this image contains text
teklordz productions
TekLordz Productions
Information Phile...
written by ts TL
Send all requests to myee@hawaii.edu. I am not able to take on
any more
requests, but your mail will be forwarded on to the rest of the
group. Or, if
you wish to make a specific request from a specific artist, i w
ill forward your
request to that artists email account.
General Teklordz Info
Any questions, comments, suggestions, or compliments, send to:
ts Teklordz Art Coordinator myee@hawaii.edu
Smooth Teklordz eL Presidento smooth@pixi.com
Applications for ansi/rip/vga artists, coders, or musicians sho
uld be sent to
ts myee@hawaii.edu for reviewing. With your application plea
se include a
zipfile containing your complete application and a few samples
of your work
which you think best represents your level of skill talent.
Applications thatdo not contain the aforementioned items
will be deleted.
MultiGrouping Policy
Teklordz previously did not allow multigrouping according to ce
rtain conditions.Artists cannot coexist in Teklordz and
any other international/national type of
group. Previously, this rule was only for the artists, but in
favor of increas-ing the groups solidarity, we will be
extending this policy to all our members.Members may mul
tigroup if the groups they are in are for different thin
gs eg,
in acid for telecom, and in TL for art.
teklordz productions
TekLordz Productions
Information Phile...
written by ts TL
Send all requests to myee@hawaii.edu. I am not able to take on
any more
requests, but your mail will be forwarded on to the rest of the
group. Or, if
you wish to make a specific request from a specific artist, i w
ill forward your
request to that artists email account.
General Teklordz Info
Any questions, comments, suggestions, or compliments, send to:
ts Teklordz Art Coordinator myee@hawaii.edu
Smooth Teklordz eL Presidento smooth@pixi.com
Applications for ansi/rip/vga artists, coders, or musicians sho
uld be sent to
ts myee@hawaii.edu for reviewing. With your application plea
se include a
zipfile containing your complete application and a few samples
of your work
which you think best represents your level of skill talent.
Applications thatdo not contain the aforementioned items
will be deleted.
MultiGrouping Policy
Teklordz previously did not allow multigrouping according to ce
rtain conditions.Artists cannot coexist in Teklordz and
any other international/national type of
group. Previously, this rule was only for the artists, but in
favor of increas-ing the groups solidarity, we will be
extending this policy to all our members.Members may mul
tigroup if the groups they are in are for different thin
gs eg,
in acid for telecom, and in TL for art.
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