this image contains text
Skypager // In The Beginning, morning-ish...
Hi! Hi! Here we are! The reason for convulsions and
turmoil... Sorry we had to do it, but we, the chosen
3 have decided to go biblical on you! You can recite
hymns and rebuke, but the spawn of absurdity and
angst have chosen this time to bring forth a homage
to a real ANSI group! The Next Testament is here and
it promises to bring the brash, shit talking and
gloating of three of the most unstable artists that
ever graced teh blockz see...
You may be stroking yer head... Either one, or both
you talented sexy anal-gobbler you! saying wah?!@
NO MORE REMORSE ANSI? MAN! NokturnlE cant make up
his mind.... Well, in all honesty you are half wrong
and half incorrect. I can and I did.. We as a united
front the most dynamic trio since cigarettes, coke
and poker for your favorite super-model have decided
that were just not happy with the state of the ansi
We are to reign supreme on a monthly basis promise
what should be insulting, ego raping and inspiring
artwork. If we happen to make you mad, our job will
be done. If we make you squirt trouser juice, we did
our job. Anyways, here is The Next Testament in the
evolution of ansi. This group is purely about our 3
love for what we do, and helping the olden ideals...
Take us seriously, for we are here to rape the very
fabric of what you call a scene...
Ministar // Later That Afternoon...
I have nothing to say, Im just here to draw. Guess
the only fitting thing to say is - Go fuck yourself
Radman. When I joined Remorse, I never thought that
would guarantee MY art in the ACiD-100 pack, nor did
I expect the pack to suck so much... Anywho, to stop
useless thievery such as this from ever happening to
me again, I decided to create my own group.
Just add THREE cups of ansi talent with THREE ounces
of hate, stir until creamy and add any 16 colors of
food-coloring of your choice. Bake in oven at 300 F
for 16 minutes and wallah... You get TNT, well drop
the acronym later. This group, like many before it,
is here to draw ansi. The BBS scene, which seems to
be on the rise is in desperate need of ansi, and the
sysops need us to make their boards look nifty-spify
and oh-so-ever elite. Filth himself would shit his
pants right now if he knew how many boards he could
be drawing for. Trust me, he would.
Supporting the BBS, will in return support the block
that is so imbedded into our hearts. Oh yah, FUCK 27
The Mekanik // On the eve of January 15th, 2004...
The Mekanik? Were on the eve of a new era, so what
better way to kick it off than with a new handle?
Just like the other two assholes above me, Im just
here to draw, support the scene, and remind you of
just how lame you really are. We arent here to rule
the scene. Cause seriously, is there any real
competition here?
27inch? Remorse? Sense? Please...
27inch releases are so few and far between that they
are just irrelevent. Sense? They have a few good
artists, but none are great. Lets not forget how a
few of their members act like 12-year-old-obsessive-
What about Remorse? you ask. Well, any group that
has quality control on-par with highonascii isnt of
any worry to us.
News // CNNs Ministar, Reporting LIVE
Not much for news, since were new. Were so new in
fact, we even decided not to make a seperate members
list, so we just included it in this NFO file! Well,
for news... uhm... We just released our first pack,
which happens to be our first small pack and its not
because we lack the heart either... TRE members just cant make a big pack, especially when we only have
a month to submit. Speaking of which, we DO plan on
releasing every month, and in fact its promised. If
its a small pack, so be it... .... ... ... Oh, I got
more news. Nokturnl Emissions is no longer Nokturnal
Emissions. He went back to his old alias, Skypager!
So if you dont know NokturnlE as Skypager by now,
you should now. I went back to using Ministar, since
everyone on IRC calls me Ministar anyways... Nothing
big there. Wik, our third member, decided to switch
his alias, but he has failed to tell us what it was
before this pack released. Well, thats all the news
I could think of for a first pack release, so we can
do that member list thing now... I guess...
Members // The THREE Wisemen...
MinistarNaruto - The guy who rides the subway just
to catch a glipse of school girl panty is back at it
again, but this time hes drawing from his ricepaper
home in Japan. Ask him why his alter-alias is Naruto
its a really stupid story.
SkypagerNokturnlE - Quit his good job take on ANSI
full time, what a champ! However, he spends most of
his new-found free time getting drunk and harassing
Sinistar X on the phone-dilly which really doesnt
leave much time for ANSI, but he manages to release
more then his fair-share.
WikMekanik not much is known about Wik. We think
he is somewhere around the age of eight and has four
tattoos outlined, but not colored in. He also had a
STD but was recently cured by a voo-doo medicine man
from Boston. After his near death experience, he had
realized that life was to short, so he decided to do
what he always wanted to do, DRAW ANSI.
picbyministar // logobyskypager // inspirationbywik!
Skypager // In The Beginning, morning-ish...
Hi! Hi! Here we are! The reason for convulsions and
turmoil... Sorry we had to do it, but we, the chosen
3 have decided to go biblical on you! You can recite
hymns and rebuke, but the spawn of absurdity and
angst have chosen this time to bring forth a homage
to a real ANSI group! The Next Testament is here and
it promises to bring the brash, shit talking and
gloating of three of the most unstable artists that
ever graced teh blockz see...
You may be stroking yer head... Either one, or both
you talented sexy anal-gobbler you! saying wah?!@
NO MORE REMORSE ANSI? MAN! NokturnlE cant make up
his mind.... Well, in all honesty you are half wrong
and half incorrect. I can and I did.. We as a united
front the most dynamic trio since cigarettes, coke
and poker for your favorite super-model have decided
that were just not happy with the state of the ansi
We are to reign supreme on a monthly basis promise
what should be insulting, ego raping and inspiring
artwork. If we happen to make you mad, our job will
be done. If we make you squirt trouser juice, we did
our job. Anyways, here is The Next Testament in the
evolution of ansi. This group is purely about our 3
love for what we do, and helping the olden ideals...
Take us seriously, for we are here to rape the very
fabric of what you call a scene...
Ministar // Later That Afternoon...
I have nothing to say, Im just here to draw. Guess
the only fitting thing to say is - Go fuck yourself
Radman. When I joined Remorse, I never thought that
would guarantee MY art in the ACiD-100 pack, nor did
I expect the pack to suck so much... Anywho, to stop
useless thievery such as this from ever happening to
me again, I decided to create my own group.
Just add THREE cups of ansi talent with THREE ounces
of hate, stir until creamy and add any 16 colors of
food-coloring of your choice. Bake in oven at 300 F
for 16 minutes and wallah... You get TNT, well drop
the acronym later. This group, like many before it,
is here to draw ansi. The BBS scene, which seems to
be on the rise is in desperate need of ansi, and the
sysops need us to make their boards look nifty-spify
and oh-so-ever elite. Filth himself would shit his
pants right now if he knew how many boards he could
be drawing for. Trust me, he would.
Supporting the BBS, will in return support the block
that is so imbedded into our hearts. Oh yah, FUCK 27
The Mekanik // On the eve of January 15th, 2004...
The Mekanik? Were on the eve of a new era, so what
better way to kick it off than with a new handle?
Just like the other two assholes above me, Im just
here to draw, support the scene, and remind you of
just how lame you really are. We arent here to rule
the scene. Cause seriously, is there any real
competition here?
27inch? Remorse? Sense? Please...
27inch releases are so few and far between that they
are just irrelevent. Sense? They have a few good
artists, but none are great. Lets not forget how a
few of their members act like 12-year-old-obsessive-
What about Remorse? you ask. Well, any group that
has quality control on-par with highonascii isnt of
any worry to us.
News // CNNs Ministar, Reporting LIVE
Not much for news, since were new. Were so new in
fact, we even decided not to make a seperate members
list, so we just included it in this NFO file! Well,
for news... uhm... We just released our first pack,
which happens to be our first small pack and its not
because we lack the heart either... TRE members just cant make a big pack, especially when we only have
a month to submit. Speaking of which, we DO plan on
releasing every month, and in fact its promised. If
its a small pack, so be it... .... ... ... Oh, I got
more news. Nokturnl Emissions is no longer Nokturnal
Emissions. He went back to his old alias, Skypager!
So if you dont know NokturnlE as Skypager by now,
you should now. I went back to using Ministar, since
everyone on IRC calls me Ministar anyways... Nothing
big there. Wik, our third member, decided to switch
his alias, but he has failed to tell us what it was
before this pack released. Well, thats all the news
I could think of for a first pack release, so we can
do that member list thing now... I guess...
Members // The THREE Wisemen...
MinistarNaruto - The guy who rides the subway just
to catch a glipse of school girl panty is back at it
again, but this time hes drawing from his ricepaper
home in Japan. Ask him why his alter-alias is Naruto
its a really stupid story.
SkypagerNokturnlE - Quit his good job take on ANSI
full time, what a champ! However, he spends most of
his new-found free time getting drunk and harassing
Sinistar X on the phone-dilly which really doesnt
leave much time for ANSI, but he manages to release
more then his fair-share.
WikMekanik not much is known about Wik. We think
he is somewhere around the age of eight and has four
tattoos outlined, but not colored in. He also had a
STD but was recently cured by a voo-doo medicine man
from Boston. After his near death experience, he had
realized that life was to short, so he decided to do
what he always wanted to do, DRAW ANSI.
picbyministar // logobyskypager // inspirationbywik!
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