this image contains text
iBE Newsletter - Volume 1 /
Issue 11 - April 1994
The poop, for those of you out of the loop is, TRiB
E was briefly disbanded
and restarted. The whereas and whyfores arent important her
e. The result
was everyone was stripped of thier TRiBAL Status and only cer
tian people
extended invitations to join or re-join the new TRiBE. You c
an read the
OLDTONEW.NFO file originally intended to be an Iridium Artic
le, but as you
can plainly see, Iridium has major problem just releasing an
issue these
days for more information. Regardless, this is not the same
TV is here. SiDS rejoins TRiBE after the Gothic fi
asco and finishes what
we started in his previous stint, TRiBE ViEW. TV is *STiLL*
a Beta of the
pre-1.0-release. Even as such it is clearly the hands down w
inner of the
new generation of viewers today. As Hitman said, Damn.. Iv
e got alot of
work to do in the months ahead. You can and should report
any BUGS to
us, perferably over IRC or netmail sids or shihear @cyberspa
ce.com. It
does everything everyone else does, better, and weve still n
ot got all of
our plans emplimented. Look for a major update next month.
We welcome
any suggestions or feedback you might have. Hey, SiDS, com
e join iCE.
is not the type of suggestion were talking about, PAWL!
Yes. There are a total of 6 Artists in TRiBE as of
this pack. Yes. It
only contains 6 .TRI files 4 ANSis and 2 Logos, er, and on
e Menu Set.
This is the FIRST TRiBE Archive where I can stand up and say
that theres
nothing in here that *I* wouldnt want for my board. Nothing
*I* wouldnt
use, and nothing Im not PROUD to have associated to me or TR
iBE. All of
you artists out there, stop, look at the packs of your respec
tive groups
and ask yourself if you can say the same. . . food for thoug
ht, no? It
is time to put to test the Quality over Quantity theory onc
e and for all.
ACiD proclaims 50+ Artists, but only some 30+ pieces of Artwo
rk last pack.
iCE has simular distribution of artist to artwork ratios. We
re batting
a thousand so far, 6 Artists, 6 Pieces of Art by those 6 Arti
sts. . .
TRiBE is and will remain a SMALL group in respect to the size
of its
Membership. You will never see a 1 meg TRiBE Archive, true,
but ONLY
because you wont see us trying to scarf up anyone who comes
along, and
let them sit there for ages doing nothing at all. This pack
could have
contained more artwork, nearly a piece per day delayed. It w
as, however
released ON TIME, before Midnight MST on the 10th of the Mont
h, and will
continue to be so from here on.
Rumor control: Syntax Error is not Gay. Hes a mea
n, grumpy old fart.
This is Quazar. I hope that you all are enjoying t
he pack as small as
it may be, if you are wondering why there is a massive diffe
rence in
the ammount of ansis, just talk with the guys at NATiON. I a
m not here
to rag on the group, even if I am totally disgusted with thei
r stunt
early in the month, but Id like to say a few things. I dont
write in the TRiBAL WRiTES, but I am going to do it any way
s. All
you guys at NATiON: I hope that one day, you will realize wha
t a big
mistake it was you all made. . . Need I stress the word big
? Surely
not. I had a feeling that TRiBE would at one point go sour
in a
sense. Most all groups have this problem, i.e. iCEs sour
Valiant, and whatever else. etc. and I was hopeing that it
have happened to TRiBE. I am letting the public know now, th
at I plan
to stay with TRiBE, as long as the group is still alive. And
could be a while, considering if Shihear was ever to leave th
e group,
I would want the pack organizer position to be passed down
to me.
TRiBE, in my oh-so-humble opinion, is probably the best gro
up I have
ever taken part in. TRiBE is all-in-all Wonderful. I am
that I have to oppertunity to be in such a great group like T
RiBE with
all of the loyal people. So, until the day of my last ANSi
, even
if I am independent, I will sign my ANSis with TRiBE, and t
he TRiBE
PRiDE seal will be stamped on every one of my ANSis.
Dat was butetful... See you next month TRiBAHAULIC
Shihear Kallizad
- Paradigm -
iBE Newsletter - Volume 1 /
Issue 11 - April 1994
The poop, for those of you out of the loop is, TRiB
E was briefly disbanded
and restarted. The whereas and whyfores arent important her
e. The result
was everyone was stripped of thier TRiBAL Status and only cer
tian people
extended invitations to join or re-join the new TRiBE. You c
an read the
OLDTONEW.NFO file originally intended to be an Iridium Artic
le, but as you
can plainly see, Iridium has major problem just releasing an
issue these
days for more information. Regardless, this is not the same
TV is here. SiDS rejoins TRiBE after the Gothic fi
asco and finishes what
we started in his previous stint, TRiBE ViEW. TV is *STiLL*
a Beta of the
pre-1.0-release. Even as such it is clearly the hands down w
inner of the
new generation of viewers today. As Hitman said, Damn.. Iv
e got alot of
work to do in the months ahead. You can and should report
any BUGS to
us, perferably over IRC or netmail sids or shihear @cyberspa
ce.com. It
does everything everyone else does, better, and weve still n
ot got all of
our plans emplimented. Look for a major update next month.
We welcome
any suggestions or feedback you might have. Hey, SiDS, com
e join iCE.
is not the type of suggestion were talking about, PAWL!
Yes. There are a total of 6 Artists in TRiBE as of
this pack. Yes. It
only contains 6 .TRI files 4 ANSis and 2 Logos, er, and on
e Menu Set.
This is the FIRST TRiBE Archive where I can stand up and say
that theres
nothing in here that *I* wouldnt want for my board. Nothing
*I* wouldnt
use, and nothing Im not PROUD to have associated to me or TR
iBE. All of
you artists out there, stop, look at the packs of your respec
tive groups
and ask yourself if you can say the same. . . food for thoug
ht, no? It
is time to put to test the Quality over Quantity theory onc
e and for all.
ACiD proclaims 50+ Artists, but only some 30+ pieces of Artwo
rk last pack.
iCE has simular distribution of artist to artwork ratios. We
re batting
a thousand so far, 6 Artists, 6 Pieces of Art by those 6 Arti
sts. . .
TRiBE is and will remain a SMALL group in respect to the size
of its
Membership. You will never see a 1 meg TRiBE Archive, true,
but ONLY
because you wont see us trying to scarf up anyone who comes
along, and
let them sit there for ages doing nothing at all. This pack
could have
contained more artwork, nearly a piece per day delayed. It w
as, however
released ON TIME, before Midnight MST on the 10th of the Mont
h, and will
continue to be so from here on.
Rumor control: Syntax Error is not Gay. Hes a mea
n, grumpy old fart.
This is Quazar. I hope that you all are enjoying t
he pack as small as
it may be, if you are wondering why there is a massive diffe
rence in
the ammount of ansis, just talk with the guys at NATiON. I a
m not here
to rag on the group, even if I am totally disgusted with thei
r stunt
early in the month, but Id like to say a few things. I dont
write in the TRiBAL WRiTES, but I am going to do it any way
s. All
you guys at NATiON: I hope that one day, you will realize wha
t a big
mistake it was you all made. . . Need I stress the word big
? Surely
not. I had a feeling that TRiBE would at one point go sour
in a
sense. Most all groups have this problem, i.e. iCEs sour
Valiant, and whatever else. etc. and I was hopeing that it
have happened to TRiBE. I am letting the public know now, th
at I plan
to stay with TRiBE, as long as the group is still alive. And
could be a while, considering if Shihear was ever to leave th
e group,
I would want the pack organizer position to be passed down
to me.
TRiBE, in my oh-so-humble opinion, is probably the best gro
up I have
ever taken part in. TRiBE is all-in-all Wonderful. I am
that I have to oppertunity to be in such a great group like T
RiBE with
all of the loyal people. So, until the day of my last ANSi
, even
if I am independent, I will sign my ANSis with TRiBE, and t
he TRiBE
PRiDE seal will be stamped on every one of my ANSis.
Dat was butetful... See you next month TRiBAHAULIC
Shihear Kallizad
- Paradigm -
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