this image contains text
uprise ansi pack 1 info
- Uprise 1998 -
Welcome to uprises first ansi pack, uprise is a 100 sydney based group,
and we hope to become of the best ansi art groups ever formed. Uprise
formed in the early years of 1998, and are planning for world domination,
not just in sydney, but in other parts of the world where the scene lives.
We are NOT one of those hard ass groups who doesnt accept anyone who comes
to apply, and we are also NOT one of those groups who accept people in
Uprise for the fuck of it, we want average - good artist who can excel
in ansi art, and we hope to make you more well known, not for the groups
sake, but for your sake.
Uprise was founded by Sting, Image, and playdoe!, and we all have good faith
in this group, we know it will succeed.
- Scene news -
Well this month not alot has happened in the 029 scene, the art group Sik
has merged with stings former group Def, and tremor has good feelings about
this merge, as Def made sik a more stronger group in Oz.
It is good to see that people newbies are trying to do ansi art, it also
make the scene in sydney in a better state than it was a few months ago,
since the death of the sydney group force died most of the members left
to other groups worldwide, cryogenic went to the new american group avenge
while unsane velocity left to dark illustrated, and some ex-force members
left the scene all up..
- Other news -
Alot has changed in a few months down in sydney, the ansi group addicts died
along with def, and so has board names, the bbs also known as the mOrtal
board changed names a while back to fear phactor, fear phactor is a
scene board with a good future ahead of it, the sysop is playdoe!, and
playdoe has selected good co sysops for fear phactor, such as tremOr,
cryogenic and StiNG, these artists can help alot with the ansi work done
on the board. It has great files online as playdoe calls Melbourne boards
and gets most of the latest demos, art packs, e-zines, etc.
And on another change the ex named board called addicts has changed its name
to amnesia, which is the world head quarters of Uprise, this board is an
excellent board which attracts many users per day, it looks good, has good
files, and a excellent hard drive, so if you ever logon amnesia, be sure
to upload.
- Member info -
All uprise member are to submit in work by the 1st of every month to image
on amnesia, or if you would like to apply for uprise, just fill in the
application form and call amnesia, we are allways looking for newbies.
- Check out time -
And thats all from us at Uprise for this month, make sure you grap a copy of Uprise 2 which will be comming out soon.. later from all of us at
Ansi layout by Sting
Info by Uprise 98
uprise ansi pack 1 info
- Uprise 1998 -
Welcome to uprises first ansi pack, uprise is a 100 sydney based group,
and we hope to become of the best ansi art groups ever formed. Uprise
formed in the early years of 1998, and are planning for world domination,
not just in sydney, but in other parts of the world where the scene lives.
We are NOT one of those hard ass groups who doesnt accept anyone who comes
to apply, and we are also NOT one of those groups who accept people in
Uprise for the fuck of it, we want average - good artist who can excel
in ansi art, and we hope to make you more well known, not for the groups
sake, but for your sake.
Uprise was founded by Sting, Image, and playdoe!, and we all have good faith
in this group, we know it will succeed.
- Scene news -
Well this month not alot has happened in the 029 scene, the art group Sik
has merged with stings former group Def, and tremor has good feelings about
this merge, as Def made sik a more stronger group in Oz.
It is good to see that people newbies are trying to do ansi art, it also
make the scene in sydney in a better state than it was a few months ago,
since the death of the sydney group force died most of the members left
to other groups worldwide, cryogenic went to the new american group avenge
while unsane velocity left to dark illustrated, and some ex-force members
left the scene all up..
- Other news -
Alot has changed in a few months down in sydney, the ansi group addicts died
along with def, and so has board names, the bbs also known as the mOrtal
board changed names a while back to fear phactor, fear phactor is a
scene board with a good future ahead of it, the sysop is playdoe!, and
playdoe has selected good co sysops for fear phactor, such as tremOr,
cryogenic and StiNG, these artists can help alot with the ansi work done
on the board. It has great files online as playdoe calls Melbourne boards
and gets most of the latest demos, art packs, e-zines, etc.
And on another change the ex named board called addicts has changed its name
to amnesia, which is the world head quarters of Uprise, this board is an
excellent board which attracts many users per day, it looks good, has good
files, and a excellent hard drive, so if you ever logon amnesia, be sure
to upload.
- Member info -
All uprise member are to submit in work by the 1st of every month to image
on amnesia, or if you would like to apply for uprise, just fill in the
application form and call amnesia, we are allways looking for newbies.
- Check out time -
And thats all from us at Uprise for this month, make sure you grap a copy of Uprise 2 which will be comming out soon.. later from all of us at
Ansi layout by Sting
Info by Uprise 98
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