this image contains text
Mr. Man
TRiBE Newsletter - Volumn 1 / Issue 5 - November 1993
Dubbed conversation
with Cardiac Arrest himself! Well, Tribal Writes... the
most respected in literaliry material in art scene today
. Well, maybe not but the one and only respected of TRiBE. For
those that are wondering why Im writing in this months Tr
ibe writes, along with those who know, and who know me as
the most anti-social, sarcastic, arrogant ansi artist to
ever walk the face of the planet... Its because Im Lea
ving the Scene. Ok ok, I know how much Rad Man and Cetis are jumpe
d up and down in uncontrolable joy, and how I was a great
artist with a serious
anti-authority personality, but hey... let them have their fun, I
tend to
keep my promise to Rad man, and he knows what that promise is, dee
p down.
Countdown to Extinction is officially the only board to contact
at this point, save my voice number and VMB, but considering at th
is point,
Im only charging to ansis, due to lack of time and patience, that
will cut
down on lame requests and only bring in requests of people that tr
uly and
surely both like and need them, and thats what is all about amir
ing the
artist for his/her art and giving something back to the artist. It
s us the
artist that comes up with the designs, wether or not from a comic
book or var -ious other sources, and sometimes a thank you d
oesnt always pay back the
artist for the time put into it. This way an opinon you may or may
be agree
with but youre entitled to it. I can not, and will not bother try
ing to
explain the technical reasons why my reasoning is correct for me,
and why it
may or may not be not for you.
Thanks to all the people who appreaciated my artwork, and to the
that hated my guts for spreading my reputation which I now share.
because of people like you Cetis that Ive had so much fun, up t
o this
Shihear Kallizad recently lost his puter. But hes
Quazar finally found some time to write something in
this months TRiBAL
WRiTES! Basically, all he wanted to say was simply that he is onl
y taking
ANSi requests for larger systems.
Final Descendant shows off some of his talent and s
kill in his releases for
this months archive. Lets hear it for FD!
The Semi-TRiBE Guy Incarnate
Since it seems every artist takes a couple pages to greet everyone in
ANSi they do these days, whats the point of greeting anyone in a tex
t file
TRiBE Newsletter - Volumn 1 / Issue 5 - November 1993
Dubbed conversation
with Cardiac Arrest himself! Well, Tribal Writes... the
most respected in literaliry material in art scene today
. Well, maybe not but the one and only respected of TRiBE. For
those that are wondering why Im writing in this months Tr
ibe writes, along with those who know, and who know me as
the most anti-social, sarcastic, arrogant ansi artist to
ever walk the face of the planet... Its because Im Lea
ving the Scene. Ok ok, I know how much Rad Man and Cetis are jumpe
d up and down in uncontrolable joy, and how I was a great
artist with a serious
anti-authority personality, but hey... let them have their fun, I
tend to
keep my promise to Rad man, and he knows what that promise is, dee
p down.
Countdown to Extinction is officially the only board to contact
at this point, save my voice number and VMB, but considering at th
is point,
Im only charging to ansis, due to lack of time and patience, that
will cut
down on lame requests and only bring in requests of people that tr
uly and
surely both like and need them, and thats what is all about amir
ing the
artist for his/her art and giving something back to the artist. It
s us the
artist that comes up with the designs, wether or not from a comic
book or var -ious other sources, and sometimes a thank you d
oesnt always pay back the
artist for the time put into it. This way an opinon you may or may
be agree
with but youre entitled to it. I can not, and will not bother try
ing to
explain the technical reasons why my reasoning is correct for me,
and why it
may or may not be not for you.
Thanks to all the people who appreaciated my artwork, and to the
that hated my guts for spreading my reputation which I now share.
because of people like you Cetis that Ive had so much fun, up t
o this
Shihear Kallizad recently lost his puter. But hes
Quazar finally found some time to write something in
this months TRiBAL
WRiTES! Basically, all he wanted to say was simply that he is onl
y taking
ANSi requests for larger systems.
Final Descendant shows off some of his talent and s
kill in his releases for
this months archive. Lets hear it for FD!
The Semi-TRiBE Guy Incarnate
Since it seems every artist takes a couple pages to greet everyone in
ANSi they do these days, whats the point of greeting anyone in a tex
t file
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