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t o
- august packs name: the rebi
augusts news?!
welcome to our second pack. in the past month or so
... things in toon went lik
ea huge rollar-costar. we went down lost members
and went up gained members
but in the end we are still happy with
the group and decided not to just give u
pbut make it better than it was before. we are sti
ll looking for a lot of ansi
toonsters that can strengthen the ansi department. i cut d
own the senior depar
tment to two making it better. we also need a lot
of coders that help out our
solo one. so if you are interested ... fill out the applic
ation and send it to
toons town the whq of toon.
who left?!
as it was known around the 416/905 a/c ... xeryrus a
nd tribe have left toon to
persue dreams of passion. they have both joined dark... wo
o hoo. : we wish
em the best and hope to see them around
. as they may have been two of the best
toonsters in the 416/905 area code... t
oon looks on.
new members?!
well this month the bad brought some good. we recie
ved three new members that
we are happy to report. scorpio applies bringing his logo
collections to the
group. chromium from the 519 a/c brings us his toony style
in ansi. also
magnetic rage from the 519 a/c brings his outstanding ansi
styles to toon. we
are happy with the newbies and hope they impress you guys t
oo. as the month
of july nearly ended ... toon came with yet ANOTHER surpris
e. this bundle of
joy is said to be called core ... core joins the toonster
squad with his
coding powers. and lastly as the month of july closed, tec
hnifix aka the
distortionist recenetly from ephoria, comes to toon. toon
power 95.
new stuff?!
this month we just added little things here and ther
e to in our eyes better
the whole group in a fun way. changes go as follows
i. we got a mascot
ii. after drawing my first ascii I just felt like doin
g them more and
more. so much that I now could say that toon allow
s ascii artists.
iii.monthly contests so you guys can get involved
as for now those are it.
yup we got one... and we call him.. eyeball ernie.
his picture is below.
thats him----
major blow - up
but when he hides in the ansis .... he will look like this
yup thats it --- -O-
the contest will be run every month from now on. it
s the first person to
get to me first is the one that wins. there are a couple o
f rules therefore
you will have to abide by them all... if not ... you loose.
1. you MUST call toons town and answer there. I really don
t want email
everywhere i go
2. this contest is subject to everyone
3. you must be 5 years or older :
if you do get it correct you will get an ansi from any memb
er you wish in toon.
if you dont like any of our members ..
. dont play.
moving south?!
well toon has moved south now, entering the united s
tates. hopefully this will
bring some attention to some toonsters
in usa. we are looking for talented
toonsters that draw ansi or vga. we are especially looking
for coders who are
dedicated and can get the jobs done with style.
- were tiny, were toony, were a
ll a lil loony!
- august packs name: the rebi
augusts news?!
welcome to our second pack. in the past month or so
... things in toon went lik
ea huge rollar-costar. we went down lost members
and went up gained members
but in the end we are still happy with
the group and decided not to just give u
pbut make it better than it was before. we are sti
ll looking for a lot of ansi
toonsters that can strengthen the ansi department. i cut d
own the senior depar
tment to two making it better. we also need a lot
of coders that help out our
solo one. so if you are interested ... fill out the applic
ation and send it to
toons town the whq of toon.
who left?!
as it was known around the 416/905 a/c ... xeryrus a
nd tribe have left toon to
persue dreams of passion. they have both joined dark... wo
o hoo. : we wish
em the best and hope to see them around
. as they may have been two of the best
toonsters in the 416/905 area code... t
oon looks on.
new members?!
well this month the bad brought some good. we recie
ved three new members that
we are happy to report. scorpio applies bringing his logo
collections to the
group. chromium from the 519 a/c brings us his toony style
in ansi. also
magnetic rage from the 519 a/c brings his outstanding ansi
styles to toon. we
are happy with the newbies and hope they impress you guys t
oo. as the month
of july nearly ended ... toon came with yet ANOTHER surpris
e. this bundle of
joy is said to be called core ... core joins the toonster
squad with his
coding powers. and lastly as the month of july closed, tec
hnifix aka the
distortionist recenetly from ephoria, comes to toon. toon
power 95.
new stuff?!
this month we just added little things here and ther
e to in our eyes better
the whole group in a fun way. changes go as follows
i. we got a mascot
ii. after drawing my first ascii I just felt like doin
g them more and
more. so much that I now could say that toon allow
s ascii artists.
iii.monthly contests so you guys can get involved
as for now those are it.
yup we got one... and we call him.. eyeball ernie.
his picture is below.
thats him----
major blow - up
but when he hides in the ansis .... he will look like this
yup thats it --- -O-
the contest will be run every month from now on. it
s the first person to
get to me first is the one that wins. there are a couple o
f rules therefore
you will have to abide by them all... if not ... you loose.
1. you MUST call toons town and answer there. I really don
t want email
everywhere i go
2. this contest is subject to everyone
3. you must be 5 years or older :
if you do get it correct you will get an ansi from any memb
er you wish in toon.
if you dont like any of our members ..
. dont play.
moving south?!
well toon has moved south now, entering the united s
tates. hopefully this will
bring some attention to some toonsters
in usa. we are looking for talented
toonsters that draw ansi or vga. we are especially looking
for coders who are
dedicated and can get the jobs done with style.
- were tiny, were toony, were a
ll a lil loony!
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