this image contains text
747 4747 47 47 47 4 .. .. .. 7:: ,SS ::.SS ::
xxx. . :: :..,s : : bd : : bd : : : Iniquity last few callers f1 - local logon 111 unfunf 10:04p 38400 f2 - exit iniquity 112 unfunf 10:05p 9600 f3 - jump to dos *113 buttbutt 10:06p 14400
f4 - init modem 114 unfunf 10:06p
f5 - hangup modem ::::::::::
f6 - offhook modem atf10000m0000m00000
f7 - answer modem calm: 2 word modem set to go big boy.
f8 - terminal mode node: 1
time: 9:57a modem commands
--------1/8 iniquity c 1998 iDT productions
that elite scrolling text..... alpha 28 v.98 release: mm/dd/yy
xxx. . :: :..,s : : bd : : bd : : :
SS yyySS
olllSSS. .. ooxxmmmyy iillSSSSii Sli.ii - - i i: SSSlii, , . . :k llSSllii: k j . 4 yySSllii : . 4QSli . . . . . Iniquity-- - -last few callers-- f1 - local logon 111 unfunf 10:04p 38400 , f2 - exit iniquity .. 112 unfunf 10:05p 9600 f3 - jump to dos *113 buttbutt 10:06p 14400
f4 - init modem 114 unfunf 10:06p
f5 - hangup modem ::::::::::
f6 - offhook modem atf10000m0000m00000
f7 - answer modem calm: 2 word modem set to go big boy.
f8 - terminal mode node: 1
time: 9:57a modem commands
--------1/8 iniquity c 1998 iDT productions
: that elite scrolling text..... alpha 28 v.98 release: mm/dd/yy
kicking it live, in 95.
xxx. . :: :..,s : : bd : : bd : : : Iniquity last few callers f1 - local logon 111 unfunf 10:04p 38400 f2 - exit iniquity 112 unfunf 10:05p 9600 f3 - jump to dos *113 buttbutt 10:06p 14400
f4 - init modem 114 unfunf 10:06p
f5 - hangup modem ::::::::::
f6 - offhook modem atf10000m0000m00000
f7 - answer modem calm: 2 word modem set to go big boy.
f8 - terminal mode node: 1
time: 9:57a modem commands
--------1/8 iniquity c 1998 iDT productions
that elite scrolling text..... alpha 28 v.98 release: mm/dd/yy
xxx. . :: :..,s : : bd : : bd : : :
SS yyySS
olllSSS. .. ooxxmmmyy iillSSSSii Sli.ii - - i i: SSSlii, , . . :k llSSllii: k j . 4 yySSllii : . 4QSli . . . . . Iniquity-- - -last few callers-- f1 - local logon 111 unfunf 10:04p 38400 , f2 - exit iniquity .. 112 unfunf 10:05p 9600 f3 - jump to dos *113 buttbutt 10:06p 14400
f4 - init modem 114 unfunf 10:06p
f5 - hangup modem ::::::::::
f6 - offhook modem atf10000m0000m00000
f7 - answer modem calm: 2 word modem set to go big boy.
f8 - terminal mode node: 1
time: 9:57a modem commands
--------1/8 iniquity c 1998 iDT productions
: that elite scrolling text..... alpha 28 v.98 release: mm/dd/yy
kicking it live, in 95.
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