this image contains text
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
05-05.ans first
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
flame - i colored stuff. it was cool. huhuh uh uhuhuhuh
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
flame - i colored stuff. it was cool. huhuh uh uhuhuhuh
flame : I worked on the shading a little bit.
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
flame - i colored stuff. it was cool. huhuh uh uhuhuhuh
flame : I worked on the shading a little bit.
widowmaker :: didnt you mean fluor? : i finished th
e bg, thats all.
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
flame - i colored stuff. it was cool. huhuh uh uhuhuhuh
flame : I worked on the shading a little bit.
widowmaker :: didnt you mean fluor? : i finished th
e bg, thats all.
bviper : fux0red with the background, as usual.
sorry, I suck at fonts, and I cant do much with fonts.
and its pretty late to start pics.
05-04.ans last
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
flame - i colored stuff. it was cool. huhuh uh uhuhuhuh
flame : I worked on the shading a little bit.
widowmaker :: didnt you mean fluor? : i finished th
e bg, thats all.
bviper : fux0red with the background, as usual.
sorry, I suck at fonts, and I cant do much with fonts.
and its pretty late to start pics.
warpus: wow, thats perfect for the header.
05-05b.ans makeover
05-05.ans first
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
flame - i colored stuff. it was cool. huhuh uh uhuhuhuh
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
flame - i colored stuff. it was cool. huhuh uh uhuhuhuh
flame : I worked on the shading a little bit.
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
flame - i colored stuff. it was cool. huhuh uh uhuhuhuh
flame : I worked on the shading a little bit.
widowmaker :: didnt you mean fluor? : i finished th
e bg, thats all.
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
flame - i colored stuff. it was cool. huhuh uh uhuhuhuh
flame : I worked on the shading a little bit.
widowmaker :: didnt you mean fluor? : i finished th
e bg, thats all.
bviper : fux0red with the background, as usual.
sorry, I suck at fonts, and I cant do much with fonts.
and its pretty late to start pics.
05-04.ans last
warpus - draw for anma absolutely no musical abilities
sirdeath - i shaded it, did a little reshaping, and started
flame - i colored stuff. it was cool. huhuh uh uhuhuhuh
flame : I worked on the shading a little bit.
widowmaker :: didnt you mean fluor? : i finished th
e bg, thats all.
bviper : fux0red with the background, as usual.
sorry, I suck at fonts, and I cant do much with fonts.
and its pretty late to start pics.
warpus: wow, thats perfect for the header.
05-05b.ans makeover
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