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Scene Boards
We plan to release monthly Scene Boards, a list of the best demo/art boards
in the world. What makes our list different is that well display the logon
ansi pages of the boards, so that you can actually feel the ambiance of the
board. A name and a number cant tell you whether a board is cool or not,
whereas an ansi does it!
So, if you are the sysop of demo/art oriented board and wish to appear in
Scene Boards, send us an ansi! 80x25 mode
Ripped or ugly ansis wont be accepted. Our choice of boards will be
based on the quality of the ansi much more than the number of distros
or anything.
Ansis can be mailed uuencoded to ei1h11@ecn01.ec-nantes.fr or uploaded
to one of our sites. look at TINY.NFO for more infos on contacting us
We plan to release monthly Scene Boards, a list of the best demo/art boards
in the world. What makes our list different is that well display the logon
ansi pages of the boards, so that you can actually feel the ambiance of the
board. A name and a number cant tell you whether a board is cool or not,
whereas an ansi does it!
So, if you are the sysop of demo/art oriented board and wish to appear in
Scene Boards, send us an ansi! 80x25 mode
Ripped or ugly ansis wont be accepted. Our choice of boards will be
based on the quality of the ansi much more than the number of distros
or anything.
Ansis can be mailed uuencoded to ei1h11@ecn01.ec-nantes.fr or uploaded
to one of our sites. look at TINY.NFO for more infos on contacting us
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