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i got shot in seattle and all i got was this t-shirt....
i got shot in seattle and all i got was this lousy t-shirt.
The Proud....
The Few....
The Dirty Dozen 1996....
F o u n d e r
A d v i s o r s
Shockwave CoolT Ralph Lauren
S e n i o r M e m b e r s
iodine Netman
G r a p h i c A r t i s t s
iodine Grumpy Luke Skywalker Crayon Uppercut
Netman Blaze Casper Slyder Wolverine
Malicious Insanity P-Chan Deathblow
Cable Shockwave Coolt trUst
P r o g r a m e r s
Odysseus Mind Bender
Hasty Netman Conway
T r a c k e r s
Fiddler Myvay Verminator
L i t e r a t u r e
Luke Skywalker
D a t a T r a n s f e r
Batman Capernicus Orpheus
Total:30 members.
i got shot in seattle and all i got was this lousy t-shirt.
The Proud....
The Few....
The Dirty Dozen 1996....
F o u n d e r
A d v i s o r s
Shockwave CoolT Ralph Lauren
S e n i o r M e m b e r s
iodine Netman
G r a p h i c A r t i s t s
iodine Grumpy Luke Skywalker Crayon Uppercut
Netman Blaze Casper Slyder Wolverine
Malicious Insanity P-Chan Deathblow
Cable Shockwave Coolt trUst
P r o g r a m e r s
Odysseus Mind Bender
Hasty Netman Conway
T r a c k e r s
Fiddler Myvay Verminator
L i t e r a t u r e
Luke Skywalker
D a t a T r a n s f e r
Batman Capernicus Orpheus
Total:30 members.
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