this image contains text
+ - ------ mm -- ssss, -- .,sss,ssss, -- ss ----+
s,.,s s. l
lil i mS
,Sm s,
l il i
Y .,trank l
:i ascii,. l
s ,si sd l
trank is a compilation of the best ascii artists around.
founder, whodini wd, seniors, hiro protagonist hp, cypherhex ch.
asylum ay, bitstream bit, coleslaw cs,
don croce dc, fractal fr, goomba goo,
grey hawk gh, kaleidas kl, k0rpse k0,
mr. popeil po, nitrogen no, omicron om,
misfit mt, sir death sd, trinitron tt.
whq modemland/2... hiro protagonist
agony............... unsane
crystal ship........ coleslaw
brand echh.......... cidica
ethreetwo........... nootropic
fate!............... daze
new breed........... k0rpse
pOo................. misfit
sushi bar z......... asylum
the next dimension.. bitstream/trinitron
kTs - wKD - endOw
sir death for the awesome logo
tMM for being patient and shit
poskgubbe for da weird ass fileid.diz
Deep for giving some good group advice to me
the endOw people, for making trank even better.
the non-endOw people for making trank even better then better.
the rest of the fuckups.
you can get ahold of whodini on the trank whq, modemland/2 - 306 652 4359
or on irc as whodini or chefdini in trank or ansi.
you can not apply to this group, you must be invited.
+ - ------ mm -- ssss, -- .,sss,ssss, -- ss ----+
s,.,s s. l
lil i mS
,Sm s,
l il i
Y .,trank l
:i ascii,. l
s ,si sd l
trank is a compilation of the best ascii artists around.
founder, whodini wd, seniors, hiro protagonist hp, cypherhex ch.
asylum ay, bitstream bit, coleslaw cs,
don croce dc, fractal fr, goomba goo,
grey hawk gh, kaleidas kl, k0rpse k0,
mr. popeil po, nitrogen no, omicron om,
misfit mt, sir death sd, trinitron tt.
whq modemland/2... hiro protagonist
agony............... unsane
crystal ship........ coleslaw
brand echh.......... cidica
ethreetwo........... nootropic
fate!............... daze
new breed........... k0rpse
pOo................. misfit
sushi bar z......... asylum
the next dimension.. bitstream/trinitron
kTs - wKD - endOw
sir death for the awesome logo
tMM for being patient and shit
poskgubbe for da weird ass fileid.diz
Deep for giving some good group advice to me
the endOw people, for making trank even better.
the non-endOw people for making trank even better then better.
the rest of the fuckups.
you can get ahold of whodini on the trank whq, modemland/2 - 306 652 4359
or on irc as whodini or chefdini in trank or ansi.
you can not apply to this group, you must be invited.
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