this image contains text
TThis here is an application for NeXX Ansi Graphics Group and
dd DDDark Alliance VGA Loader Group. If you t
hink that you are a trueee AAArtist, then com
plete eitheror both that pertains to your skills... I
IInclude an ANSI or VGA screen w/ your application and u/l it t
ooo PPPrivate for Honus Wagner-SysOp of Fina
l Fantasy or contact TANK... FF
Feel free to call our VMB and leave a message 800328-9028 364
Group Affil
?: Voice :
Years in G
raphics: Reference:
Favorite Utilities: Favori
te Utilities: Years Making ANSI:
Years Making VGA: Define
ANSI: Define VGA: Do You
Do Animation: Of Pixels In VGA Screen:
Do You Do Multi-Page: Do You
Do Animated Screens: Is Your IQ 120:
Do You Have A Girlfriend:
TThis here is an application for NeXX Ansi Graphics Group and
dd DDDark Alliance VGA Loader Group. If you t
hink that you are a trueee AAArtist, then com
plete eitheror both that pertains to your skills... I
IInclude an ANSI or VGA screen w/ your application and u/l it t
ooo PPPrivate for Honus Wagner-SysOp of Fina
l Fantasy or contact TANK... FF
Feel free to call our VMB and leave a message 800328-9028 364
Group Affil
?: Voice :
Years in G
raphics: Reference:
Favorite Utilities: Favori
te Utilities: Years Making ANSI:
Years Making VGA: Define
ANSI: Define VGA: Do You
Do Animation: Of Pixels In VGA Screen:
Do You Do Multi-Page: Do You
Do Animated Screens: Is Your IQ 120:
Do You Have A Girlfriend:
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