this image contains text
ld .:lb . . s
i t :::l0 .dP : . . ..
:l s : t. ..d .. b
,sb . : , tb d t . P
.sPtS. .sSb. : d :l t ,.,
. ..,,ssSP : t dl . :
tSlSP ts,..,s. P . d
l yxxSb : tb d t .l
. . l. t ,P.,dSss,,...,,ssSP .
. b b dP lP .,sP tP. b
. P P :dP l ll tP,dP
,., dP l d ,sSP P
. ,P l.d dP .
d .s : .,sS. dSs,. tl
., : tP ..
,. t, .
t e l e p a t h y ! a s c i i t,
we strike back...
-+ .. in 1998
cleaner cleaner@chez.com cl! newschool
darky dky@hol.frdky oldschool
greent greent@eunet.yu gt oldschool
hanibal n/a hb newschool
rzicus puppy@neoncrayon.ml.orgrz oldschool
splif splif@aegis-corp.orgms newschool
senser senser@mindless.comsns oldschool
zarkof zarkof@ccim.be zf newschool / oldschool
Welcome in the telepathy artpack number 15! This pack is coming very late, but
as we said in our latest newsletter, weve never planned to follow any release
shedule. Then dont blame us cause were a bunch of lazy bastard : Heres the
pack, so view it and enjoy.
Since last pack, 2 members accepted to join our crew. First we got rzicus, he
will draw oldschool ascii for Telepathy. He comes from the australian artgroup
Force and he remains an ansi artist in Avenge. The second one is Greent, he draws oldschool ascii too, and is also a member of the group Nevermind. Thanks
to both of them : Also ArlequinCirce Remorse, DezibelArcade Mimic and KayozzMimic guested in this pack. Thanks for your help mates!
All old members of telepathy, triloxy, odelay, fuel!ansi, serial, acid!ascii
remorse noname sac nitrophusion karma mimic wax
TPY0895B.ZIP august 95 part II vol.01 - 19/08/95
TPY0895C.ZIP august 95 part III vol.02 - 25/08/95
TPY-0995.ZIP september 95 vol.03 - 10/09/95
TPY-1095.ZIP october 95 vol.04 - 20/10/95
TPY-1195.ZIP november 95 vol.05 - 15/11/95
TPY-1295.ZIP december 95 vol.06 - 26/12/95
TPY-0296.ZIP january-february 96 vol.07 - 10/02/96
TPY-0396.ZIP march 96 vol.08 - 07/03/96
TPY-0496.ZIP april 96 vol.09 - 08/04/96
TPY-0596.ZIP may 96 vol.10 - 05/05/96
TPY-0696.ZIP june 96 vol.11 - 09/06/96
TPY-0796.ZIP july 96 vol.12 - 08/07/96
TPY-0896.ZIP august 96 vol.13 - 14/08/96
TPY-14.ZIP renaissance in 98 vol.14 - 19/07/98
TPY-15.ZIP pack-o-pack vol.15 - 22/11/98
Ftp site ftp://ftp.remorse.org/pub/ascii/telepathy
Homepage http://www.ccim.be/zarkof/telepathy
nfo by zarkoflogo and cleanerlayout
telepathy november 98 - pack 15
i t :::l0 .dP : . . ..
:l s : t. ..d .. b
,sb . : , tb d t . P
.sPtS. .sSb. : d :l t ,.,
. ..,,ssSP : t dl . :
tSlSP ts,..,s. P . d
l yxxSb : tb d t .l
. . l. t ,P.,dSss,,...,,ssSP .
. b b dP lP .,sP tP. b
. P P :dP l ll tP,dP
,., dP l d ,sSP P
. ,P l.d dP .
d .s : .,sS. dSs,. tl
., : tP ..
,. t, .
t e l e p a t h y ! a s c i i t,
we strike back...
-+ .. in 1998
cleaner cleaner@chez.com cl! newschool
darky dky@hol.frdky oldschool
greent greent@eunet.yu gt oldschool
hanibal n/a hb newschool
rzicus puppy@neoncrayon.ml.orgrz oldschool
splif splif@aegis-corp.orgms newschool
senser senser@mindless.comsns oldschool
zarkof zarkof@ccim.be zf newschool / oldschool
Welcome in the telepathy artpack number 15! This pack is coming very late, but
as we said in our latest newsletter, weve never planned to follow any release
shedule. Then dont blame us cause were a bunch of lazy bastard : Heres the
pack, so view it and enjoy.
Since last pack, 2 members accepted to join our crew. First we got rzicus, he
will draw oldschool ascii for Telepathy. He comes from the australian artgroup
Force and he remains an ansi artist in Avenge. The second one is Greent, he draws oldschool ascii too, and is also a member of the group Nevermind. Thanks
to both of them : Also ArlequinCirce Remorse, DezibelArcade Mimic and KayozzMimic guested in this pack. Thanks for your help mates!
All old members of telepathy, triloxy, odelay, fuel!ansi, serial, acid!ascii
remorse noname sac nitrophusion karma mimic wax
TPY0895B.ZIP august 95 part II vol.01 - 19/08/95
TPY0895C.ZIP august 95 part III vol.02 - 25/08/95
TPY-0995.ZIP september 95 vol.03 - 10/09/95
TPY-1095.ZIP october 95 vol.04 - 20/10/95
TPY-1195.ZIP november 95 vol.05 - 15/11/95
TPY-1295.ZIP december 95 vol.06 - 26/12/95
TPY-0296.ZIP january-february 96 vol.07 - 10/02/96
TPY-0396.ZIP march 96 vol.08 - 07/03/96
TPY-0496.ZIP april 96 vol.09 - 08/04/96
TPY-0596.ZIP may 96 vol.10 - 05/05/96
TPY-0696.ZIP june 96 vol.11 - 09/06/96
TPY-0796.ZIP july 96 vol.12 - 08/07/96
TPY-0896.ZIP august 96 vol.13 - 14/08/96
TPY-14.ZIP renaissance in 98 vol.14 - 19/07/98
TPY-15.ZIP pack-o-pack vol.15 - 22/11/98
Ftp site ftp://ftp.remorse.org/pub/ascii/telepathy
Homepage http://www.ccim.be/zarkof/telepathy
nfo by zarkoflogo and cleanerlayout
telepathy november 98 - pack 15
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