this image contains text
+- --+-- -- --+----+--+ - -- -------- - --- - +--- I finally found my style in logo making, here are the two latest ones
---+ - --- - -------- -- - +--+----+-- -- --+-- -+ biohazard
drynwhyl@innocent.com // for empty ONLY!
biohazard +o empty
---+ - --- - -------- -- - +--+----+-- -- --+-- -+ kodex null
kodex null +o code zero
---+ - --- - -------- -- - +--+----+-- -- --+-- -+ dw-answe.ans
- destiny - infinity - eternity --------------------------------- drynwhyl -
we live in a world
full of questions
where an answer to
this questions
is yet to be found
we must keep searching
for answers
for truth
and when we find the answers
we will no longer be needed
we do not serve a purpose
there is no meaning
for our existans
we are just here
endlessy searching for answers
answers which is never to be found
which never can be found
+- --+-. -- --+--.-+--+ - -- -------. - --. - +--- the end - - destiny, infinity, eternity / drynwhyl
---+ - --- - -------- -- - +--+----+-- -- --+-- -+ biohazard
drynwhyl@innocent.com // for empty ONLY!
biohazard +o empty
---+ - --- - -------- -- - +--+----+-- -- --+-- -+ kodex null
kodex null +o code zero
---+ - --- - -------- -- - +--+----+-- -- --+-- -+ dw-answe.ans
- destiny - infinity - eternity --------------------------------- drynwhyl -
we live in a world
full of questions
where an answer to
this questions
is yet to be found
we must keep searching
for answers
for truth
and when we find the answers
we will no longer be needed
we do not serve a purpose
there is no meaning
for our existans
we are just here
endlessy searching for answers
answers which is never to be found
which never can be found
+- --+-. -- --+--.-+--+ - -- -------. - --. - +--- the end - - destiny, infinity, eternity / drynwhyl
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