @ky-
oUTkaST ewheat
cidica spear blatz- greyhawk @ellis dieznyik MMouse @illu
sionX kHz edi
mrmadness @wizy hOlocaust massmurd phazeone @deeplyd sa
rkazm tm
@quisling pOd fractal- Visigoth prisoner1 maestro hala
ster parasite
kaleidas ts- TGuardian @pHLOMe
dieznyik maybe i should start a new group!
parasite syntax!!!!
*** misfit misfit@apathy.org has joined channel ansi
pHLOMe misfit give me conference, or give me death
ewheat misfit!!!
blatz- m1zf1t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*dieznyik* hey, you should hook me up with some kodez or somet
hing ..
*dieznyik* what?! fuck you! im an ansi legend now and peopl
e look for my
ansis every month. i am pheared!
*dieznyik* im like, a redefining psycho ansi doodler.
* syntax is away shelled - messages logged.
stopped signal
ice cd ..
ice rm -rf nootropic
ice fg
* syntax is back - what did i miss?
*** Signoff: dieznyik EOF from Client
pOd whos up for drawing some *FREE* ansi for a new art boar
creep you people are so fucking pathetic. i own every one
of you. i
was on this channel before your mom was even born.
creep speaking of which, i fucked her up the ass and she a
sked for more.
shroom OPS
shroom OPS
shroom OPS
*** shroom has been kicked off channel ansi by ellis KICKS
*twizard* d0od can you unban me please? remember spastic???
blatz- i made up the word the everyone bites THE damn bi
- *radman* hey, whats up, man??!@
*radman* fUQ oWF, cUNT!
sphive i hate you fUcking lemMings.... always begging for an
SI. im so
glad im out of the scene now
- *radman* hey man, how about an ice acid merge?
*radman* hmm .. well, ok!
- *radman* duh.
- *radman* serious??
*radman* sure!@ i lub ice!@!@ i thought youd never want to
merge though!!
- *radman* well, SCREW YEW!!@ this isnt even syntax, l3mur!
*radman* NO SHIT?
*radman* ahahahahahahahahaha
*radman* this isnt really radman either
*** info for radman
*** irc address radman@acid.org
*** irc name ACiD Productions
*** on channels ansi
*** server irc.acid.org
- *radman* what the hell?
*radman* its trip!! i hax0red acid.org!!!
- *radman* TRIP!!! this is mogel!!!!!
*radman* whoa MOGEL THE SASSY MAN...well, i gotta go, but ill
be back, i
have radmans k0d3z... login: radman, password: ice
- *radman* dood that rocks!@
*** Signoff: radman Connection reset by feer
*** radman: No such nick/channel
TGuardian thats in case you didnt know already
TGuardian i also like to fuck dogs.
cidica piker!piker@topaz.kern.com ill give you an O-Line i
f you suck my
*** efphar ef@phar.org has joined channel ansi
pHLOMe efphar i am a dysfunctional lamer
*efphar* hey, do you do ansi? want to join my new group phar
? were up
and coming...
- *efphar* ok!!!
kHz you people dont know what funny is
* whte7rash is selling 100 line ansis for 5 bucks! /msg whte7r
ash for info.
* creep is selling 0-line ansi for a kick in the ass. /msg
spear thats it, i leave the scene.
- *ellis* hey, whats up?
*ellis* what the fuck do you want?
- *ellis* do0d this is mogel! i ownz ice.org!
*ellis* hahahaha
*ellis* ELEET
tm you know why i hate tennis?
*** whte7rash has left channel ansi
spear tm: cuz you suck at it?
Whodini id just like to say that im a complete idiot. tha
tm spear- cause i dont understand it!
*oUTkaST* y0e!! whatz up?! hehe jiZZnutz! w00p! h
syntax ok, thats it - im going to go KILL MYSELF.
*** Signoff: syntax ice is gay
ice cd ../../etc
ice rm motd
ice pico motd
UW PICOtm 2.5 New Buffer
W3lKuM 2 iCE.oRG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
----- your site is now owned. ------
File Saved.
log in to add a comment.