this image contains text
swaptm 04 infofile by cheeze sw
ap logo by hennie+warpus
INFO HERE! GET YOUR INFO! thatll be 50cents sir
.. sir? SIR?!
swaptm 04 news:
well, we had a nice turnout this time.. in all, 6 pe
ople showed up. the
ansis also turned out pretty well mind you i said pretty
** tsk left after his first or second segme
nt, so we had to scrap his work and
try to run things smoothly without him. it kinda messed
us up a bit, mainly
because it left grindstone and illx to d
o 2 ansis in one segment, holding up
other people because face it: you cant do 2 in 15mins
** when we had about 2 segments on half, and
1 on the others left to do,
cris.com decided to lockup, and i couldnt get b
ack on for somewhere around
20-30 mins.. in that time, outkast and safet
y left, as well as grindstone
who eventually came back.
** i had to substitute splatt for grinds
tone 06 in ansi s 01 and 02 because
he had to go do something, and i never could or felt li
ke to be more exact
getting a replacement for outkast and safetys last segm
ents.. that
basically meant 2 ansis were completed, the
rest were left with one segment
besides tsks missing.
participants and other notes:
a big thanks to everyone who particpated
outkast, safety, tsk, illx, and
grindstone, as well as splatt who helped me on
such short notice.. although tskleft, things went on
pretty smoothly. i basically have a strategy in case
someone leaves now.. so, all is good.
oh.. and spread this around. poopies.
swap rules and things you need to know:
- we cant use
swap. it is some lame-o pd hangout or som
ething. so we have
to use swaptm instead. oh boy.
- we have had a problem with someone le
aving in every swap to date. same
solution as always - dont leave. period. and if
you DO have to leave, do so
between segments right after you give me the ansi for the se
gment we just
completed.. that way i can easily get a replacement.
- the limit of people in
the channel will be from 7-9 each night. so g
et in
there right after i announce the opening of the channel in
ansi + ice. no
latecomers will be accepted.
- everyone in the channel will start an ansi aft
er i go over the rules and
assign s and work on it for 15 minutes.
when their time is up, they send
me the ansi in this format:
-xx.ans being the number o
f the person who
started the answer, xx being the number of the person wh
o just worked on it
i will then redistribute the ansis to the next people, and w
ell start drawing
again for 15 minutes.. things continue like this until every
one has worked on
every ansi once.
swaptm 05 date and time and all that jive:
the next swaptm will be held duh! on
tuesday 09/24 at 7pm eastern in
swaptm yet again .. the max of 8 people w
ill apply again, also. be on the
lookout right at 7pm when the doors open. its a lot of fun
.. if people dont
contacting swap staff ahem.. cheeze :
you can get intouch with me + pickup the swap weekly pac
kets released on the
wednsday directly after the swap at these locations:
inet email: swap-@cris.com this is shakey.
. i need a new account. help!
WHQ: doink - 407-783-1522
ftp: ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpack
telnet: tregency.res.cmu.edu hal doesnt know this
- or -
any scene concious board and hell, if they don
t have it, they arent worth
the call!
there are no distros, and no headquarters besides what a
re listed above.
thanks to:
- crayon: for the original jo
int idea.. you will go down in history, bro.
- hennifer + warpus:
for the great swaptm idea and for the swap lo
gos.. thanks boys - youve done a great thing.
- mice: for the second diz. again, th
- spear: for the swap logos danke!
- anyone else who has helped me, weither
it be directly or indirectly: thanks!
ap logo by hennie+warpus
INFO HERE! GET YOUR INFO! thatll be 50cents sir
.. sir? SIR?!
swaptm 04 news:
well, we had a nice turnout this time.. in all, 6 pe
ople showed up. the
ansis also turned out pretty well mind you i said pretty
** tsk left after his first or second segme
nt, so we had to scrap his work and
try to run things smoothly without him. it kinda messed
us up a bit, mainly
because it left grindstone and illx to d
o 2 ansis in one segment, holding up
other people because face it: you cant do 2 in 15mins
** when we had about 2 segments on half, and
1 on the others left to do,
cris.com decided to lockup, and i couldnt get b
ack on for somewhere around
20-30 mins.. in that time, outkast and safet
y left, as well as grindstone
who eventually came back.
** i had to substitute splatt for grinds
tone 06 in ansi s 01 and 02 because
he had to go do something, and i never could or felt li
ke to be more exact
getting a replacement for outkast and safetys last segm
ents.. that
basically meant 2 ansis were completed, the
rest were left with one segment
besides tsks missing.
participants and other notes:
a big thanks to everyone who particpated
outkast, safety, tsk, illx, and
grindstone, as well as splatt who helped me on
such short notice.. although tskleft, things went on
pretty smoothly. i basically have a strategy in case
someone leaves now.. so, all is good.
oh.. and spread this around. poopies.
swap rules and things you need to know:
- we cant use
swap. it is some lame-o pd hangout or som
ething. so we have
to use swaptm instead. oh boy.
- we have had a problem with someone le
aving in every swap to date. same
solution as always - dont leave. period. and if
you DO have to leave, do so
between segments right after you give me the ansi for the se
gment we just
completed.. that way i can easily get a replacement.
- the limit of people in
the channel will be from 7-9 each night. so g
et in
there right after i announce the opening of the channel in
ansi + ice. no
latecomers will be accepted.
- everyone in the channel will start an ansi aft
er i go over the rules and
assign s and work on it for 15 minutes.
when their time is up, they send
me the ansi in this format:
-xx.ans being the number o
f the person who
started the answer, xx being the number of the person wh
o just worked on it
i will then redistribute the ansis to the next people, and w
ell start drawing
again for 15 minutes.. things continue like this until every
one has worked on
every ansi once.
swaptm 05 date and time and all that jive:
the next swaptm will be held duh! on
tuesday 09/24 at 7pm eastern in
swaptm yet again .. the max of 8 people w
ill apply again, also. be on the
lookout right at 7pm when the doors open. its a lot of fun
.. if people dont
contacting swap staff ahem.. cheeze :
you can get intouch with me + pickup the swap weekly pac
kets released on the
wednsday directly after the swap at these locations:
inet email: swap-@cris.com this is shakey.
. i need a new account. help!
WHQ: doink - 407-783-1522
ftp: ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpack
telnet: tregency.res.cmu.edu hal doesnt know this
- or -
any scene concious board and hell, if they don
t have it, they arent worth
the call!
there are no distros, and no headquarters besides what a
re listed above.
thanks to:
- crayon: for the original jo
int idea.. you will go down in history, bro.
- hennifer + warpus:
for the great swaptm idea and for the swap lo
gos.. thanks boys - youve done a great thing.
- mice: for the second diz. again, th
- spear: for the swap logos danke!
- anyone else who has helped me, weither
it be directly or indirectly: thanks!
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