this image contains text
synthetic artpack number 17
synthetic pack seventeen
thank you once again for downloading the latest melbourne digital artpack from
us, synthetic. im not really in the mood to type this shit out, but here goes.
i hope my english doesnt offend anyone out there.
Soap emagazine!!!
Soap EMag Issue Two was released a few days ago, and what a great mag it is if
I do say so myself. heck i coded it, it must be fucking awsome :
I feel so moddest today :
internet problems
problem no more! we at synthetic are ravingly excited to inform you all that
our web page is finally up and running once again, on a much better domain!
please be patient with us, since the linux box is currently being fixed and
some problems ftp for sure may occure. please visit us on your next call
to your isp by using netscape v2+, and point it to:
i have also gained an email address, trip@synthetic.ml.org, however, as my
net account has died, i will not be able to reply to any letters until i get
it back. therefore please do not send any mail to that address for the time
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as much as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do any
amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap
synth member changes
We have gained a reasonable amount of active artists this month, this only
shows the prospect of synthetic art!
welcome, to these digital artists to synthetic. we hope you enjoy your stay!
skunk is an ansi/ascii artist, who shows alot of interest and skills in his
style of art. ive seen his art from time to time in the past, and he has im-
proved majorly.. you can see this for yourself in this synth pack, if you
havnt already done so..
WaRP! is now issued as a co-ordinator of synthetic. As Syd is back in hell do-
ing year 12 again, and warp has been with us for 1 year now, i thought this
move was a great idea, and evidence of this is already showing.
--- really boring stuff you should keep for a nice rainy, boring day :
as i am here, i would like to announce something, which might be of interest
to some of you artpack freaks out there. I, trippah is going to take a little
rest from all this bbsing the scene business. my life is fucked up a bit
right now, with alot of confusion and irritation on my mind, i can not cope
with all the crap that i used to be able to in the past.
im very very sorry to anyone who objects to this, but i need to sort out my
life, and that is my first priority. and to the people who are in full of
happiness because of this gotcha, i hope you have a nice, ego life ahead of
you.. gotcha issue two was as interesting as watching my cat lick and clean
its own asshole.
i would like to take this chance to make my respects and shout outs to ..
Apocalyptic Visions and Members: Thanks for everything. You made the start for
me in ansi art and i really appreciate it!
Organic and Members: Your group is the most unreliable, but fuck when the pack
comes out, you make my eyes drool.
Polyester and Some of Members: Keep up the work. Your the next best thing to
TK although personally i think the BBS modding
is rather pointless :
Ol Dirty Bastard: Your ansis now fucking beats mine anyday. keep up your
tallents/potential and i hope to meet you in the near
ACiD: You defined quality, until your artpacks became 95 or whatever VGA..
dont become a full on commercial crew.
well thats about all i can think of right now.. fuck ive just been talking
shit.. this is turning out like a soap emag article : but i typed it out so
to the people who actually read these news files, enjoy :
synth music departmnt
i would like to take this time to say a BIG thank thank thank you to genocyber
for taking the responsibility of synthetic music disks! soon after his arrival
i had to fuck up and leave, and im very very sorry to you, but fuck, synthetic
music pack 2 had some different tunes.
id like to also thank ProFixX, Moonbreaker, Wooga and BeefBurger for joining
synthetic music, and i hope to listen to your tracks in the near future.
contacting synthetic
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@synthetic.ml.org
-- sydwaters@hotmail.com
-- warpdude@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- synthetic.ml.org
ftp site on the net -- synthetic.ml.org
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
Synthetic Organization,
digital artists, australia.
shout outs to sf, mdn, frc, av,
odb, ph, gen, syd, rp.
and to any other vic crews!
News written/layout by Trippah
synthetic pack seventeen
thank you once again for downloading the latest melbourne digital artpack from
us, synthetic. im not really in the mood to type this shit out, but here goes.
i hope my english doesnt offend anyone out there.
Soap emagazine!!!
Soap EMag Issue Two was released a few days ago, and what a great mag it is if
I do say so myself. heck i coded it, it must be fucking awsome :
I feel so moddest today :
internet problems
problem no more! we at synthetic are ravingly excited to inform you all that
our web page is finally up and running once again, on a much better domain!
please be patient with us, since the linux box is currently being fixed and
some problems ftp for sure may occure. please visit us on your next call
to your isp by using netscape v2+, and point it to:
i have also gained an email address, trip@synthetic.ml.org, however, as my
net account has died, i will not be able to reply to any letters until i get
it back. therefore please do not send any mail to that address for the time
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as much as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do any
amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap
synth member changes
We have gained a reasonable amount of active artists this month, this only
shows the prospect of synthetic art!
welcome, to these digital artists to synthetic. we hope you enjoy your stay!
skunk is an ansi/ascii artist, who shows alot of interest and skills in his
style of art. ive seen his art from time to time in the past, and he has im-
proved majorly.. you can see this for yourself in this synth pack, if you
havnt already done so..
WaRP! is now issued as a co-ordinator of synthetic. As Syd is back in hell do-
ing year 12 again, and warp has been with us for 1 year now, i thought this
move was a great idea, and evidence of this is already showing.
--- really boring stuff you should keep for a nice rainy, boring day :
as i am here, i would like to announce something, which might be of interest
to some of you artpack freaks out there. I, trippah is going to take a little
rest from all this bbsing the scene business. my life is fucked up a bit
right now, with alot of confusion and irritation on my mind, i can not cope
with all the crap that i used to be able to in the past.
im very very sorry to anyone who objects to this, but i need to sort out my
life, and that is my first priority. and to the people who are in full of
happiness because of this gotcha, i hope you have a nice, ego life ahead of
you.. gotcha issue two was as interesting as watching my cat lick and clean
its own asshole.
i would like to take this chance to make my respects and shout outs to ..
Apocalyptic Visions and Members: Thanks for everything. You made the start for
me in ansi art and i really appreciate it!
Organic and Members: Your group is the most unreliable, but fuck when the pack
comes out, you make my eyes drool.
Polyester and Some of Members: Keep up the work. Your the next best thing to
TK although personally i think the BBS modding
is rather pointless :
Ol Dirty Bastard: Your ansis now fucking beats mine anyday. keep up your
tallents/potential and i hope to meet you in the near
ACiD: You defined quality, until your artpacks became 95 or whatever VGA..
dont become a full on commercial crew.
well thats about all i can think of right now.. fuck ive just been talking
shit.. this is turning out like a soap emag article : but i typed it out so
to the people who actually read these news files, enjoy :
synth music departmnt
i would like to take this time to say a BIG thank thank thank you to genocyber
for taking the responsibility of synthetic music disks! soon after his arrival
i had to fuck up and leave, and im very very sorry to you, but fuck, synthetic
music pack 2 had some different tunes.
id like to also thank ProFixX, Moonbreaker, Wooga and BeefBurger for joining
synthetic music, and i hope to listen to your tracks in the near future.
contacting synthetic
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@synthetic.ml.org
-- sydwaters@hotmail.com
-- warpdude@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- synthetic.ml.org
ftp site on the net -- synthetic.ml.org
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
Synthetic Organization,
digital artists, australia.
shout outs to sf, mdn, frc, av,
odb, ph, gen, syd, rp.
and to any other vic crews!
News written/layout by Trippah
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