this image contains text
mstilet .mmm tilethecreativeteamstilethecreativete
amsti dPaYb tilethecreatiteatilethecreativet
eam jPecrea j stilethect YnP tilethecreative
tea lethec adPamstile aYYa.l mstilfearcreativ
etea Ya eth veteamsti dl a YbP amstilethecreati
vetea Ya thecreativeteamsti,adPl eamstilethecreat
iveteam Ya. ecreativetmsti Y team lethecrea
tiveteams Ya. ea amP msti amP l v ,am. hecre
ativeteamsti Yb e l mst l c ,dYYb ecr
eativetestile Ya l mst e jPjPteam ,dP ec
reative jmn ile Yal mn.s t ll YPthe
creativ Ym.il,jPP i YbjP sjY ivetea ileth
ecreativYmmPYbmPXbabl tive b ilet
hecreativ theiYa ivet lP tile
thecreativeteamstilethecreativeteamstilethYb iv dP stil
ethecreativeteamstilethecreativeteamstilethYmnP amsti
lethecreativeteamstilethecreativeteamstilethe eteamst
for requests or anything else.. 1 catch me on irc
as fear 2 write to fear@mailbox.swipnet.se or 3 simply call
stultify or moose city and leave me a message..
*** trades 100 answer, plain requests 30 ***
btw, check out this collie in 1024x768, it looks really cool
YP db
,amYbmdPi,m.,m. ,am.
lP ll ,YPP aiPiPdP
Yb P dP ll l:l P aPlbl dmxm
Yb axa Y d1ib P lP dllbadP
YP ,dP ,alm. P
l dPYPam.dPb,am.m
: b dPYbP ,ndPdP d l
. Ybmdb. lPlblPYP
Yb Yb PYb Yam.,namm
a t o m YP i c r a p e
@mn, @mn,
j jl jbjb ,@l ll l
,P@mPYm@P Yb. Y@mm@P@mm@
b a l r o g l
,a@PY@m, j
o f Y@ma@P
g r o o v e
..presents a brand new module called..
mn,. YmnP mnb
l l ,ammc,P dmn,
lamY,vmbPYYb ,P .
lilbYbllPYPl diPmdP
ll lbl jldl mYm
jbmnmdyPlbmnndy bmybY Yb :
YPa ,yP
.,, n,,. j
YmnP dyb n,. fearstile
l ,dil ,ammn,. b
li m amYPY,vmb ammn,.Ymn,b
jl l bYib ,PYP PYibP lb
ly lil bmdl lbb m jldl dPj jt
Yl mb jbmnmdPb bmnndy Yyb YbmbmdP
YmiPja YP db dm,YlP
master librarian: asperon/stile
stile memberboard, more nfo n stuff ...
this. ,m ym,
jy. ,PY b mag.
dP l l l
jP m @ @mn@ l b
l c : h dY l
Y mmmmml m i ly
will. b @ d l
Y@mn + yyyy : yyyy yyyyP
lYyyyyy yyyyyyyyyP
YbmdP rock!
. l l
l :
05-da.ill.block---------------------------------------------------------------- .
. ,m@@m, l
d Y@m l YPTP db
Yb a d YPlll
,m@Pl@Pl i @m@i :
Y j jl ll bdTlT l
Yy@m@P@m@b jjlYba .
aP a
@mnPY@m,m@Pl fearstile c m@P .
Yb b P o ,a@@mP
lTl aPll,a@@m,jPPl @m,
YlY@a Yb ladP
YT l YbT Yb k
jP jPYy@m@Py@m@Pb jP
Y@mn d a r k d o m a i n ,a@
Y, j
,a@PYll@PYaPYiPY@m Y@mn
dP lylP ll PylaaaP
Yil dPl d lb l Yb
Y@m@PY@m@Yaya Yib liP
Y@.fear. .stl. ,P
Yb, ,a@P
dP lyP P YP ll YPl Yb
Yil dPl jyll lil d ll:l liP
Y@m@PY@m@PY@m m@PY@m@Yaj ,m@Y
paradise whq - schmechkma ehq - nwo distsite
staff: probe, danen, palpatine, magician, midnight fighter, blue saint
2.5 gb online - 2 nodes with 33k6
ll ,am88mn,
,. YiP
,ab , YP fear/ ,db
YPmb Ym, Ym stile b aYb
dYl dP YTb lP ,m lb lb
j P jb jii dl ,jPi, Ymn. yb
lbndl Y8mb dlP d jP b bb jl
Yb j bYbnnxmYil b a j ,iP
YybbmiP,b YP l b bPjbP
YP Yxb jP abb. YP dP
Yb dP , b. Y ,P
ll Yb Ybmdb d
-------- -------------------------------- YP ---- , ------ -
stats? l +o liithn/nh! l. stats?
..think this is the best logo ive ever done..
SPYTYIPPPPLjEPYP aa a l ,, ,, b P aa
daaaaa db db d
l Paaaa, laaaaaaaa Y FEARl YP YP l Y
b Y b , , ,db Y
hmz.. theres something i like bout these logos..
they are so easy to paint, but it looks really cool..
,.nmb a. ,a
Ylb ,a@PY@m,a@PYPY@m,
dyd@mPYb YbP r bP Yb
PYP,mmmmmdPYlxb aPb ,. m d YP
dl h ddiP a Pyb b d. ,
Y. lyydP dyP Yb fear Yb dP
YYmn Yb Yb dP
..join this leet team of modders today!
@mn l,
YP @a ,a@PY@m ,m@@m
lPY@m,@PY@,jPbjl dP ,aP
ji lbl ll lY@mj,a
j jFEAR@@@@PmPYbnm@P
@n fearstl . OF . l
YP l i
ji lbl l j jl lSTL jP
j j@Pb, b, Y@Pb,
small enough? else /msg me..
,Ym, kki.ikk @m@ i.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki
a ,a@@m,
Y@Pa f!stl Yl jl ikkibar, s0p: vain/acid
bmnnnad YPa
Y@mm@P j@m,li Y@m@ df YPY.
lilab Y YbPdeYm, ibPYP
l ,j,j j,l a Yb.@m,.Y.b ,dP
l laPda@Pd dr l jll
yb Yyba YaY l j jPdb
aj j lil lbl yP .,dPabmdP b
alP ,ayP
i.ikki.ikki.ik .ikki. .ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikk
,a@ l
,aP b
s j 4 lb .
@m U ,a@PYbb f n
b,aP jl PYP t jFEAR,a@PYbP a@PY@m
j@mm lbl @mY@mnjl jP jPl @l Yb
l j@ Ybl bPlnxm ll jlb l
Y@m@P@@PY@m@PYm@Pl la Y@@P jP
just 4 fun, razor affiliate n stuff, 6 nodes. sorry dude, lost the rest of
the stats :- Oh yeah. Sysop is The Gravedigger. Ok. Latah..
P dlPYbdilb,am.lm,m88aY
l,Pa lijl lb,dPYbYmdYYP P
bYb. mdai bmdl llmP iaYyPP
bYbmb ayPYkmiPYymniYbdlYbmnmnadl
aYla.amnd lYPa
Yba. ,am. dbYPYPa bmnmd
,i. ,,dlPYibm.m,aPYiy
lal acxamiPa jiP dP alll i
yaYyaaYbll al ybadPdy
yybaYadP l dlam.YPdyl
Ylibamndbmd P
stile world headquaters - opium gfx distsite - phat swedish headquater - more!
,m@STILE y@m,
d PyYYb
,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmPYl a@m,P db ll
PYP jb l@m,Yl da, ,d
PP jb ll P dYb l P
P ,a ll P db ,db ,dl Y j
P b d jb ,d@m@@m@@mnm@
b Yaa@@m@
b YP YbmdP
a,nm@yP ,ma, @m@P YP ,d
P dP l@a a l Y 1996
Y ja@ lP l@mn@mm@l j
la Y P PY l l
YFEAR , dP l Yl dP daaaaaa
Y @mnn@m@@m@mnn@P
sysops: catonica and miss astarot, remote: reptile
15-nasal----------------------------------------------------------------------- @m,
,a@@m, Y
,m@@m, jPb 1l YPPbjl
jPYbYb YbY@mmmn,Yb Ylb1
l l1b,a@Py@m,Yb,a@Pl
bdb jPl Pl jl P
Y ayPY1@m@PY@m@yPY@m@Pb
jP Y
j1P db ,P
P operator : tarot / flavor db a
l fear
Y stile .
a ehh. thought of making the whole logo
. into a giant nose, man it looked fucked up
. are.
,a@@m, ops.
l j b and.
operators. ,d bmd
dP @mnYP a@PY@m,
jb YY@m@P,a@b Yb mag.
jb, l ll
jb . , lli Yyl l
P b P lb lP d,yP
bdl b,jlP jb l ,yP
b n iP ljljjlPaP
jP jP jP
db ,P YP fear!stl aalP
,P b ,Pb
n : : l
l c l r a a@m,
,a@P,am,. j o ,d t u YP
,dPl b,j@amm,,a@PYb,aP aP ,a@@m,a@Pbll
lla YbPY ,PP jP l@mPYl lYy
Yb @ayl ll ll Yl jl Y lljl
Ya YPY@m@P@@@mdY@mdyYb Yy@mlP
b aP ,P
, : d s ,a@@m, .fearstl. l
l l e dPYPb i e :
aY@m yb YP r .
. db Yb ,mY@mnn. l@m,a@@m,,mm
jl lFEARP ,aP YbYyPYP ,aP .
l ,P,aa Ylll l,aa .
. . aaPb@PYbnmY@m@PlPYb YbnmP
,a@@m, damn.ugly.and.fast.made.logo.by.fear/stile96 db @mn
,dPYb YP l
ll jP,@m,Y@m, a@ ,m@@a,mmmm@mn@P
jlayP,dPYP,Y l @m PY l
bab ,mm YP, b jyP l jy
Yb, Yb Y@mnn@b dmyP @@b a P
19-psalm.69-------------------------------------------------------------------- .
. .,@@m, @mn,.
: dPYb j .
,aY7l aPa@P@ ,P fearstile
l YPl Yb Ybbdl j
b jPbm llj ,a@@m@PYd
lb,,dP Y@m ,dP.TidP ,dl
b ,m@P YbP jPl j d
lb dl jy aPab dl
aYa YbmdPY@@P,ybYb aYa .
dP Yb
,m@::,m@@m ,@PY@m ::@m.
d:: dP jl lfb ::b
,j:: jl Y@m@e ::Tb .
y:: PYb YaP ::l:
Y:: YFEAR jP@mn ,rP.::iP
Y::.Y@@PY@m@P ::iP
Y::. .::P
,m@@m,. l@m@ . :
jl Yb a l
llm@@mn, lP .,m@@m,.b. lm@@,
jb jPPYba@PYdbYb ,jPPYb
ja@PjP jPl P,,bYb,adPP jP
lYbllYPjl llY@@P YPllYP
l lb aaa@l l Yl,ab b aaa@
jP ,b@P@l ,l@PYb@P
,jb dPYP Yb
a a
m- -m
@n aaaaaa a aaaaaa
FEAR. ,. ,. , . ,
l r G e r o
l e i n t R l R
PY@m, j@mnnn, ,nnnm@b
l Yb o PYPY
l lb f Pb l jP
jb jP@P l
j Y@ l fearstl
b , ,
ja jY@nn@Pb
,P ,bja
PYb 1-7O5-983-O782 P
dammit.. forgot the e-mail adress.. dammit.. :-/
i think its liquid or someone whos operator, if
you know him, please give him this logo.. sorry dude..
uh it maybe was lithium? jwell fuckitt, the logo
sucks anyway..
,aP lYm.
,m8m. ,dPYm.mnnmP Ybm
,dPYb dP lbYP j llb
jP Y b j b l, ,aijP
7P l. ,P dl ,dP dl fear/stile lYP
Ya ,jPa. j d YP
Yb dPYa l d Ym.
Ym. dP ,md7b Ym. la88. lb
Yb l YP lbYbYb yb
Yb Ymn,nmb, ,jPY8mnvmnm8P yP
dP lP YbmdyP jP
dP mn,. ,a8P ,dP
Ym,mP Y8mnmnan,. .,mmnx8P aP
YP lyP , diP jP
ll YP YmndP P
dP l
Y sectOr 7 - Operator: rawlOck/Opium! jP a
..something supposed to be a skull coming up, dont laught, please..
dlP YP Yl
a + YP l
Yb jP + dl
,da8mb. ,nm8dP
Yb Ya
well, at least you cant blame me for not trying.. :-/
25-sonn------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,aa,
mm.. this one looks pretty crappy j b
l j
a@@a, j, ,aP
PYP b fearstl l jP
b s jP b @m,
, .b, aP jY@m ,jba, @ lba, @m
Y@m,.a@PY@a@b yjb TYb
Y@m8P llFEAR b, Yy b, YiT:l
jm,Yl ib a yb na iP
a l o jP n b jyy b jP
jP jaml jP, ,b laPSTILEb YaiP
Yy@@P@mPY@m P @m YP
, YP
fuckitt.. forgot this e-mail too. think it was phlux@something.blah
sorry.. hope youll receive it anyway. /
Y, YP@mn@ m@PY@aYP@mn@ ,m@@nm,
@am. jl Yb Yll a@PYb
a@P Y@m,m@ lm@jP j
jP blP ,jPalblPl P
l ,Pb ,a@l jPPb ,a@ amn,
stats? stats?
Yaaaaa P @mn,.
,a@m@@m, YP fearstl @m
aP YP b @m@ ,a@@m Yb
j YaldPY@ ,a@P
a l lbllP YbP
l jyjl ll b
Ya aPlYb P j
Ya, YPaYb aPY@Pa
Y@a jP
27-state.of.the.art------------------------------------------------------------ .
,a@@a .S T A T E. .O F. .T H E. l
,l b ,a@
jb lb YP Y
YP jP nm@8@a,Yl
jb @mn,Yb mmm@P
.,@@m, j mmmP
,a@8PY8@a,Yl ,dPaF
jP lb Yl ,aPd
.,,naYbYaY@a,El fearstile
a@Plb l Yb Y
P lP l lb A Y@m,
Yb aPd lP l Yb
Y@a ,aP dR l
--- Y@m --------------- adb ---- jP
Yb president: deep/harm Y@@P
---------------- Yb -- db ---------------- YP --
Ya,aP l
the. creative.
stile . l mndPdl
,b.,d a dl team.
dP m Yba ,d b l
P db YbY,mPY. jl .
l d jbYP Yym,mP :i
. Ybaib YP ,
a YP ,P Y
b YmdP ,d l l
P db lP d
YP db P mn ,d b
fearstile l m ,dP ib
P Ymmdmb
l P yaaYYP
aa lP dP dl
l mndl
29-stile-2-------------------------------------------------------------------- l
@mn,. l .,nm@
@mn,. . . jl . . .,nm@
lP dib Pl
l ,, l
, .,mam@@m,,. dlb@mn, ,
l dPb m@P YlaP l
: Yil dPjP Y l .,m@@mm, :
. Yy@mn, ,PY Y@m@P,dPYb .
: Yf@al l jli jb :
d@m, er YFEAr j dlP YyP
l dl daY jPb jll amnmn, l
. Yy@n@rPY:bmdyPlbyb@m@P .
l jP l
lbmn,,.. ..,,nmdl
,P P, P Y
PYiP .,a@@m,.
Yb YP Y@mP db
Y@aaP f!stl Y aP YP@@mn,.
Y@, jl Yb ljl YPdPYb
YbP d@ YblP Y@m@P PY@mn,
,a@m Ybl @mj bll @mlP ,m@P b
dP jbb Yb PYb YllYbjl
Y@a@PYbdPbmPbYbdP YbbmdP
staff: wintermute/imppiemore, kain/m8empmore, stone/? Y@mn@P
last words.. uhmm.. sorry for all reqs that i havent done
yet, they will be included in the next pack. this month ive
had a lot of requests, and plus that ive been fucking lazy
feel free to request logos n stuff from me, just dont tell
me when its gonna be ready, i decide that.. if you want
to get a major speedup of your request, give me something in
return, like a logo, a 200-liner g or something else..
greets to:
uum. yeah. decided to just make it short, i havent got the
time to fill a page with everyone ive chatted with so..
g r e e t s g o e s o u t t o :
stile*.* fuel*.* harm*.* opiumgfx*.* nh*.* and all those
dudes ive chatted with, requested logos from, got logos
from, made logos for.. everyone who likes what im doing and
almosteveryone in stile.
vain/acid: COMEBACKTOSTILEUFOOL! btw thanks for
that cool picture..
kain/m8alotmore: gimme my prodigy-cd you stupid fuck! g
hoodoo/stile: nice to see youve found that inspiration again,
and thanks alot for the pic..
jason/fusion: gameboy-emuls rock!
necrofiliac/fuel: man, you are SICK!
guess youve heard that before..
burps/acid: sweden rocking the hockey-scene! heh
tarot/flavor: your logo is finished man..
ansi: h3y 100k h0w 3y3 c4n 7yp3, c4n 3y3 h4n6 0u7
w17 j00 n0w?
cray0n/nh!more?: kom hit d svennefitta va..! uhh
janos: fyra dar i rad med folkl, inte bra
extra greetzies to: abnormal, wintermute, odin + lotsa others...
yeah sorry. forgot YOU. wh0a. dont kill me, feel greeted..!
..you say im lazy, man fuckit, i sorted this collie in alphabetic order!
-- wasted 630 lines in 30 31 logos and a lot of bullshit.. - sigNing 0ff
amsti dPaYb tilethecreatiteatilethecreativet
eam jPecrea j stilethect YnP tilethecreative
tea lethec adPamstile aYYa.l mstilfearcreativ
etea Ya eth veteamsti dl a YbP amstilethecreati
vetea Ya thecreativeteamsti,adPl eamstilethecreat
iveteam Ya. ecreativetmsti Y team lethecrea
tiveteams Ya. ea amP msti amP l v ,am. hecre
ativeteamsti Yb e l mst l c ,dYYb ecr
eativetestile Ya l mst e jPjPteam ,dP ec
reative jmn ile Yal mn.s t ll YPthe
creativ Ym.il,jPP i YbjP sjY ivetea ileth
ecreativYmmPYbmPXbabl tive b ilet
hecreativ theiYa ivet lP tile
thecreativeteamstilethecreativeteamstilethYb iv dP stil
ethecreativeteamstilethecreativeteamstilethYmnP amsti
lethecreativeteamstilethecreativeteamstilethe eteamst
for requests or anything else.. 1 catch me on irc
as fear 2 write to fear@mailbox.swipnet.se or 3 simply call
stultify or moose city and leave me a message..
*** trades 100 answer, plain requests 30 ***
btw, check out this collie in 1024x768, it looks really cool
YP db
,amYbmdPi,m.,m. ,am.
lP ll ,YPP aiPiPdP
Yb P dP ll l:l P aPlbl dmxm
Yb axa Y d1ib P lP dllbadP
YP ,dP ,alm. P
l dPYPam.dPb,am.m
: b dPYbP ,ndPdP d l
. Ybmdb. lPlblPYP
Yb Yb PYb Yam.,namm
a t o m YP i c r a p e
@mn, @mn,
j jl jbjb ,@l ll l
,P@mPYm@P Yb. Y@mm@P@mm@
b a l r o g l
,a@PY@m, j
o f Y@ma@P
g r o o v e
..presents a brand new module called..
mn,. YmnP mnb
l l ,ammc,P dmn,
lamY,vmbPYYb ,P .
lilbYbllPYPl diPmdP
ll lbl jldl mYm
jbmnmdyPlbmnndy bmybY Yb :
YPa ,yP
.,, n,,. j
YmnP dyb n,. fearstile
l ,dil ,ammn,. b
li m amYPY,vmb ammn,.Ymn,b
jl l bYib ,PYP PYibP lb
ly lil bmdl lbb m jldl dPj jt
Yl mb jbmnmdPb bmnndy Yyb YbmbmdP
YmiPja YP db dm,YlP
master librarian: asperon/stile
stile memberboard, more nfo n stuff ...
this. ,m ym,
jy. ,PY b mag.
dP l l l
jP m @ @mn@ l b
l c : h dY l
Y mmmmml m i ly
will. b @ d l
Y@mn + yyyy : yyyy yyyyP
lYyyyyy yyyyyyyyyP
YbmdP rock!
. l l
l :
05-da.ill.block---------------------------------------------------------------- .
. ,m@@m, l
d Y@m l YPTP db
Yb a d YPlll
,m@Pl@Pl i @m@i :
Y j jl ll bdTlT l
Yy@m@P@m@b jjlYba .
aP a
@mnPY@m,m@Pl fearstile c m@P .
Yb b P o ,a@@mP
lTl aPll,a@@m,jPPl @m,
YlY@a Yb ladP
YT l YbT Yb k
jP jPYy@m@Py@m@Pb jP
Y@mn d a r k d o m a i n ,a@
Y, j
,a@PYll@PYaPYiPY@m Y@mn
dP lylP ll PylaaaP
Yil dPl d lb l Yb
Y@m@PY@m@Yaya Yib liP
Y@.fear. .stl. ,P
Yb, ,a@P
dP lyP P YP ll YPl Yb
Yil dPl jyll lil d ll:l liP
Y@m@PY@m@PY@m m@PY@m@Yaj ,m@Y
paradise whq - schmechkma ehq - nwo distsite
staff: probe, danen, palpatine, magician, midnight fighter, blue saint
2.5 gb online - 2 nodes with 33k6
ll ,am88mn,
,. YiP
,ab , YP fear/ ,db
YPmb Ym, Ym stile b aYb
dYl dP YTb lP ,m lb lb
j P jb jii dl ,jPi, Ymn. yb
lbndl Y8mb dlP d jP b bb jl
Yb j bYbnnxmYil b a j ,iP
YybbmiP,b YP l b bPjbP
YP Yxb jP abb. YP dP
Yb dP , b. Y ,P
ll Yb Ybmdb d
-------- -------------------------------- YP ---- , ------ -
stats? l +o liithn/nh! l. stats?
..think this is the best logo ive ever done..
SPYTYIPPPPLjEPYP aa a l ,, ,, b P aa
daaaaa db db d
l Paaaa, laaaaaaaa Y FEARl YP YP l Y
b Y b , , ,db Y
hmz.. theres something i like bout these logos..
they are so easy to paint, but it looks really cool..
,.nmb a. ,a
Ylb ,a@PY@m,a@PYPY@m,
dyd@mPYb YbP r bP Yb
PYP,mmmmmdPYlxb aPb ,. m d YP
dl h ddiP a Pyb b d. ,
Y. lyydP dyP Yb fear Yb dP
YYmn Yb Yb dP
..join this leet team of modders today!
@mn l,
YP @a ,a@PY@m ,m@@m
lPY@m,@PY@,jPbjl dP ,aP
ji lbl ll lY@mj,a
j jFEAR@@@@PmPYbnm@P
@n fearstl . OF . l
YP l i
ji lbl l j jl lSTL jP
j j@Pb, b, Y@Pb,
small enough? else /msg me..
,Ym, kki.ikk @m@ i.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki
a ,a@@m,
Y@Pa f!stl Yl jl ikkibar, s0p: vain/acid
bmnnnad YPa
Y@mm@P j@m,li Y@m@ df YPY.
lilab Y YbPdeYm, ibPYP
l ,j,j j,l a Yb.@m,.Y.b ,dP
l laPda@Pd dr l jll
yb Yyba YaY l j jPdb
aj j lil lbl yP .,dPabmdP b
alP ,ayP
i.ikki.ikki.ik .ikki. .ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikki.ikk
,a@ l
,aP b
s j 4 lb .
@m U ,a@PYbb f n
b,aP jl PYP t jFEAR,a@PYbP a@PY@m
j@mm lbl @mY@mnjl jP jPl @l Yb
l j@ Ybl bPlnxm ll jlb l
Y@m@P@@PY@m@PYm@Pl la Y@@P jP
just 4 fun, razor affiliate n stuff, 6 nodes. sorry dude, lost the rest of
the stats :- Oh yeah. Sysop is The Gravedigger. Ok. Latah..
P dlPYbdilb,am.lm,m88aY
l,Pa lijl lb,dPYbYmdYYP P
bYb. mdai bmdl llmP iaYyPP
bYbmb ayPYkmiPYymniYbdlYbmnmnadl
aYla.amnd lYPa
Yba. ,am. dbYPYPa bmnmd
,i. ,,dlPYibm.m,aPYiy
lal acxamiPa jiP dP alll i
yaYyaaYbll al ybadPdy
yybaYadP l dlam.YPdyl
Ylibamndbmd P
stile world headquaters - opium gfx distsite - phat swedish headquater - more!
,m@STILE y@m,
d PyYYb
,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmPYl a@m,P db ll
PYP jb l@m,Yl da, ,d
PP jb ll P dYb l P
P ,a ll P db ,db ,dl Y j
P b d jb ,d@m@@m@@mnm@
b Yaa@@m@
b YP YbmdP
a,nm@yP ,ma, @m@P YP ,d
P dP l@a a l Y 1996
Y ja@ lP l@mn@mm@l j
la Y P PY l l
YFEAR , dP l Yl dP daaaaaa
Y @mnn@m@@m@mnn@P
sysops: catonica and miss astarot, remote: reptile
15-nasal----------------------------------------------------------------------- @m,
,a@@m, Y
,m@@m, jPb 1l YPPbjl
jPYbYb YbY@mmmn,Yb Ylb1
l l1b,a@Py@m,Yb,a@Pl
bdb jPl Pl jl P
Y ayPY1@m@PY@m@yPY@m@Pb
jP Y
j1P db ,P
P operator : tarot / flavor db a
l fear
Y stile .
a ehh. thought of making the whole logo
. into a giant nose, man it looked fucked up
. are.
,a@@m, ops.
l j b and.
operators. ,d bmd
dP @mnYP a@PY@m,
jb YY@m@P,a@b Yb mag.
jb, l ll
jb . , lli Yyl l
P b P lb lP d,yP
bdl b,jlP jb l ,yP
b n iP ljljjlPaP
jP jP jP
db ,P YP fear!stl aalP
,P b ,Pb
n : : l
l c l r a a@m,
,a@P,am,. j o ,d t u YP
,dPl b,j@amm,,a@PYb,aP aP ,a@@m,a@Pbll
lla YbPY ,PP jP l@mPYl lYy
Yb @ayl ll ll Yl jl Y lljl
Ya YPY@m@P@@@mdY@mdyYb Yy@mlP
b aP ,P
, : d s ,a@@m, .fearstl. l
l l e dPYPb i e :
aY@m yb YP r .
. db Yb ,mY@mnn. l@m,a@@m,,mm
jl lFEARP ,aP YbYyPYP ,aP .
l ,P,aa Ylll l,aa .
. . aaPb@PYbnmY@m@PlPYb YbnmP
,a@@m, damn.ugly.and.fast.made.logo.by.fear/stile96 db @mn
,dPYb YP l
ll jP,@m,Y@m, a@ ,m@@a,mmmm@mn@P
jlayP,dPYP,Y l @m PY l
bab ,mm YP, b jyP l jy
Yb, Yb Y@mnn@b dmyP @@b a P
19-psalm.69-------------------------------------------------------------------- .
. .,@@m, @mn,.
: dPYb j .
,aY7l aPa@P@ ,P fearstile
l YPl Yb Ybbdl j
b jPbm llj ,a@@m@PYd
lb,,dP Y@m ,dP.TidP ,dl
b ,m@P YbP jPl j d
lb dl jy aPab dl
aYa YbmdPY@@P,ybYb aYa .
dP Yb
,m@::,m@@m ,@PY@m ::@m.
d:: dP jl lfb ::b
,j:: jl Y@m@e ::Tb .
y:: PYb YaP ::l:
Y:: YFEAR jP@mn ,rP.::iP
Y::.Y@@PY@m@P ::iP
Y::. .::P
,m@@m,. l@m@ . :
jl Yb a l
llm@@mn, lP .,m@@m,.b. lm@@,
jb jPPYba@PYdbYb ,jPPYb
ja@PjP jPl P,,bYb,adPP jP
lYbllYPjl llY@@P YPllYP
l lb aaa@l l Yl,ab b aaa@
jP ,b@P@l ,l@PYb@P
,jb dPYP Yb
a a
m- -m
@n aaaaaa a aaaaaa
FEAR. ,. ,. , . ,
l r G e r o
l e i n t R l R
PY@m, j@mnnn, ,nnnm@b
l Yb o PYPY
l lb f Pb l jP
jb jP@P l
j Y@ l fearstl
b , ,
ja jY@nn@Pb
,P ,bja
PYb 1-7O5-983-O782 P
dammit.. forgot the e-mail adress.. dammit.. :-/
i think its liquid or someone whos operator, if
you know him, please give him this logo.. sorry dude..
uh it maybe was lithium? jwell fuckitt, the logo
sucks anyway..
,aP lYm.
,m8m. ,dPYm.mnnmP Ybm
,dPYb dP lbYP j llb
jP Y b j b l, ,aijP
7P l. ,P dl ,dP dl fear/stile lYP
Ya ,jPa. j d YP
Yb dPYa l d Ym.
Ym. dP ,md7b Ym. la88. lb
Yb l YP lbYbYb yb
Yb Ymn,nmb, ,jPY8mnvmnm8P yP
dP lP YbmdyP jP
dP mn,. ,a8P ,dP
Ym,mP Y8mnmnan,. .,mmnx8P aP
YP lyP , diP jP
ll YP YmndP P
dP l
Y sectOr 7 - Operator: rawlOck/Opium! jP a
..something supposed to be a skull coming up, dont laught, please..
dlP YP Yl
a + YP l
Yb jP + dl
,da8mb. ,nm8dP
Yb Ya
well, at least you cant blame me for not trying.. :-/
25-sonn------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,aa,
mm.. this one looks pretty crappy j b
l j
a@@a, j, ,aP
PYP b fearstl l jP
b s jP b @m,
, .b, aP jY@m ,jba, @ lba, @m
Y@m,.a@PY@a@b yjb TYb
Y@m8P llFEAR b, Yy b, YiT:l
jm,Yl ib a yb na iP
a l o jP n b jyy b jP
jP jaml jP, ,b laPSTILEb YaiP
Yy@@P@mPY@m P @m YP
, YP
fuckitt.. forgot this e-mail too. think it was phlux@something.blah
sorry.. hope youll receive it anyway. /
Y, YP@mn@ m@PY@aYP@mn@ ,m@@nm,
@am. jl Yb Yll a@PYb
a@P Y@m,m@ lm@jP j
jP blP ,jPalblPl P
l ,Pb ,a@l jPPb ,a@ amn,
stats? stats?
Yaaaaa P @mn,.
,a@m@@m, YP fearstl @m
aP YP b @m@ ,a@@m Yb
j YaldPY@ ,a@P
a l lbllP YbP
l jyjl ll b
Ya aPlYb P j
Ya, YPaYb aPY@Pa
Y@a jP
27-state.of.the.art------------------------------------------------------------ .
,a@@a .S T A T E. .O F. .T H E. l
,l b ,a@
jb lb YP Y
YP jP nm@8@a,Yl
jb @mn,Yb mmm@P
.,@@m, j mmmP
,a@8PY8@a,Yl ,dPaF
jP lb Yl ,aPd
.,,naYbYaY@a,El fearstile
a@Plb l Yb Y
P lP l lb A Y@m,
Yb aPd lP l Yb
Y@a ,aP dR l
--- Y@m --------------- adb ---- jP
Yb president: deep/harm Y@@P
---------------- Yb -- db ---------------- YP --
Ya,aP l
the. creative.
stile . l mndPdl
,b.,d a dl team.
dP m Yba ,d b l
P db YbY,mPY. jl .
l d jbYP Yym,mP :i
. Ybaib YP ,
a YP ,P Y
b YmdP ,d l l
P db lP d
YP db P mn ,d b
fearstile l m ,dP ib
P Ymmdmb
l P yaaYYP
aa lP dP dl
l mndl
29-stile-2-------------------------------------------------------------------- l
@mn,. l .,nm@
@mn,. . . jl . . .,nm@
lP dib Pl
l ,, l
, .,mam@@m,,. dlb@mn, ,
l dPb m@P YlaP l
: Yil dPjP Y l .,m@@mm, :
. Yy@mn, ,PY Y@m@P,dPYb .
: Yf@al l jli jb :
d@m, er YFEAr j dlP YyP
l dl daY jPb jll amnmn, l
. Yy@n@rPY:bmdyPlbyb@m@P .
l jP l
lbmn,,.. ..,,nmdl
,P P, P Y
PYiP .,a@@m,.
Yb YP Y@mP db
Y@aaP f!stl Y aP YP@@mn,.
Y@, jl Yb ljl YPdPYb
YbP d@ YblP Y@m@P PY@mn,
,a@m Ybl @mj bll @mlP ,m@P b
dP jbb Yb PYb YllYbjl
Y@a@PYbdPbmPbYbdP YbbmdP
staff: wintermute/imppiemore, kain/m8empmore, stone/? Y@mn@P
last words.. uhmm.. sorry for all reqs that i havent done
yet, they will be included in the next pack. this month ive
had a lot of requests, and plus that ive been fucking lazy
feel free to request logos n stuff from me, just dont tell
me when its gonna be ready, i decide that.. if you want
to get a major speedup of your request, give me something in
return, like a logo, a 200-liner g or something else..
greets to:
uum. yeah. decided to just make it short, i havent got the
time to fill a page with everyone ive chatted with so..
g r e e t s g o e s o u t t o :
stile*.* fuel*.* harm*.* opiumgfx*.* nh*.* and all those
dudes ive chatted with, requested logos from, got logos
from, made logos for.. everyone who likes what im doing and
almosteveryone in stile.
vain/acid: COMEBACKTOSTILEUFOOL! btw thanks for
that cool picture..
kain/m8alotmore: gimme my prodigy-cd you stupid fuck! g
hoodoo/stile: nice to see youve found that inspiration again,
and thanks alot for the pic..
jason/fusion: gameboy-emuls rock!
necrofiliac/fuel: man, you are SICK!
guess youve heard that before..
burps/acid: sweden rocking the hockey-scene! heh
tarot/flavor: your logo is finished man..
ansi: h3y 100k h0w 3y3 c4n 7yp3, c4n 3y3 h4n6 0u7
w17 j00 n0w?
cray0n/nh!more?: kom hit d svennefitta va..! uhh
janos: fyra dar i rad med folkl, inte bra
extra greetzies to: abnormal, wintermute, odin + lotsa others...
yeah sorry. forgot YOU. wh0a. dont kill me, feel greeted..!
..you say im lazy, man fuckit, i sorted this collie in alphabetic order!
-- wasted 630 lines in 30 31 logos and a lot of bullshit.. - sigNing 0ff
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