this image contains text
. . t E l E P A t h Y A S C I i A R t p R O d U C t i O N s . .
s , . . .s bs. s . . ss,. . . s.
s. .s s s .s s . Zf
tElEPAthY aSCIi pACk : oCtObEr 95 first part
aRtiStS iN thiS pACk: zARkOf Zf - Mutant Leader MtL
stONe gOlEm Sg - hItECh H!
nUMbEr Of pROdUCtiONs: 19
Zarkof: 9
Mutant Leader: 1
Stone Golem: 5
hItECh: 4
dAtE Of rElEASe: 19 oCtObEr 95
cONtAiNs: gROUp lOGOs
SICK.ASC : Sick ascii logo............................stONe gOlEm
PROZAC.ASC : Prozac ascii logo..........................stONe gOlEm
EA.ASC : Error Art ascii logo.......................stONe gOlEm
BLADE.ASC : Blade ascii logo................................zARkOf
BLADE.PCB : colored menu for Blade Hqs/dists................zARkOf
FLIP.ASC : flip ascii logo............................stONe gOlEm
TPY.ASC : telepathy ascii art productions logo............zARkOf
MIRACLE.ASC : Miracle courriering logo........................zARkOf
TPY2.ASC : telepathy logo..................................hItECh
TPY3.ASC : another telepathy logo new style..............hItECh
cONtAiNs: gROUp fIlEid.dIZ
TPY.DIZ : telepathy 10/95 pack fileid.diz................zARkOf
PS.DIZ : Primus coding division fileid.diz.........stONe gOlEm
TPY2.DIZ : another fileid.diz for telepathy...............hItECh
TPY3.DIZ : third fileid.diz for telepathy.................hItECh
cONtAiNs: bOARds lOGOs
nAMe...........bbS nAMe...................rEQUEStEd bY.........aUthOr
ASYLUM.ASC : The Asylum.................Sike.................zARkOf
BI-PROD.ASC : Bi-products................Infinity.............zARkOf
MENTAL.ASC : Mental Overdose.................................zARkOf
TRIBE.ASC : The Tribe.......................................zARkOf
cONtAiNs: BBS ascii menus
nAMe...........Menu type..................rEQUEStEd bY.........aUthOr
WAREZ.PCB : Warez logo pcb.........................mUtANt lEAdEr
rElEASe nOtEs:
If the extention is not ASC, then the file is included in he pack
with the colors! like ANS,PCB or other This is our second little
pack, but we dont want to release a bigger one every month, its
better the way were doing coz people can get more frequently the
needed informations, its a little pack so you dont take lot of
time to look at it and it makes some more files to put on bbs eheh!
and its easily traded, not even more than 50Kb just take you 30sec
at 14k4 and 15sec at 28k8 or even faster...
hERe iS thE gROUp lOGo aSCIi cOllECtiOn
Sick Sg
, , Sg
Prozac Sg
Error Art Sg
. . . . Sg
Blade Zf
,sSs ,sS Zf ,sSs .sSs. ,sSs
Flip Sg
Telepathy ascii art productions Zf
. . t E l E P A t h Y A S C I i A R t p R O d U C t i O N s . .
s , . . .s bs. s . . ss,. . . s.
s. .s s s .s s . Zf
Miracle courrering Zf
.sSSs. .sSs. sSs. tPy
sS s. .s Ss,. .d S. Zf
d Ss s s. .sS s .s
.. mIRAClE .. 0 dAYz s s
telepathy logo H!
P o P o P o
P d do do O d
J J b.
ooo o ooo b
oooo ooo d ooo
d d J d
P d
I I d I
I I o
b P d P d b P d
telepathy logo H!
hERe ARe sOMe DIZs cOllECtiOn
telepathy october pack fileid.diz by Zarkof
tElEPAthY oCtObEr 95 aSCIi ARt pACk
primus coding division fileid.diz by Stone Golem
telepathy ascii group fileid.diz by hItECh
.---- -H!- ----.
the asciiii group
telepathy ascii group fileid.diz 2 by hItECh
hERe iS thE bOARds pASSEd thRU cOllECtiON
The Asylum requested by Sike Zf
s s Zf
+ 3 2 / 5 9 / 3 2 4 0 9 4 oPS: sIkE
xxxxxx whq xxxxxx whq xxxxxx ehq xxxxxx ehq xxxxxxxx ehq
xxxxxxxx bhq xxxxxxx bhq xxxxxxxxx bhq xxxxxxxxx bhq xxxxxxxx bhq
Bi-products requested by infinity Zf
bI - pROdUCtS ++xx-xx-xxxxxx
.sS sYSOp: iNfiNitY cOSYs:
. .sS xxxxxx whq xxxxxx whq xxxx whq
xxxx ushq xxxx ushq xxxxx ushq
xxxxxxx dst xxxx dst xxxxx dsr
Zf s s s tPY .
mental overdose Zf
.sSs. .sSs .sSs .sSs .sSs .sS tPY
.. mENtAl oVERdOSe .. +32-56-341206 .. 2 nOdEz .. 28k8 VFC/V34 ..
.. sYSOp: zARkOf pslimtpy .. cOSYSOPs: dEAthtRACkEr phRENEtiC ..
.. 3 Gb hd sIZe .. aSCIis .. aNSIs .. rIPs .. vGAS .. lIt ..
.. pRIMUs wORld hQ .. lImItEd EdItiONs wORld hQ .. tElEPAthY wORld hQ ..
.. sICk eURO hQ .. flIP eURO hQ .. aPOCAlYPtiC vISIONs eURO hQ ..
. pROZAc eURO hQ .. blAdE bElGiAn hQ .. rEVOlt bElGiAn hQ ..
.. eRROR Rt bElGiAn hQ .. cObRA bElGiAn hQ .. hACME bElGiAn hQ ..
.. lOTSa dStS... ..
the tribe Zf
.s thE s. .s.,s tPy .s
s .,ss s.s Zf
s , . . .s bs. s . . ss,. . . s.
s. .s s s .s s . Zf
tElEPAthY aSCIi pACk : oCtObEr 95 first part
aRtiStS iN thiS pACk: zARkOf Zf - Mutant Leader MtL
stONe gOlEm Sg - hItECh H!
nUMbEr Of pROdUCtiONs: 19
Zarkof: 9
Mutant Leader: 1
Stone Golem: 5
hItECh: 4
dAtE Of rElEASe: 19 oCtObEr 95
cONtAiNs: gROUp lOGOs
SICK.ASC : Sick ascii logo............................stONe gOlEm
PROZAC.ASC : Prozac ascii logo..........................stONe gOlEm
EA.ASC : Error Art ascii logo.......................stONe gOlEm
BLADE.ASC : Blade ascii logo................................zARkOf
BLADE.PCB : colored menu for Blade Hqs/dists................zARkOf
FLIP.ASC : flip ascii logo............................stONe gOlEm
TPY.ASC : telepathy ascii art productions logo............zARkOf
MIRACLE.ASC : Miracle courriering logo........................zARkOf
TPY2.ASC : telepathy logo..................................hItECh
TPY3.ASC : another telepathy logo new style..............hItECh
cONtAiNs: gROUp fIlEid.dIZ
TPY.DIZ : telepathy 10/95 pack fileid.diz................zARkOf
PS.DIZ : Primus coding division fileid.diz.........stONe gOlEm
TPY2.DIZ : another fileid.diz for telepathy...............hItECh
TPY3.DIZ : third fileid.diz for telepathy.................hItECh
cONtAiNs: bOARds lOGOs
nAMe...........bbS nAMe...................rEQUEStEd bY.........aUthOr
ASYLUM.ASC : The Asylum.................Sike.................zARkOf
BI-PROD.ASC : Bi-products................Infinity.............zARkOf
MENTAL.ASC : Mental Overdose.................................zARkOf
TRIBE.ASC : The Tribe.......................................zARkOf
cONtAiNs: BBS ascii menus
nAMe...........Menu type..................rEQUEStEd bY.........aUthOr
WAREZ.PCB : Warez logo pcb.........................mUtANt lEAdEr
rElEASe nOtEs:
If the extention is not ASC, then the file is included in he pack
with the colors! like ANS,PCB or other This is our second little
pack, but we dont want to release a bigger one every month, its
better the way were doing coz people can get more frequently the
needed informations, its a little pack so you dont take lot of
time to look at it and it makes some more files to put on bbs eheh!
and its easily traded, not even more than 50Kb just take you 30sec
at 14k4 and 15sec at 28k8 or even faster...
hERe iS thE gROUp lOGo aSCIi cOllECtiOn
Sick Sg
, , Sg
Prozac Sg
Error Art Sg
. . . . Sg
Blade Zf
,sSs ,sS Zf ,sSs .sSs. ,sSs
Flip Sg
Telepathy ascii art productions Zf
. . t E l E P A t h Y A S C I i A R t p R O d U C t i O N s . .
s , . . .s bs. s . . ss,. . . s.
s. .s s s .s s . Zf
Miracle courrering Zf
.sSSs. .sSs. sSs. tPy
sS s. .s Ss,. .d S. Zf
d Ss s s. .sS s .s
.. mIRAClE .. 0 dAYz s s
telepathy logo H!
P o P o P o
P d do do O d
J J b.
ooo o ooo b
oooo ooo d ooo
d d J d
P d
I I d I
I I o
b P d P d b P d
telepathy logo H!
hERe ARe sOMe DIZs cOllECtiOn
telepathy october pack fileid.diz by Zarkof
tElEPAthY oCtObEr 95 aSCIi ARt pACk
primus coding division fileid.diz by Stone Golem
telepathy ascii group fileid.diz by hItECh
.---- -H!- ----.
the asciiii group
telepathy ascii group fileid.diz 2 by hItECh
hERe iS thE bOARds pASSEd thRU cOllECtiON
The Asylum requested by Sike Zf
s s Zf
+ 3 2 / 5 9 / 3 2 4 0 9 4 oPS: sIkE
xxxxxx whq xxxxxx whq xxxxxx ehq xxxxxx ehq xxxxxxxx ehq
xxxxxxxx bhq xxxxxxx bhq xxxxxxxxx bhq xxxxxxxxx bhq xxxxxxxx bhq
Bi-products requested by infinity Zf
bI - pROdUCtS ++xx-xx-xxxxxx
.sS sYSOp: iNfiNitY cOSYs:
. .sS xxxxxx whq xxxxxx whq xxxx whq
xxxx ushq xxxx ushq xxxxx ushq
xxxxxxx dst xxxx dst xxxxx dsr
Zf s s s tPY .
mental overdose Zf
.sSs. .sSs .sSs .sSs .sSs .sS tPY
.. mENtAl oVERdOSe .. +32-56-341206 .. 2 nOdEz .. 28k8 VFC/V34 ..
.. sYSOp: zARkOf pslimtpy .. cOSYSOPs: dEAthtRACkEr phRENEtiC ..
.. 3 Gb hd sIZe .. aSCIis .. aNSIs .. rIPs .. vGAS .. lIt ..
.. pRIMUs wORld hQ .. lImItEd EdItiONs wORld hQ .. tElEPAthY wORld hQ ..
.. sICk eURO hQ .. flIP eURO hQ .. aPOCAlYPtiC vISIONs eURO hQ ..
. pROZAc eURO hQ .. blAdE bElGiAn hQ .. rEVOlt bElGiAn hQ ..
.. eRROR Rt bElGiAn hQ .. cObRA bElGiAn hQ .. hACME bElGiAn hQ ..
.. lOTSa dStS... ..
the tribe Zf
.s thE s. .s.,s tPy .s
s .,ss s.s Zf
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