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U p r i s e
Uprise 4 info file
Uprise 4
Let the games begin, this month was the most
easiest month for us at Uprise, we were under NO pressure at all, this is something we get
once a blue moon.
A Couple of new members this month, joining
us at Uprise this month are: Dark Force and
Phuture groove, these members are very good
in what they do.
D-zine has changed his alias to terrOr 108,
and also has stepped down as his position as
senior, replacing terrOr 108s place will be
Sting, he has the knowledge and skill to be
a senior for Uprise.
This time all Uprise packs will be released
monthly, and there should be no excuses for
late packs. We are still accepting applications
so send in the application to -sting-@usa.net,
or call amnesia on 61+02+96211205 and send your
shit to sting.
Scene Shit
A shitload of things have happened this month
in the 029 scene, the ansi group FORCE has
ressurected, this is what sydney really needs
at the moment, because the scene in sydney isnt
all to be expected from it.
The ansi group SiK has taken ANOTHER vacation,
we havent heard from the group leader tremOr in
a while.
Cryogenic force prez is currently making a whq
for force, it will be running on oblivion/2 and it
will be called dark sorrow, so artists, draw!
Other Shit
All members must submit their work in by the 25th
of every month to amnesia on 96211205 or you can
e-mail sting on -sting-@usa.net.
Original ansi layout by Sting Uprise
U p r i s e
Uprise 4 info file
Uprise 4
Let the games begin, this month was the most
easiest month for us at Uprise, we were under NO pressure at all, this is something we get
once a blue moon.
A Couple of new members this month, joining
us at Uprise this month are: Dark Force and
Phuture groove, these members are very good
in what they do.
D-zine has changed his alias to terrOr 108,
and also has stepped down as his position as
senior, replacing terrOr 108s place will be
Sting, he has the knowledge and skill to be
a senior for Uprise.
This time all Uprise packs will be released
monthly, and there should be no excuses for
late packs. We are still accepting applications
so send in the application to -sting-@usa.net,
or call amnesia on 61+02+96211205 and send your
shit to sting.
Scene Shit
A shitload of things have happened this month
in the 029 scene, the ansi group FORCE has
ressurected, this is what sydney really needs
at the moment, because the scene in sydney isnt
all to be expected from it.
The ansi group SiK has taken ANOTHER vacation,
we havent heard from the group leader tremOr in
a while.
Cryogenic force prez is currently making a whq
for force, it will be running on oblivion/2 and it
will be called dark sorrow, so artists, draw!
Other Shit
All members must submit their work in by the 25th
of every month to amnesia on 96211205 or you can
e-mail sting on -sting-@usa.net.
Original ansi layout by Sting Uprise
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