this image contains text
: : : : OF
: : Presents
This person who is an
artist/coder/musician in
tDD, is a very important
member. The only reason
I did not draw him before
is because I didnt know
the meaning of his handle.
Actually, I still dont,
but since he told me that
it has something to do
the Romans, here it is.
In order to get a personal
ansi from me, send me a
message on Disembodied
Voices. And keep those
handles under 15 chars.
netman of tDD.
100 original.
: : Presents
This person who is an
artist/coder/musician in
tDD, is a very important
member. The only reason
I did not draw him before
is because I didnt know
the meaning of his handle.
Actually, I still dont,
but since he told me that
it has something to do
the Romans, here it is.
In order to get a personal
ansi from me, send me a
message on Disembodied
Voices. And keep those
handles under 15 chars.
netman of tDD.
100 original.
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