this image contains text
02/25/95 Azrae
l Spasti
damn. here it is. incredible, eh? well, yea. spastic studios were
founded about 2 weeks ago and here we are, with 23 artists and almost
a meg of pure ansi. and thats only the beginning. as you probably
noticed, were early. well, we dont like to be trendy, you know, and
the trend is to release late g. im presently waiting for the last
ansis ill have to include in the pack, as well as azraels infofile
header that you can see right now, unlike me g and tadah, we have
a pack.
first, a bit of history. the wizard called me up the other day and
asked me to be the president of a new group. we decided on the name
spastic and then started to talk to some people about joining. the
philosophy is simple:
1 motivation: spastic members must be interested in doing ansi. they
must love to do their art. they have to submit work AT LEAST every two
month to be worthy of the spastic membership.
2 ambition: spastic members must want to get better, always better,
never consider themselves as perfect. they are encouraged to ask for
advice to other artists.
3 creativity: spastic members are encouraged to try new things, new
skills, new medias.. we wont stop them from trying or learning.
4 quality: spastic members do their own quality control. they must be
proud of all the artwork they submit for the pack.
please notice that spastic doesnt accept any dual-groupers, excepted
if the other group serves as a showcase for a different media. vga,
lit, ascii, etc.please also notice that we are an ansi group. our
memberscan still release other stuff in the pack, but theyll be
accepted in spastic studios only for their ansi skills.
we just want to make the scene look better. we believe that this is
the way to do it. everyone in the group is cool, everyone in the group
love ansi. oh well, now ill just present you the spastic studs.
ACID PHIX. after being in shiver, that dude is joining the fun here in
spastic studios. we think he can do super cool stuff.
ACTRAISER. one of the most awesome upcoming artists at the moment is
joining the studios too. i was stunned at his work for this months
pack. i guess youll be as stunned.
AZRAEL. you probably already know that cool and awesome artist by
now. hes been in groups such as acid, nation and relic, and now that
hes back in the scene, he just joined spastic to enlighten us with
some masterpieces in ansi and rip. YES, we do take rip when the guy
also does ansi
BLACK LIGHTNING. by now, everyone knows bl, another all-around cool
guy. his pics are impressive and hes getting real good. hes coming
from union fame.
CORRUPTION. that guy left cia to bum with us as a logo artist. he is
improving and im sure he can get very good soon. interesting fact: he
did about 40 logos for this pack. other interesting fact: his voice is
higher than ips. g
CYBERNARY. the co-founder of union decided to join spastic as yet
another font master . he will probably find the time to whip up a
few pics for us too, as he is a very talented artist.
DAIRY PRODUCT. formerly of cia/bleach fame, dairy product is one of
the most promising ansi artists around. i personally really dig his
style, and am really happy to work with that all-around cool guy.
EERIE. hey, that guy sucks! he blows! he is a bastard! when hes on
the confs, he just stays there without saying anything but when he
says something, that counts! g. i wonder what hes doing in the
group. oh, by the way, he is the president
ETERNAL CHAOS. what can i say, another cool artist coming over from
some group i forgot.. oh, yeah, that was paramount.
HYPED. he did ascii for remorse and vga for jihad, now he tried his
hand at ansi and it looks like hes got some talent. so hes with us!
IMPACT. hes coming over from union, and he does pretty neat-o ansi. i
guess youve never seen his work, hey, thats just cuz hes suck a lazy
ass .. since his initials, IM, were conflicting with the images, we
asked him to use IP, but for some psyched-out reason, he never wanted.
INNER VISION. one of the most talented guys in shiver, inner vision,
joined spastic. no need to say anything else about him, just look at
his pics and be astonished.
JAYDEE. coming along from relic, jaydee is probably one of the most
inventive logo artists around. even if hes a lazy ass, we believe he
can do great for the group.
KERPLUNK. that guy used to be in alive, relic, shiver and cia. now
hes kickin with us with his bitchin logos and asciis. hes got an
amazing gooping method that inspired me alot, so its an honour to
have him in the group.
MAD BOMBER. a jewel! mad bomber is an excellent cartoony ansi artist.
his pics are astonishing, and he even threw up a complete ansi comic
strip for this pack. he left his previous group, ddt, to come with us.
MYRDDIN. yet another freelance ansi artist joining with us, myrddin
who used to be known as perseus shows some real talent, and we are
hoping alot from him.
PALE. the creator of the logo combo concept, pale, is probably one of
the best font artists around. his work is ascii-styled, i totally dig
PROWLER. azrael recruited that previously groupless artist. he is very
promising, and we are proud to have him with us.
RIMGALE. another ex-shiver dude. rimgale lives in sweden. hey, that
means were an international group now! its just another very,
very promising artist.
SPOONMAN. that dude just came back from a 8-month hiatus from the
scene, and now hes with us. he used to be in cia, and we believe that
hes got potential.
THE IMAGE. not to be confused with image from cia, the image was a
freelance artist, and now, hey, hes with us.
YOUNG. after being in groups such as imperial, nation, relic and shiver,
young finally ends up in spastic with his superb anime ansis. he even
restarted producing alot of ansi work. so we can expect some really
cool stuff from him.
ZOLTAR. coming from mistigris, zoltar is, in my opinion, in the top 5
of the most amazing font artists currently in the scene. his logos are
very inventive and the guy himself is cool beyond belief. enuff said.
we also picked up 3 excellent couriers: ICZER-1, NAPALM DEATH and THE
UNDECIDED. we also got an efficient telecom member, NARCOLEPT.
so, to all the spastic members, a warm welcome to the group. i wish
alot of good things happen with it, and not too many bad things.
ok, i have to add something now. some people seem to be really fucked
up or pissed off about things that first seemed clear but i guess they
werent.. just like integrity: spastic sucks, they just stole our
philosophy. eerie is an asshole etc
how damn funny. the int guys always hated me actually, they just found
a new reason to rag on me... like i cared. back in november 94,
spastic was ALREADY on the drawing table. then, at the beginning of 95
came integrity. when i saw their info file and philosphy and stuff, i
just told myself oh fuck, if spastic ever comes out, theyre gonna
say i ripped their idea.
then i told myself: god damn it. that was not THEIR idea.
quizz. what was the first all-ansi group?
everyone answers INTEGRITY.
BUZZ. WRONG ANSWER. the correct answer would probably be AAA. Aces of
Ansi Art.
yea. AAA, ACiD remember the acronym definition: Ansi Creators In
Demand?, iCE, even TRiBE were all ansi groups. is that concept new?
wow, i doubt it. then, either SPASTIC and INT ripped off an idea that
quizz. what was the first group in which the members actually had fun
while still producing stuff every month? integrity? wrong answer
again. the AAA/ACiD guys WERE doing stuff every month. they also were
having fun. im sure of that.
you know that the scene sucks? yea, you know it. but it just.. didnt
suck, back in 91-92-93... why then would ANYONE complain if we start a
group using OLD principles that always worked and that arent used
anymore for some psyched-out reason?
i think the major difference between spastic and integrity is the
attitude. spastic is progressing, int is just stuck where theyve
always been, its just like they cant get better. they ARE good, but
in 2 or 3 packs, when theyre gonna be really established, will their
philosophy still stand? will they still want to prove that they can
still amaze everyone? i may be wrong, but i doubt it. actually, id
be happy if lets say darkforce decided to improve like a motherfuck
just cuz i said he would never get better.
the other major difference between our two groups is that int is a
LOCAL group. i think theres one member who doesnt live in the 604
almost all the people in it know each other personally. spastic is
totally international. opened to everyone.
lets conclude this quick by saying that since the announcement of
spastics foundation, it seemed like alot of people were having all
sorts of misconceptions about the group, so they just started ragging.
but it also seemed like most of the rag was just jealousy. i know we
cant stop people from ragging on a pack-less group, i wont even ask
you to stop, that would be a lack of time. the pack is out now. so you
can now talk and know what you are talking about. the spastic guys
have been super busy working on some cool stuff for the pack. i know
that they all work their best to set the group standards as high as
they can.
oh. i had something else to talk about. some people were accusing us
to steal members from cia. lets just say that we stole no one.
everyone was free. we havent offered hqs or any candies to anyone, we
just asked a very few people if they would join. they said yes. the
rest of the members applied, just like anyone should do. i mean, if
the majority came from cia, its not OUR problem. maybe its cias. i
was myself really surprised at the amount of cia guys applying, and at
some time felt very unconfortable with that situation. neither the
wizard nor eerie wants any bad blood between spastic and cia. but now,
stop saying we steal members from groups. if those guys want to join
spastic, its THEIR choice, THEY think its gonna be better.
ok, this is long enough. if you want to apply to spastic, well err..
get in contact with the wizard or eerie on the stellar nights
610896-9140 or sarcastic toaster 418849-0121 and include a sample
of your work. you can also call the spastic vmb 800241-7337 1682,
or find us on irc. we only need ansi artists. if you work in any other
media, please refrain from applying. thanks for taking the time to
read this. see ya.
eerie spastic
with some add-ons by
our friend the wizard
the spastic studs would like to greet lord jazzs dad and dairy
products little brother for their support on the confs, as well as
ip, which has been an enormous source of inspiration for all of us..
its the end, buttfuck! havent you seen the -20-?! go see the pack now..
l Spasti
damn. here it is. incredible, eh? well, yea. spastic studios were
founded about 2 weeks ago and here we are, with 23 artists and almost
a meg of pure ansi. and thats only the beginning. as you probably
noticed, were early. well, we dont like to be trendy, you know, and
the trend is to release late g. im presently waiting for the last
ansis ill have to include in the pack, as well as azraels infofile
header that you can see right now, unlike me g and tadah, we have
a pack.
first, a bit of history. the wizard called me up the other day and
asked me to be the president of a new group. we decided on the name
spastic and then started to talk to some people about joining. the
philosophy is simple:
1 motivation: spastic members must be interested in doing ansi. they
must love to do their art. they have to submit work AT LEAST every two
month to be worthy of the spastic membership.
2 ambition: spastic members must want to get better, always better,
never consider themselves as perfect. they are encouraged to ask for
advice to other artists.
3 creativity: spastic members are encouraged to try new things, new
skills, new medias.. we wont stop them from trying or learning.
4 quality: spastic members do their own quality control. they must be
proud of all the artwork they submit for the pack.
please notice that spastic doesnt accept any dual-groupers, excepted
if the other group serves as a showcase for a different media. vga,
lit, ascii, etc.please also notice that we are an ansi group. our
memberscan still release other stuff in the pack, but theyll be
accepted in spastic studios only for their ansi skills.
we just want to make the scene look better. we believe that this is
the way to do it. everyone in the group is cool, everyone in the group
love ansi. oh well, now ill just present you the spastic studs.
ACID PHIX. after being in shiver, that dude is joining the fun here in
spastic studios. we think he can do super cool stuff.
ACTRAISER. one of the most awesome upcoming artists at the moment is
joining the studios too. i was stunned at his work for this months
pack. i guess youll be as stunned.
AZRAEL. you probably already know that cool and awesome artist by
now. hes been in groups such as acid, nation and relic, and now that
hes back in the scene, he just joined spastic to enlighten us with
some masterpieces in ansi and rip. YES, we do take rip when the guy
also does ansi
BLACK LIGHTNING. by now, everyone knows bl, another all-around cool
guy. his pics are impressive and hes getting real good. hes coming
from union fame.
CORRUPTION. that guy left cia to bum with us as a logo artist. he is
improving and im sure he can get very good soon. interesting fact: he
did about 40 logos for this pack. other interesting fact: his voice is
higher than ips. g
CYBERNARY. the co-founder of union decided to join spastic as yet
another font master . he will probably find the time to whip up a
few pics for us too, as he is a very talented artist.
DAIRY PRODUCT. formerly of cia/bleach fame, dairy product is one of
the most promising ansi artists around. i personally really dig his
style, and am really happy to work with that all-around cool guy.
EERIE. hey, that guy sucks! he blows! he is a bastard! when hes on
the confs, he just stays there without saying anything but when he
says something, that counts! g. i wonder what hes doing in the
group. oh, by the way, he is the president
ETERNAL CHAOS. what can i say, another cool artist coming over from
some group i forgot.. oh, yeah, that was paramount.
HYPED. he did ascii for remorse and vga for jihad, now he tried his
hand at ansi and it looks like hes got some talent. so hes with us!
IMPACT. hes coming over from union, and he does pretty neat-o ansi. i
guess youve never seen his work, hey, thats just cuz hes suck a lazy
ass .. since his initials, IM, were conflicting with the images, we
asked him to use IP, but for some psyched-out reason, he never wanted.
INNER VISION. one of the most talented guys in shiver, inner vision,
joined spastic. no need to say anything else about him, just look at
his pics and be astonished.
JAYDEE. coming along from relic, jaydee is probably one of the most
inventive logo artists around. even if hes a lazy ass, we believe he
can do great for the group.
KERPLUNK. that guy used to be in alive, relic, shiver and cia. now
hes kickin with us with his bitchin logos and asciis. hes got an
amazing gooping method that inspired me alot, so its an honour to
have him in the group.
MAD BOMBER. a jewel! mad bomber is an excellent cartoony ansi artist.
his pics are astonishing, and he even threw up a complete ansi comic
strip for this pack. he left his previous group, ddt, to come with us.
MYRDDIN. yet another freelance ansi artist joining with us, myrddin
who used to be known as perseus shows some real talent, and we are
hoping alot from him.
PALE. the creator of the logo combo concept, pale, is probably one of
the best font artists around. his work is ascii-styled, i totally dig
PROWLER. azrael recruited that previously groupless artist. he is very
promising, and we are proud to have him with us.
RIMGALE. another ex-shiver dude. rimgale lives in sweden. hey, that
means were an international group now! its just another very,
very promising artist.
SPOONMAN. that dude just came back from a 8-month hiatus from the
scene, and now hes with us. he used to be in cia, and we believe that
hes got potential.
THE IMAGE. not to be confused with image from cia, the image was a
freelance artist, and now, hey, hes with us.
YOUNG. after being in groups such as imperial, nation, relic and shiver,
young finally ends up in spastic with his superb anime ansis. he even
restarted producing alot of ansi work. so we can expect some really
cool stuff from him.
ZOLTAR. coming from mistigris, zoltar is, in my opinion, in the top 5
of the most amazing font artists currently in the scene. his logos are
very inventive and the guy himself is cool beyond belief. enuff said.
we also picked up 3 excellent couriers: ICZER-1, NAPALM DEATH and THE
UNDECIDED. we also got an efficient telecom member, NARCOLEPT.
so, to all the spastic members, a warm welcome to the group. i wish
alot of good things happen with it, and not too many bad things.
ok, i have to add something now. some people seem to be really fucked
up or pissed off about things that first seemed clear but i guess they
werent.. just like integrity: spastic sucks, they just stole our
philosophy. eerie is an asshole etc
how damn funny. the int guys always hated me actually, they just found
a new reason to rag on me... like i cared. back in november 94,
spastic was ALREADY on the drawing table. then, at the beginning of 95
came integrity. when i saw their info file and philosphy and stuff, i
just told myself oh fuck, if spastic ever comes out, theyre gonna
say i ripped their idea.
then i told myself: god damn it. that was not THEIR idea.
quizz. what was the first all-ansi group?
everyone answers INTEGRITY.
BUZZ. WRONG ANSWER. the correct answer would probably be AAA. Aces of
Ansi Art.
yea. AAA, ACiD remember the acronym definition: Ansi Creators In
Demand?, iCE, even TRiBE were all ansi groups. is that concept new?
wow, i doubt it. then, either SPASTIC and INT ripped off an idea that
quizz. what was the first group in which the members actually had fun
while still producing stuff every month? integrity? wrong answer
again. the AAA/ACiD guys WERE doing stuff every month. they also were
having fun. im sure of that.
you know that the scene sucks? yea, you know it. but it just.. didnt
suck, back in 91-92-93... why then would ANYONE complain if we start a
group using OLD principles that always worked and that arent used
anymore for some psyched-out reason?
i think the major difference between spastic and integrity is the
attitude. spastic is progressing, int is just stuck where theyve
always been, its just like they cant get better. they ARE good, but
in 2 or 3 packs, when theyre gonna be really established, will their
philosophy still stand? will they still want to prove that they can
still amaze everyone? i may be wrong, but i doubt it. actually, id
be happy if lets say darkforce decided to improve like a motherfuck
just cuz i said he would never get better.
the other major difference between our two groups is that int is a
LOCAL group. i think theres one member who doesnt live in the 604
almost all the people in it know each other personally. spastic is
totally international. opened to everyone.
lets conclude this quick by saying that since the announcement of
spastics foundation, it seemed like alot of people were having all
sorts of misconceptions about the group, so they just started ragging.
but it also seemed like most of the rag was just jealousy. i know we
cant stop people from ragging on a pack-less group, i wont even ask
you to stop, that would be a lack of time. the pack is out now. so you
can now talk and know what you are talking about. the spastic guys
have been super busy working on some cool stuff for the pack. i know
that they all work their best to set the group standards as high as
they can.
oh. i had something else to talk about. some people were accusing us
to steal members from cia. lets just say that we stole no one.
everyone was free. we havent offered hqs or any candies to anyone, we
just asked a very few people if they would join. they said yes. the
rest of the members applied, just like anyone should do. i mean, if
the majority came from cia, its not OUR problem. maybe its cias. i
was myself really surprised at the amount of cia guys applying, and at
some time felt very unconfortable with that situation. neither the
wizard nor eerie wants any bad blood between spastic and cia. but now,
stop saying we steal members from groups. if those guys want to join
spastic, its THEIR choice, THEY think its gonna be better.
ok, this is long enough. if you want to apply to spastic, well err..
get in contact with the wizard or eerie on the stellar nights
610896-9140 or sarcastic toaster 418849-0121 and include a sample
of your work. you can also call the spastic vmb 800241-7337 1682,
or find us on irc. we only need ansi artists. if you work in any other
media, please refrain from applying. thanks for taking the time to
read this. see ya.
eerie spastic
with some add-ons by
our friend the wizard
the spastic studs would like to greet lord jazzs dad and dairy
products little brother for their support on the confs, as well as
ip, which has been an enormous source of inspiration for all of us..
its the end, buttfuck! havent you seen the -20-?! go see the pack now..
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