![### Stile members & Info! by Pfezzyo](/pack/stl-005/x1/STILENFO.ANS.png)
this image contains text
Stile Productions 1996 - Memberlist and site info..
Stile Productions tm was founded in 1994 by
Gangstar as an art and PPE development group.
In oct 1995, it was refounded by Catonica and
Pfezzyo. Now, we continue to give you art ...
catonica pfezzyo asperon
Internet Admins
atomic tosh10 pfezzyo
Stile Productions Artists
mortal enemy......me.......ANS..............................................
primal rage.......pr.......ANS..............................................
Stile Productions Coders
Stile Productions Sites
Name Location Sysops Position
moose city......+46-8-55016892...1..catonica........................world HQ
diabolica.......+1-909-786-9854..2..nevarre....................western US HQ diabolica.......+1-909-786-0893..2..nevarre....................western US HQ rebel base......+1-718-967-5422..1..luke / casper..............eastern US HQ
colosseum.......+1-909-985-4693..1..nero / seize...............central US HQ
impure..........+1-514-441-5540..1..jeepee.........................canada HQ
shelter base.....+49-8141-34445..2..blade / walker...............european HQ
fusion..........+46-x-xxxxxxxxx..3..doodle...................scandinavian HQ
WANTED.........................................................australian HQ
grind.............+46-8-7479632..1..spiritseeker / liithn.......member board
rush hour..........+46-8-261591..1..crimson.....................member board
secret access.....+46-19-186646..2..onyx........................member board
secret access.....+46-19-189644..2..onyx........................member board
spantobi..........+46-18-127761..2..quasar / doze...............member board
spantobi..........+46-18-252800..2..quasar / doze...............member board
the black library.+46-18-464470..1..asperon.....................member board
now accepted! apply today........................................dist boards
Well, as you see, there are still one more position left to
fill out, maybe your board/site can be it? Also, distro
sites are wanted from now on. We will only accept one dist
per area. FTP site is also wanted.
Dont forget the IRC channel stile on EF-net, it can be
used to get our releases and you know.. craptalk about the
weather and shit like that. We will probably move over to
undernet cause that IRC-net really rockz more.
Our web-page are still not up. A test page will be placed at
http://www.algonet.se/ansi in a few weeks, you will find
info about this on our boards and on IRC when page is up and
running lateron.
Other information is like this... Mortal Enemy has applied
for a place in acid, we dont know for sure if he has been
accepted into acid right now, well come back to that later.
Abnormal, Sonofagun, Zalt, Vain and Cocox are not in stile
anymore. Abnormal leaved, Sonofagun removed due to
inactivity, Zalt moved to TEA, Vain got himself into acid
and he was the third stile member who got into acid.. and
mortal will probably be our fourth one! :. Oh yeah, cocox
left stile due to our removal of the modding division, and
liithn leaved. Mendator took a pause from the scene and
shall do a comeback, dunno in wich group yet.
Well.. this is all I got to say for now so Ill just move
over to my greets, and they go like this:
in no specific order
Gravedigger - Ypsilon - Doktorn - Airoc - Dreadfull - Wiz
Spellbinder - Rex - Warlock - Rawlock - Tarot - Jeepee - Phyro
Grewer - Chorus - Passajked - Steelpulse - Necroman - Zaico
Insider - mMy mUm - my gal - Endeavour - emigree - FLEXOR
PikeStaff - Drain
...group greets...
Acid - Ice - Fire - Opium - Fusion - Fuel - TEA - Rebels
...dont beat me up if you or your group are missing here...
.,o0 Paq numbah five info was written and designed by Pfezzyo 0o,.
Stile Productions tm was founded in 1994 by
Gangstar as an art and PPE development group.
In oct 1995, it was refounded by Catonica and
Pfezzyo. Now, we continue to give you art ...
catonica pfezzyo asperon
Internet Admins
atomic tosh10 pfezzyo
Stile Productions Artists
mortal enemy......me.......ANS..............................................
primal rage.......pr.......ANS..............................................
Stile Productions Coders
Stile Productions Sites
Name Location Sysops Position
moose city......+46-8-55016892...1..catonica........................world HQ
diabolica.......+1-909-786-9854..2..nevarre....................western US HQ diabolica.......+1-909-786-0893..2..nevarre....................western US HQ rebel base......+1-718-967-5422..1..luke / casper..............eastern US HQ
colosseum.......+1-909-985-4693..1..nero / seize...............central US HQ
impure..........+1-514-441-5540..1..jeepee.........................canada HQ
shelter base.....+49-8141-34445..2..blade / walker...............european HQ
fusion..........+46-x-xxxxxxxxx..3..doodle...................scandinavian HQ
WANTED.........................................................australian HQ
grind.............+46-8-7479632..1..spiritseeker / liithn.......member board
rush hour..........+46-8-261591..1..crimson.....................member board
secret access.....+46-19-186646..2..onyx........................member board
secret access.....+46-19-189644..2..onyx........................member board
spantobi..........+46-18-127761..2..quasar / doze...............member board
spantobi..........+46-18-252800..2..quasar / doze...............member board
the black library.+46-18-464470..1..asperon.....................member board
now accepted! apply today........................................dist boards
Well, as you see, there are still one more position left to
fill out, maybe your board/site can be it? Also, distro
sites are wanted from now on. We will only accept one dist
per area. FTP site is also wanted.
Dont forget the IRC channel stile on EF-net, it can be
used to get our releases and you know.. craptalk about the
weather and shit like that. We will probably move over to
undernet cause that IRC-net really rockz more.
Our web-page are still not up. A test page will be placed at
http://www.algonet.se/ansi in a few weeks, you will find
info about this on our boards and on IRC when page is up and
running lateron.
Other information is like this... Mortal Enemy has applied
for a place in acid, we dont know for sure if he has been
accepted into acid right now, well come back to that later.
Abnormal, Sonofagun, Zalt, Vain and Cocox are not in stile
anymore. Abnormal leaved, Sonofagun removed due to
inactivity, Zalt moved to TEA, Vain got himself into acid
and he was the third stile member who got into acid.. and
mortal will probably be our fourth one! :. Oh yeah, cocox
left stile due to our removal of the modding division, and
liithn leaved. Mendator took a pause from the scene and
shall do a comeback, dunno in wich group yet.
Well.. this is all I got to say for now so Ill just move
over to my greets, and they go like this:
in no specific order
Gravedigger - Ypsilon - Doktorn - Airoc - Dreadfull - Wiz
Spellbinder - Rex - Warlock - Rawlock - Tarot - Jeepee - Phyro
Grewer - Chorus - Passajked - Steelpulse - Necroman - Zaico
Insider - mMy mUm - my gal - Endeavour - emigree - FLEXOR
PikeStaff - Drain
...group greets...
Acid - Ice - Fire - Opium - Fusion - Fuel - TEA - Rebels
...dont beat me up if you or your group are missing here...
.,o0 Paq numbah five info was written and designed by Pfezzyo 0o,.
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