this image contains text
October 1994 Compendium
Member Listings
Union Senior Staff
Morbid Angelma Nailznz Neuroticnc ShadowHawksh
Union Co-Ordination Staff
KooLkl - 714 Art Co-Ordinator
Mass Delusionmd - Telecom/Pack Co-Ordinator
Mr. Sinisterms - Telecom
Ded Silenceds - Courier Co-Ordinator
Union Ansi Department
2828 Abominationab Aerosolar Bishopbi Black Lightningbl
Cheese Gratercg Dark Deceptiondc Darkforcedf Divedi
God Speedgs HammerHeadhh Houndhd Juiceju KooLkl
Kryptonkr K-Spiffks Mass Delusionmd Necronitenn Nailznz
Neurosisne Neuroticnc Peak Velocitypv Prometheuspr Psycho
Fiendpf Sharp Edgse Splintsp Stormfrontst Streakersr Terminal
Psychosistp Thadicusth Thee 3rdt3 Twisted Mindtm Zorozr
Union Vga Department
Asskickerak Blue Devilbd Formic Acidfmc
Hroshr Mole Brainmb Quislingqs
Riffrf Spleefsf Thee 3dt3
Union Rip Department
Cheese Gratercg Eclipseec K-Spiffks
Reeferrm Thee 3dt3 The Beholdertb
Union Music Department
Ded Silenceds Flourescent Darknessfd
Future Assassinfa Lord Pegasuslp Pinionpn
Satanic Goldfishsg X-Factorxf
Union Coding Department
Epitaphep Fantomfm Fizbanfi Pennywisepw The Immortal Shadowtis
Union Afro Department
Neuroticnt NewRootiQnq Nueroticnu
Granmas Hands Department
Nailznz Neuroticnc
Union Couriering Department
Abover Ded Silence Ipstar Joe Camel Maniac
Mephisto Pericles Rav Satans Jester Stardust
Taz The Temperate Hijacker Terminal Nothing Village Idiot
Alias in light grey symbolize new members throughout the month of Aug
Alias in dark grey symbolize departing members
Member Listings
Union Senior Staff
Morbid Angelma Nailznz Neuroticnc ShadowHawksh
Union Co-Ordination Staff
KooLkl - 714 Art Co-Ordinator
Mass Delusionmd - Telecom/Pack Co-Ordinator
Mr. Sinisterms - Telecom
Ded Silenceds - Courier Co-Ordinator
Union Ansi Department
2828 Abominationab Aerosolar Bishopbi Black Lightningbl
Cheese Gratercg Dark Deceptiondc Darkforcedf Divedi
God Speedgs HammerHeadhh Houndhd Juiceju KooLkl
Kryptonkr K-Spiffks Mass Delusionmd Necronitenn Nailznz
Neurosisne Neuroticnc Peak Velocitypv Prometheuspr Psycho
Fiendpf Sharp Edgse Splintsp Stormfrontst Streakersr Terminal
Psychosistp Thadicusth Thee 3rdt3 Twisted Mindtm Zorozr
Union Vga Department
Asskickerak Blue Devilbd Formic Acidfmc
Hroshr Mole Brainmb Quislingqs
Riffrf Spleefsf Thee 3dt3
Union Rip Department
Cheese Gratercg Eclipseec K-Spiffks
Reeferrm Thee 3dt3 The Beholdertb
Union Music Department
Ded Silenceds Flourescent Darknessfd
Future Assassinfa Lord Pegasuslp Pinionpn
Satanic Goldfishsg X-Factorxf
Union Coding Department
Epitaphep Fantomfm Fizbanfi Pennywisepw The Immortal Shadowtis
Union Afro Department
Neuroticnt NewRootiQnq Nueroticnu
Granmas Hands Department
Nailznz Neuroticnc
Union Couriering Department
Abover Ded Silence Ipstar Joe Camel Maniac
Mephisto Pericles Rav Satans Jester Stardust
Taz The Temperate Hijacker Terminal Nothing Village Idiot
Alias in light grey symbolize new members throughout the month of Aug
Alias in dark grey symbolize departing members
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