this image contains text
Diz/Great file 6 by Whodini
:. :/ : / :/ wd: Sys/75 diz 1 requested by maxwell
/ / / 7 5
:. Sys/75 BBS Software for DOS .:
:. blah blah lotsa features go here .:
- put even more features right here! -
s. seventy.five .s Sys/75 diz 2 requested by maxwell
Sys/75 BBS Software
put features and stuff in
: this space here, w00pw00p!! :
.--..-..--. .--..--. Impulse diz 1 requested by nivenh
Impulse v4.5 by Nivenh
.---..---..---..---. acid diz 1 requested by boredom
. ACiD Aquisition July, 1994 :
. . trank diz 1 requested by whodini
::::::::::.. Trank Pack 3 ..::.....:::
omicron, goomba, asphixia where are you?, cypherhex, tinyZ wheres kTs?,
aCk!, posk, gub, sliver your ascii is grav-ee, the whole trank logomaffia,
my ppls in ddl who wont see this cuz yall are probably in jail.. hahah,
my man echo who wont see this either cuz his ass be fiendn vga too much,
RIP to hatred - it was fun while it lasted making fun of you that is.. ,
Wicked Ascii - Bitstream/Trinitron are the shit better keep a grip on em!,
Extreme Ascii - Flick you are coming home to trank soon, right?, mp for bein
cool enough to have a gazillion asciis posted by all sorta losers - like ck,
lr, bedlam, sirdeath, ld!, and some other fucks, big greet to my main macks:
maestro, st blazer, pp, pip, epidemic, stain, cidica, argon, HiroProtagonist
who should be way up there at the top, sorry guy, my head got holes in it.
quick tip - i dont want to see your ascii when im on irc. mail it to me!@
Whodini .Trank!Logomaffia for life!.
Isnt it weird that NO ONE has ever quit trank? it shouldnt be. Stay Loyal!
:. :/ : / :/ wd: Sys/75 diz 1 requested by maxwell
/ / / 7 5
:. Sys/75 BBS Software for DOS .:
:. blah blah lotsa features go here .:
- put even more features right here! -
s. seventy.five .s Sys/75 diz 2 requested by maxwell
Sys/75 BBS Software
put features and stuff in
: this space here, w00pw00p!! :
.--..-..--. .--..--. Impulse diz 1 requested by nivenh
Impulse v4.5 by Nivenh
.---..---..---..---. acid diz 1 requested by boredom
. ACiD Aquisition July, 1994 :
. . trank diz 1 requested by whodini
::::::::::.. Trank Pack 3 ..::.....:::
omicron, goomba, asphixia where are you?, cypherhex, tinyZ wheres kTs?,
aCk!, posk, gub, sliver your ascii is grav-ee, the whole trank logomaffia,
my ppls in ddl who wont see this cuz yall are probably in jail.. hahah,
my man echo who wont see this either cuz his ass be fiendn vga too much,
RIP to hatred - it was fun while it lasted making fun of you that is.. ,
Wicked Ascii - Bitstream/Trinitron are the shit better keep a grip on em!,
Extreme Ascii - Flick you are coming home to trank soon, right?, mp for bein
cool enough to have a gazillion asciis posted by all sorta losers - like ck,
lr, bedlam, sirdeath, ld!, and some other fucks, big greet to my main macks:
maestro, st blazer, pp, pip, epidemic, stain, cidica, argon, HiroProtagonist
who should be way up there at the top, sorry guy, my head got holes in it.
quick tip - i dont want to see your ascii when im on irc. mail it to me!@
Whodini .Trank!Logomaffia for life!.
Isnt it weird that NO ONE has ever quit trank? it shouldnt be. Stay Loyal!
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