this image contains text
inviso- s
1196 info newsletter
- general.. gus
this months er.. last 2 months.. has been really hektic on twst..
we almost died yay!, decided to keep on pluggin, lost some members,
gained some members, got the local scene flooded with rumors about us,
so all in all, it was pretty fun. p
if you wanna know why this pack is so goddamned late, well, its
cause ive been pretty busy lately, and im about the only guy who
resembles a senior left theres shaman, but hes more of an ansi guy
than an admin.. ANYWAYS... Ive had the art for almost a month, but
just havnt put it together... so if youre pissed off at me for it,
ill do you a favor and pretend i care.
- members update.. gus
member activity has been up and down alot.. theyve been actively
joining and quitting as far as i know.. well, the threat of like,
everyone quitting was there for a bit.. but heres a summary as far
as i know.. ppl have been letting mems in and like, not telling me bout
it n shit.. stop that eh guys? : at least let me know when theres a
new member ya skanks.. p
+ krypt keeper - talented and ambitious coder. me and him are
gonna be putting out some fearsome external Rg
utils... i like this chap.
+ taco? - I dunno about this one.. he mite be a member..
no-one tells me shit..
- i just found out.. hes got some serious
i aint lettin this one go..
+ zang - i think we have a bbs mod dept now as well..
internal utils, not coded
+ spuz - re: zang : bbs mod guy... ill know more about
these guys later on.. ill list the rest of the
bbs mod dept that i know of..
+ silica avatar - at literally the last possible moment, this guy
formerly of spin and presently of plain joined us
to kick some toon. awsome art, im amazed at how
fast he improved i knew him from when he 1st
+ ? there are some ppl who might be members of this new bbs mod dept
that ive heard so much about, but ill refrain from listing them
due to the fact that they have other affils and i dont wanna
get anyone in trouble.
+ ah hell, i really dont know right now.
wow. i shoulda made this a whole seperate nfo.. and i probably
missed at least 2-3 new members... sorry to you guys.. email me and
ill be *sure* youre included in the next pack. yes, there will be a
a next pack
closing words.. gus
finally, the twst pack is out. woo hoo and all that jazz.. i think
we did pretty good for a group thats plagued by their artists having
actual lives eh? anyways.. i wanna do some greets cause ive never
been able to b4!@! :
one final word. guys.. its a modem. contrary to popular belief,
bbsing is not real life. the reason the twst pack is so damned late,
is cause everyone here has a life. they have friends, they have school
they have priorities, and bbsing and doodlin is not at the top of their
list. nor should it be. all you ppl who are bitching cause the twst
pack is a month late, stop bitching at me and get a life..
guss greets.. All twst mems past n present, nn, tbc, odd, wolfie, ta,
fm, tm, sa, sw, pf, dlots, k1, dc, jD, fangs, and
everyone else im fogettin.. Im done now.. bye.
general.. shaman
Ok... that was gusz werds of wisdom.. Now this is shaman
Just coming to tell the story. Some updates and such.
First off, I will speak of the twisted troubles. twisted came extremely
close to dying. this was the first troubles weve ever had within the group.
Morale was beginning to decrease as school begun and art lessened. A small
crew, we had troubles getting enough art to release monthly packs. And
artists were beginning to grow weary of a group that cant release monthly
packs. . Our artists were definately getting lazy, and thinks looked very
terrible for us. So, I believe we may have even died for a couple hours there.
But then we decided we would release a final pack. So... in a last attempt to
keep the group alive, been going for about a year now, we tried some new
member recruiting. tothblade worked hard to get us some new artists, and
then our morale slowly increased until now and hopefully with the release of a
good pack twisted will be flyin high! I know I have twisted fever!! So,
just to clear things up. This pack is NOT our farewell/last pack. We
are goin strong!
Well, putrid carcass has stepped down as pack co-ordinator leader guy.
And gus has taken over the reigns. Myself and gus are now pretty much
the 2 leader/organizer guys. And toth kind of too . twisted had
a unique concept going of having no seniors and everything settled by
votes and such. But with the turmoil we went through we decided that
they were needed.
members.. shaman
Now, new members, toth has recruited a couple new artists. Im
still questioning the loyalty of his recruits though . A vga artist
iNCABUS he recruited one day. But as far as I know incabus has not
returned to twisted or submitted any work, so therefore he is not a member
of twisted. Another member taco is new to twisted. Gus and I decided
that he has the potential to create some nice ansis so we let him in.
sorry fate! well vote from now on . Also another member named
slice will be a possible twisted member if I can just see some of his stuff
and we can vote on it . both taco and slice are warez kiddies like toth Also, Krypt Keeper has signed on to twisted and hes a kickass coder so
we are glad to accquire him.
clarifications.. shaman
The bbs modding section of twisted is not underway yet. So to clear
up what gus said. spuz and zang are not members of twisted. Even though
spuz is like our ircbot . The bbs modding section is just a plan we
may have.
The twisted webpage is currently under production by orbital. so I
hope to have that up and underway.
Uhmmm, anything concerning the group can be emailed to me at
shaman@netcom.ca. Also, join twisted whenever ya can. Theres always people
there. Hope you liked the pack! and see you next monf!! hopefully
sorry for the plainess of this newsletter! but we simply didnt
have enough time! Next months will be better!
over specialize
and you breed
in weakness,
its slow death
oh, and anime
porn RULES! -toth 96
anime rules. period. porn bad. -gus 96
the fucking pack tripled overnight!!?@
talk about last minute flood.. -gus again in 96
1196 info newsletter
- general.. gus
this months er.. last 2 months.. has been really hektic on twst..
we almost died yay!, decided to keep on pluggin, lost some members,
gained some members, got the local scene flooded with rumors about us,
so all in all, it was pretty fun. p
if you wanna know why this pack is so goddamned late, well, its
cause ive been pretty busy lately, and im about the only guy who
resembles a senior left theres shaman, but hes more of an ansi guy
than an admin.. ANYWAYS... Ive had the art for almost a month, but
just havnt put it together... so if youre pissed off at me for it,
ill do you a favor and pretend i care.
- members update.. gus
member activity has been up and down alot.. theyve been actively
joining and quitting as far as i know.. well, the threat of like,
everyone quitting was there for a bit.. but heres a summary as far
as i know.. ppl have been letting mems in and like, not telling me bout
it n shit.. stop that eh guys? : at least let me know when theres a
new member ya skanks.. p
+ krypt keeper - talented and ambitious coder. me and him are
gonna be putting out some fearsome external Rg
utils... i like this chap.
+ taco? - I dunno about this one.. he mite be a member..
no-one tells me shit..
- i just found out.. hes got some serious
i aint lettin this one go..
+ zang - i think we have a bbs mod dept now as well..
internal utils, not coded
+ spuz - re: zang : bbs mod guy... ill know more about
these guys later on.. ill list the rest of the
bbs mod dept that i know of..
+ silica avatar - at literally the last possible moment, this guy
formerly of spin and presently of plain joined us
to kick some toon. awsome art, im amazed at how
fast he improved i knew him from when he 1st
+ ? there are some ppl who might be members of this new bbs mod dept
that ive heard so much about, but ill refrain from listing them
due to the fact that they have other affils and i dont wanna
get anyone in trouble.
+ ah hell, i really dont know right now.
wow. i shoulda made this a whole seperate nfo.. and i probably
missed at least 2-3 new members... sorry to you guys.. email me and
ill be *sure* youre included in the next pack. yes, there will be a
a next pack
closing words.. gus
finally, the twst pack is out. woo hoo and all that jazz.. i think
we did pretty good for a group thats plagued by their artists having
actual lives eh? anyways.. i wanna do some greets cause ive never
been able to b4!@! :
one final word. guys.. its a modem. contrary to popular belief,
bbsing is not real life. the reason the twst pack is so damned late,
is cause everyone here has a life. they have friends, they have school
they have priorities, and bbsing and doodlin is not at the top of their
list. nor should it be. all you ppl who are bitching cause the twst
pack is a month late, stop bitching at me and get a life..
guss greets.. All twst mems past n present, nn, tbc, odd, wolfie, ta,
fm, tm, sa, sw, pf, dlots, k1, dc, jD, fangs, and
everyone else im fogettin.. Im done now.. bye.
general.. shaman
Ok... that was gusz werds of wisdom.. Now this is shaman
Just coming to tell the story. Some updates and such.
First off, I will speak of the twisted troubles. twisted came extremely
close to dying. this was the first troubles weve ever had within the group.
Morale was beginning to decrease as school begun and art lessened. A small
crew, we had troubles getting enough art to release monthly packs. And
artists were beginning to grow weary of a group that cant release monthly
packs. . Our artists were definately getting lazy, and thinks looked very
terrible for us. So, I believe we may have even died for a couple hours there.
But then we decided we would release a final pack. So... in a last attempt to
keep the group alive, been going for about a year now, we tried some new
member recruiting. tothblade worked hard to get us some new artists, and
then our morale slowly increased until now and hopefully with the release of a
good pack twisted will be flyin high! I know I have twisted fever!! So,
just to clear things up. This pack is NOT our farewell/last pack. We
are goin strong!
Well, putrid carcass has stepped down as pack co-ordinator leader guy.
And gus has taken over the reigns. Myself and gus are now pretty much
the 2 leader/organizer guys. And toth kind of too . twisted had
a unique concept going of having no seniors and everything settled by
votes and such. But with the turmoil we went through we decided that
they were needed.
members.. shaman
Now, new members, toth has recruited a couple new artists. Im
still questioning the loyalty of his recruits though . A vga artist
iNCABUS he recruited one day. But as far as I know incabus has not
returned to twisted or submitted any work, so therefore he is not a member
of twisted. Another member taco is new to twisted. Gus and I decided
that he has the potential to create some nice ansis so we let him in.
sorry fate! well vote from now on . Also another member named
slice will be a possible twisted member if I can just see some of his stuff
and we can vote on it . both taco and slice are warez kiddies like toth Also, Krypt Keeper has signed on to twisted and hes a kickass coder so
we are glad to accquire him.
clarifications.. shaman
The bbs modding section of twisted is not underway yet. So to clear
up what gus said. spuz and zang are not members of twisted. Even though
spuz is like our ircbot . The bbs modding section is just a plan we
may have.
The twisted webpage is currently under production by orbital. so I
hope to have that up and underway.
Uhmmm, anything concerning the group can be emailed to me at
shaman@netcom.ca. Also, join twisted whenever ya can. Theres always people
there. Hope you liked the pack! and see you next monf!! hopefully
sorry for the plainess of this newsletter! but we simply didnt
have enough time! Next months will be better!
over specialize
and you breed
in weakness,
its slow death
oh, and anime
porn RULES! -toth 96
anime rules. period. porn bad. -gus 96
the fucking pack tripled overnight!!?@
talk about last minute flood.. -gus again in 96
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