this image contains text
t i t a n p r o d u c t i o n s 2 o o 9
iks ttn
iks Everything is about CUL ANUSways, red-, and gencha, and moqui.
red it needs moar tits. only ascii with tits will win.
gencha draw some nipples on the last guy.
23:45 moqui i dont get how the demon at the top fits your topic/theme :/
23:46 iks its an angel, lol.
Freedom, on top of the world
ASCII released at Evoke 09 - Cologne
I wouldnt have been able to do it without my French keyboard jix, sorry!
My deepest thanks to anyone I know in the scene, you make my life better.
Big spam of love to my Titans. You guys are my family.
Special arms around you because you guys rock and make my life a piece of
awesomeness to
Manboy Paris sucks, and you know it - HHS - Jul - Dundee - Family - Del
Special Greetings and rush of pure love with sex and cunilingus to
Val - Cibou - Lu - Num - Em
And to all of you out of the scene that I forgot. Lightshinings to you.
Now, for the so much asked part why lord, why?, sincere personnal greetings
to my moqui du CUL, join Titan bro, you know you want to! Same amount of love
to Willbe, Sheena, tsr, bunny, dax, metapUte, goo, pest0r and the rest, you
know who you are, awesomelish greetings and more times on the greetings than
on the ascii itself written by gencha yeah oh yeah baby and greetings
to santa for his Pecheresse que je nai toujours pas eu, hein! Cheers for
this. And fuckings to gencha for not liking my way of asciiing. Ok? Thanks.
And greetings to le cheeseburger in le bar around le evoke, with le Santa
and le comte too! :D
Copy/pasting for the win - Evoke 08 same greets, from the same guy, different
time. You know youll like them anyways.
i3cocoon.i3accession.i3the dominators.i3triad.i3umlautdesign.i3paradise
and even some more 3 to the forgotten and groupless
and really close friends like pengoCUL,spots0r
and druid. Even some more 3 to up rough
and Matt Current and thecrown too.
Forgot 3 FRequency and TITS.
Go go go French demoscene
BIG thanks to Wiz and xtrium for having brung those awesome beers right from
the nicest beer country in the world: Belgium! I love you guys.
I havent been able to say it the right time. -1, +1 day, phuck.
+3 then, again : Happy Birthday druid!
Jumalauta, you still didnt change your ASCII. It STILL sucks.
ASCII by the allmighty irokos aka iks aka ikstar aka x from Titan
Titan Art/Demogroup Productions 2003 - 2009
gencha, maybe you will be happy to see it bigger on the big screen?
iks ttn
iks Everything is about CUL ANUSways, red-, and gencha, and moqui.
red it needs moar tits. only ascii with tits will win.
gencha draw some nipples on the last guy.
23:45 moqui i dont get how the demon at the top fits your topic/theme :/
23:46 iks its an angel, lol.
Freedom, on top of the world
ASCII released at Evoke 09 - Cologne
I wouldnt have been able to do it without my French keyboard jix, sorry!
My deepest thanks to anyone I know in the scene, you make my life better.
Big spam of love to my Titans. You guys are my family.
Special arms around you because you guys rock and make my life a piece of
awesomeness to
Manboy Paris sucks, and you know it - HHS - Jul - Dundee - Family - Del
Special Greetings and rush of pure love with sex and cunilingus to
Val - Cibou - Lu - Num - Em
And to all of you out of the scene that I forgot. Lightshinings to you.
Now, for the so much asked part why lord, why?, sincere personnal greetings
to my moqui du CUL, join Titan bro, you know you want to! Same amount of love
to Willbe, Sheena, tsr, bunny, dax, metapUte, goo, pest0r and the rest, you
know who you are, awesomelish greetings and more times on the greetings than
on the ascii itself written by gencha yeah oh yeah baby and greetings
to santa for his Pecheresse que je nai toujours pas eu, hein! Cheers for
this. And fuckings to gencha for not liking my way of asciiing. Ok? Thanks.
And greetings to le cheeseburger in le bar around le evoke, with le Santa
and le comte too! :D
Copy/pasting for the win - Evoke 08 same greets, from the same guy, different
time. You know youll like them anyways.
i3cocoon.i3accession.i3the dominators.i3triad.i3umlautdesign.i3paradise
and even some more 3 to the forgotten and groupless
and really close friends like pengoCUL,spots0r
and druid. Even some more 3 to up rough
and Matt Current and thecrown too.
Forgot 3 FRequency and TITS.
Go go go French demoscene
BIG thanks to Wiz and xtrium for having brung those awesome beers right from
the nicest beer country in the world: Belgium! I love you guys.
I havent been able to say it the right time. -1, +1 day, phuck.
+3 then, again : Happy Birthday druid!
Jumalauta, you still didnt change your ASCII. It STILL sucks.
ASCII by the allmighty irokos aka iks aka ikstar aka x from Titan
Titan Art/Demogroup Productions 2003 - 2009
gencha, maybe you will be happy to see it bigger on the big screen?
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