this image contains text
t w i l i g h t
Kung foo fighting, in the year of the buffalo
Well hey there little man, welcome to the
TWILIGHT christmas and new years bonanaza pack!
We have lots of wacky things to talk about before
santa puts a lump of coal in your stocking you
ungratefull punk.
People actually wanna join? - I guess so, *shrug*
So many people joined this month that i cant possibly name all
of them, so i wont name any of them : they are in the
memberlist with a fruity yellow font so youll know they are
new :
We welcome all our new editions to the ansi, vga, coding, music
and internet departments.. you guys are doing a bang up job
so far.
A few changes on the memberlist that are worth a mention :
Illusion X is now a full fledged senior type person
Quisling heads up our hi-rez department
and mr djbender runs analogue the twilight music division
Welcome to the revered position known as staff hope you guys
dont run up the executive credit card to much. eh we wish!
On the same note.. we say goodbye to spear this month .. lateron
fruity have a good time wherever you are going.
This just in. On the eve of December 4th, Twilights
phearless leader Deeply Disturbed awoke from a deep slumber to find
himself traped on an island with a bunch of kung-fu fighting hamsters. After fending off hundreds of little high-kicking rodents, Deeply
proceeded to search the island for coconuts because everyone knows that coconut milk provides sufficient lubrication for mastubatory purposes. After smearing coconut juice all over his shriveling member, Mr.
Disturbed went ahead and started whacking off while chanting the words, no place like home... theres no place like home...
If we were cool wed release it every 3 or 4 years
twilight is in the process of releasing distorted our very own
e-mag, 1st issue will be released around the 5th of january
and then on the 1st of everymonth... be cool.. submit! :
Also in the works are the web site, the viewer and a very
very special little gay project we have in the works for next
month... things just keep on getting better hun? :
Defiants new dance the foot slam, has now become a nation wide
trend, when asked for comment defiant said i was drunk i swear
to god i was drunk
they do music? - Yeeaaap!
Werd all, this is Mind Bender! Im supposed to say a few things about
Twilights new music division, Analogue. Basically, were a
relatively new group of musicians from around the world, getting
together and producing some nice stuff, like you would see from other
tracking scene groups : Well be releasing on an independant basis,
with a few packs released on a tri-monthly basis or around that
time. All of our stuff will be available over inet at the following
ftp.cdrom.com /pub/demos/music/songs/1996/ it/s3m/xm
ftp.fm.org /pub/music/groups/analogue/
We are a very relaxed group, having a semi-democratic form of
running things, as well as all helping eachother out. To find out
more about our policies or to get a memberlist, check out the NFO
included in our songs.
Anyway, were always looking for new members, so if you wish to
apply, send an application along with your full real name and
phone number to TCAREY@FAST.NET. We will get back to you within a
few days. Well, thats it for now, and be sure to check out our
channel at analogue on AnotherNet irc.neato.org, irc.another.org ..
thanks again!
Cut down the newsletter - Nope, id have to go draw instead
This month a few threats have been made against a couple of the
members of twilight. It seems someone is not to happy having us
around, but DONT worry no threats of physical violence have been
made... Just threats of unspeacable sex acts with furry mammals
Silly people those arent THREATS those are hobbys.
Btw : Where glue and your rubber, bounce on us and well stick to
you! Uhh... YEAH THATS IT!
Late breaking news: Twilight staff members have been spotted
running around their prospective cities in search of gay lovers.
Group advisor Terminator2 said of this, I just got tired of all the
camel humping and gopher raping. I wanted something different...
somethingall the other doodleboys in the other groups got... So, does all these staff members want a piece of male ass? Not so, says one
other group advisor, whose name shall be withheld because he spanks it
so much, Im only in it for the good head. We have yet come to
a conclusion on this news yet, but we will dig deeper into the
abiss of anal pleasures. Until then, staff members like Mr. 2 will
continue to search of male ass to replace their animal fetishes.
Damn almost done - HA! the lamers gonna hafta go draw!
Things of interest maybe? : Halaster and all his coolness
has decided to draw the twilight logo you saw on top of this
newsletter when asked why he did it hal only had only one awnser
Twilight is just so cool i wanted to atleast have some part
in it.. I kinda feel special and wanted now
Well thanks alot Hal, we appreciate it alot.
He actually didnt say that. But wouldnt it be cool if he did?
A few special guest stars in this months pack... Red leader
who has awaken from a deep coma has come back to the scene
somewhat, RL says he will have time to draw a bit in the months
to come.. woot woot WOO HOO :
Also guest staring this month : Tomppa1 and mendator furnished
us with a sweet vga, thanks alot guys :
Last months newsletter was filled with so many spelling errors
that even my excuse of im french man doesnt cut it. I was
having a bad hair day and plus my goldfish died... You know how
much pressure doing the newsletter was under those trying
conditions?! Anyways the twilight members spoke up about my
illiteracy and action was taken, i now have a secretary...
*woohoo* Nice legs too.
Btw if you arent familliar with our release date, it is on the
15th of everymonth... So if you dont see the pack on the 1st
PLEASE dont start comparing us to that other group.
Bah .. shut up or ill make it longer - Please dont!
Well that does it for us this month, its been a productive one
for us and we will keep on making everymonth better then the last.
So you guys have a merry christmas and a happy new years, eat
lots of turkey and drink lots of booze ... recover from your
hangover and get back in time for our january extravaganza!
Twilight, le-staff
t w i l i g h t
Kung foo fighting, in the year of the buffalo
Well hey there little man, welcome to the
TWILIGHT christmas and new years bonanaza pack!
We have lots of wacky things to talk about before
santa puts a lump of coal in your stocking you
ungratefull punk.
People actually wanna join? - I guess so, *shrug*
So many people joined this month that i cant possibly name all
of them, so i wont name any of them : they are in the
memberlist with a fruity yellow font so youll know they are
new :
We welcome all our new editions to the ansi, vga, coding, music
and internet departments.. you guys are doing a bang up job
so far.
A few changes on the memberlist that are worth a mention :
Illusion X is now a full fledged senior type person
Quisling heads up our hi-rez department
and mr djbender runs analogue the twilight music division
Welcome to the revered position known as staff hope you guys
dont run up the executive credit card to much. eh we wish!
On the same note.. we say goodbye to spear this month .. lateron
fruity have a good time wherever you are going.
This just in. On the eve of December 4th, Twilights
phearless leader Deeply Disturbed awoke from a deep slumber to find
himself traped on an island with a bunch of kung-fu fighting hamsters. After fending off hundreds of little high-kicking rodents, Deeply
proceeded to search the island for coconuts because everyone knows that coconut milk provides sufficient lubrication for mastubatory purposes. After smearing coconut juice all over his shriveling member, Mr.
Disturbed went ahead and started whacking off while chanting the words, no place like home... theres no place like home...
If we were cool wed release it every 3 or 4 years
twilight is in the process of releasing distorted our very own
e-mag, 1st issue will be released around the 5th of january
and then on the 1st of everymonth... be cool.. submit! :
Also in the works are the web site, the viewer and a very
very special little gay project we have in the works for next
month... things just keep on getting better hun? :
Defiants new dance the foot slam, has now become a nation wide
trend, when asked for comment defiant said i was drunk i swear
to god i was drunk
they do music? - Yeeaaap!
Werd all, this is Mind Bender! Im supposed to say a few things about
Twilights new music division, Analogue. Basically, were a
relatively new group of musicians from around the world, getting
together and producing some nice stuff, like you would see from other
tracking scene groups : Well be releasing on an independant basis,
with a few packs released on a tri-monthly basis or around that
time. All of our stuff will be available over inet at the following
ftp.cdrom.com /pub/demos/music/songs/1996/ it/s3m/xm
ftp.fm.org /pub/music/groups/analogue/
We are a very relaxed group, having a semi-democratic form of
running things, as well as all helping eachother out. To find out
more about our policies or to get a memberlist, check out the NFO
included in our songs.
Anyway, were always looking for new members, so if you wish to
apply, send an application along with your full real name and
phone number to TCAREY@FAST.NET. We will get back to you within a
few days. Well, thats it for now, and be sure to check out our
channel at analogue on AnotherNet irc.neato.org, irc.another.org ..
thanks again!
Cut down the newsletter - Nope, id have to go draw instead
This month a few threats have been made against a couple of the
members of twilight. It seems someone is not to happy having us
around, but DONT worry no threats of physical violence have been
made... Just threats of unspeacable sex acts with furry mammals
Silly people those arent THREATS those are hobbys.
Btw : Where glue and your rubber, bounce on us and well stick to
you! Uhh... YEAH THATS IT!
Late breaking news: Twilight staff members have been spotted
running around their prospective cities in search of gay lovers.
Group advisor Terminator2 said of this, I just got tired of all the
camel humping and gopher raping. I wanted something different...
somethingall the other doodleboys in the other groups got... So, does all these staff members want a piece of male ass? Not so, says one
other group advisor, whose name shall be withheld because he spanks it
so much, Im only in it for the good head. We have yet come to
a conclusion on this news yet, but we will dig deeper into the
abiss of anal pleasures. Until then, staff members like Mr. 2 will
continue to search of male ass to replace their animal fetishes.
Damn almost done - HA! the lamers gonna hafta go draw!
Things of interest maybe? : Halaster and all his coolness
has decided to draw the twilight logo you saw on top of this
newsletter when asked why he did it hal only had only one awnser
Twilight is just so cool i wanted to atleast have some part
in it.. I kinda feel special and wanted now
Well thanks alot Hal, we appreciate it alot.
He actually didnt say that. But wouldnt it be cool if he did?
A few special guest stars in this months pack... Red leader
who has awaken from a deep coma has come back to the scene
somewhat, RL says he will have time to draw a bit in the months
to come.. woot woot WOO HOO :
Also guest staring this month : Tomppa1 and mendator furnished
us with a sweet vga, thanks alot guys :
Last months newsletter was filled with so many spelling errors
that even my excuse of im french man doesnt cut it. I was
having a bad hair day and plus my goldfish died... You know how
much pressure doing the newsletter was under those trying
conditions?! Anyways the twilight members spoke up about my
illiteracy and action was taken, i now have a secretary...
*woohoo* Nice legs too.
Btw if you arent familliar with our release date, it is on the
15th of everymonth... So if you dont see the pack on the 1st
PLEASE dont start comparing us to that other group.
Bah .. shut up or ill make it longer - Please dont!
Well that does it for us this month, its been a productive one
for us and we will keep on making everymonth better then the last.
So you guys have a merry christmas and a happy new years, eat
lots of turkey and drink lots of booze ... recover from your
hangover and get back in time for our january extravaganza!
Twilight, le-staff
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