this image contains text
The November 1996 Artiphakts ...
... food, folks, and phatness
Apologies to anyone out there viewing this that this month is s
uch a skimpy
pack. Weve all been feeling the grind of school. Especially
myself, as my
semester will soon draw to a close, and I will have to deal wit
h finals, yuck.
However, this pack is not without its positive aspects. Since
the pack is
considerably smaller this month than usual, Ill be devoting a
little bit of
this news space to those that contributed this month.
First of all, thanks to Tempo for making this spiffy news heade
r... what it
says, nobody knows. : im assuming it says tlnews or someth
ing like that
g ah, nevermind it says tl i just figured it out... man d
o i feel slow
today. :
Exodus has contributed a buncha abstract 3d renderings, created
using a
combination of truespace, photoshop?, and fractal design poser.
.. ive
noticed that a lot of his works have a surreal, almost lonely y
et peaceful
feel to em... hand him over to freud, ill betcha hed have a f
ield day with
him... g
Sneakers has another buncha nifty gifs this month. When I talk
ed to him some
time ago, he said he used Neopaint... last I remembered trying
neopaint I
remember thinking it was a slow piece of crap. just goes to sh
ow that in
the hands of a talented user, any program is ok. My favori
te this month
is Major Darien Odour.
Marko is the ascii-man. : hes one of the few ascii artists I
know of that
can do unique original-styled asciis, and at the same time keep
them very
clean of extraneous characters... Most of the asciis this mont
h are for his
side group Alter!Ascii blatant plug... i cant remember the e
xact filename,
but the one where the A is a star is really nifty stuff.
Part of the reason were releasing late is that Ive been helpi
ng out Scope
with the ansi hes released this month. Please be kind, Scope
is just starting
out, and so far I think his ansi skills are progressing quite n
icely. : Hes
a great addition to the teklordz team, and were glad to have h
im aboard.
Ive released a couple ansis... one ansi, my turkey-getting-his
out ansi, is to celebrate the holiday of thanksgiving. The oth
er is a 100+
liner for whodinis board, Whodinis Magik. yeah i spelled it
wrong in the
ansi, bite me : Btw, im still not taking requests... Just f
inishing up old
ones. Whodinis been waiting for his since feb or march 1995,
back when I
wasnt even all that good, so I made him a really nifty one for
keepin the
faith... :
And finally... a new teklordz artist comes aboard, Todd Matsui.
Hes local to
me and goes to my school. Hes a major in fine arts, but does
lots of pretty
nifty photoshop work on his own. Look for his debut release th
is month,
entitled, Danaes Box. You might also wanna have a look at h
is home page:
Subtle Studios http://www.aloha.com/tmasui
New Arrivals
Teklordz this month has been blessed with a number of new arriv
als. Todd
Matsui who was mentioned earlier, Crazy Arty, a friend of min
e that would
like to release some of his rendered art if he gets anything
done g,
and Master Bimba, a graphix coder from Brazil.
Bbye to white raven, who left teklordz because he was promoted
to ansi head
in Blade... :
Final Words...
Check out our new ftp site at:
Please inform us at myee@hawaii.edu if you have any problems wi
th any of the
releases. I have already been informed that some of the packs
are corrupted
and/or fail CRC checks, and well be working on that as soon as
time allows. :
Anyway, 99 of our releases are up there, from Emigre to Artiph
akts to music-
disks released individually by our musicians.
With that said, enjoy the pack. A bit of something for everyon
e. :
teklordz prez
Nov 19, 1996
The November 1996 Artiphakts ...
... food, folks, and phatness
Apologies to anyone out there viewing this that this month is s
uch a skimpy
pack. Weve all been feeling the grind of school. Especially
myself, as my
semester will soon draw to a close, and I will have to deal wit
h finals, yuck.
However, this pack is not without its positive aspects. Since
the pack is
considerably smaller this month than usual, Ill be devoting a
little bit of
this news space to those that contributed this month.
First of all, thanks to Tempo for making this spiffy news heade
r... what it
says, nobody knows. : im assuming it says tlnews or someth
ing like that
g ah, nevermind it says tl i just figured it out... man d
o i feel slow
today. :
Exodus has contributed a buncha abstract 3d renderings, created
using a
combination of truespace, photoshop?, and fractal design poser.
.. ive
noticed that a lot of his works have a surreal, almost lonely y
et peaceful
feel to em... hand him over to freud, ill betcha hed have a f
ield day with
him... g
Sneakers has another buncha nifty gifs this month. When I talk
ed to him some
time ago, he said he used Neopaint... last I remembered trying
neopaint I
remember thinking it was a slow piece of crap. just goes to sh
ow that in
the hands of a talented user, any program is ok. My favori
te this month
is Major Darien Odour.
Marko is the ascii-man. : hes one of the few ascii artists I
know of that
can do unique original-styled asciis, and at the same time keep
them very
clean of extraneous characters... Most of the asciis this mont
h are for his
side group Alter!Ascii blatant plug... i cant remember the e
xact filename,
but the one where the A is a star is really nifty stuff.
Part of the reason were releasing late is that Ive been helpi
ng out Scope
with the ansi hes released this month. Please be kind, Scope
is just starting
out, and so far I think his ansi skills are progressing quite n
icely. : Hes
a great addition to the teklordz team, and were glad to have h
im aboard.
Ive released a couple ansis... one ansi, my turkey-getting-his
out ansi, is to celebrate the holiday of thanksgiving. The oth
er is a 100+
liner for whodinis board, Whodinis Magik. yeah i spelled it
wrong in the
ansi, bite me : Btw, im still not taking requests... Just f
inishing up old
ones. Whodinis been waiting for his since feb or march 1995,
back when I
wasnt even all that good, so I made him a really nifty one for
keepin the
faith... :
And finally... a new teklordz artist comes aboard, Todd Matsui.
Hes local to
me and goes to my school. Hes a major in fine arts, but does
lots of pretty
nifty photoshop work on his own. Look for his debut release th
is month,
entitled, Danaes Box. You might also wanna have a look at h
is home page:
Subtle Studios http://www.aloha.com/tmasui
New Arrivals
Teklordz this month has been blessed with a number of new arriv
als. Todd
Matsui who was mentioned earlier, Crazy Arty, a friend of min
e that would
like to release some of his rendered art if he gets anything
done g,
and Master Bimba, a graphix coder from Brazil.
Bbye to white raven, who left teklordz because he was promoted
to ansi head
in Blade... :
Final Words...
Check out our new ftp site at:
Please inform us at myee@hawaii.edu if you have any problems wi
th any of the
releases. I have already been informed that some of the packs
are corrupted
and/or fail CRC checks, and well be working on that as soon as
time allows. :
Anyway, 99 of our releases are up there, from Emigre to Artiph
akts to music-
disks released individually by our musicians.
With that said, enjoy the pack. A bit of something for everyon
e. :
teklordz prez
Nov 19, 1996
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