this image contains text
Uprise 5 info file - July 98
Stings philosophy
This month we start off with a little kick start to make Uprise more well
known, with a little help from new joining members,
Uprise is going all to plan, this is a good thing right?...
Dont forget to clench your fist for the 15th, as we all punch the fuck out of
Sting for his 16th birthday ouch!.
This month we thank rz and tunglo for becomming our guest artists for Uprise5 if you want to become a guest for Uprise just message Sting, or e-mail me on:
or image on
or catch us on efnet
We are currently looking for a coder to code a ansi viewing program for Uprise, so if you think you have what it takes to code for us, just show us some of
your recent made programmes, and hey why not even join us while your at it!.
On another topic, it seems that we wont see crows work in any Uprise packs,
because he has officially ran away from home, but if he comes back, he will
be back in full motion this time.
Geez, look what you made me do!, im blushing, now you leave me no choice but
to give the microphone to Crow. that alias scares me
Crows Crap
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16!, OUCH!, thats gotta hurt Sting, heh
dont worry ill punch you as soft as possible , yes, i guess you have all
heard, iam a poor bastard living at a friends house, but Sting you got one
thing wrong, as long as you still have your good old aciddraw, ill still
be comming over to draw, i wont let you guys down i swear it!.
Umm i have to say One HUGE GIANORMOUS FUCK YOU to my parents for keeping
me under stress, and forcing me to move out, and i WILL not be comming
home you sorry ass people.
Because i cannot come back to hell, i will not be able to produce as much
artwork as before, as if you even liked my artwork anyways, i have had
enough bullshit comming out of my mouth, so terrOr 108, may god me let
you speak
Images big time talking
woohoo! its released, bout time, ive been waiting all month to show yas all
umm with the issue ive added a greetz list, this will be updated in all future
packs, just to show you all we love you! hug, umm its great that uprise, has
become much more then what was expected of it,... umm id like to thank rz for
guesting and tunglo for all his help , umm just check the pak out and spread
it round a little, and dont forget to join us in uprise, when its not being
taken over by some lame arse,. slatz
rzs part..
Cool so uprise has made it to its fifth pack. It seems that Image has been
hard at work organising the group and gathering new members. Its great to see
soo many new faces within the group especially from Australia. This shows a
growing number of people who are interested and willing to take up drawing and
helps build a stronger scene for Australian artists although boards are almost
depleted in the +612 area. Good luck to all of the Uprise members!!!
syndrOmes werdz..
Im the new hirez dOOdler in uprise, and Id like to say that Im glad to be
part of the growing success that is uprise.. also werd up to rz, chronix,
cryo and tremor....latuh..
bCs two pennies..
whats up all? well no one really knows me but im a co-senior and the i-net
co-ordinator as well. i draw ascii. well i took a year and a half break from
the scene and am trying to make my comeback with uprise from what ive seen we
have some pretty darn good artist. hopefully we can get most of you members on
the net and into uprise on efnetirc. we need to get ourselves known on the
net and widen out a bit. well thats all i have to say right now.
lets keep drawin, carpe diem.
Lost Soul Spittin Some Lit
ahkay..most people dont know me unless i met you on irc or you are in my local scene but hell this is really my first release with a group...i think woe is
dying will have more time to devote to uprise: i think i just made image happy but look for me i wanna give all the locals form 77o/4o4/678 greets cause you
know im keepin it real with evolution....ahkay, image is doing great and look
for uprise to come up!! watch my ansi soar! laits....
.../x LS x...
Xsys talkin .. .
Okey... Here i go with my first release in a group and im very glad to knew
that the group is Uprise!! Im on the swedish scene, the most guys in sweart
knew who i am. Dyingsoul joins uprise, hes also from sweden..we hope we can
give ya some of our swedish fingers. It seems to uprise strikes sweden! .
Like Lost Soul said, image is doing a great work! uPRIsE!
trippahs words of wizdom
this is my second sydney group i have joined, and im pretty happy to be in
the ranks with other great artists. some of you may have seen me in the past
year or so if you follow mOdding groups in xpress modding, another sydney
group, which is dead right now, but hopefully will make a comeback in the
near future. everyone keep up the good work, whatever you do, cuz i believe
competition is the only way we can expand on our skills.
... for some, its the path, not the goal ...
- trippah -
jawah spunks deez whiteish/gray letters that you weirdos peep out
ah... home sweet foam. well all you art freaks, this is mah debut group
as well mah debut art releases. but nobody cares. i suck. i SUCK. yes,
that is right... I SUCK.. heh, whatever, FUCK. SHIT. ASS. FUCK IT. if
you want art from me well, FUCK YOU!@ I SUCK@! no but seriously, if
you want to request art from me i suck find me on efnet UPRISE ASCII ANSI
or just email me at: jawah@tfs.net
from the mouth of Goblin
Uhm, Im do a guest appearance from Force... to show where the real talent
lies Well, anyway, its nice to see some competition in Oz. -Goblin-
now hear some words of wisdom....
yoe ppl... cryo on the mic .. uhh, what can i say.. my group is in direct
competition with uprise.. oh well.. get the force pack... force-21.zip .. madass props to image keep this bitch running, goblin wtf? you guested in
uprise??? traitor.. , and rz you too eh.. hrmm.. ..
cryogenic --- force prez
oops... i took my prozac!!?
you dont think we kick ass? join us.. and make us kick ass!
or are you one of those who not wants to give, just to have.. then i hate
you for that! but in that case, ill show what to give, mail me at
zatchmo@mail.com and tell me what you wanna see and ill make you see it!
thats not so hard.. uprise rises the scene against the heaven.. in
heaven everything is so beautiful, just like our art!
hmm.. i think this group is strange..
i wonder if im gonna stay here as long as i did in my other groups.. like
more than a week i hope.... no but really what is this.. what am i supposed to
type here... . like my grandmas maiden name ?.. hm.. i cant remember that so
youll just have to settle with something else... like shit.. im talking
garbage here.... well..Hope you like my art in here anyway.. cya sephiroth..
Heh I Guess Im New!E@@
Well im the new VGA guy coming directly from the 410 scene..Heh im gonna
try to bring you all some phat ass VGAZ and up the quality of this good group
Heh props go out to DsC LS and image! c-yaz
Guest Artists
:: rzarector :: cryogenic :: chronix :: goblin :: noah ::
Uprise 5 info file - July 98
Stings philosophy
This month we start off with a little kick start to make Uprise more well
known, with a little help from new joining members,
Uprise is going all to plan, this is a good thing right?...
Dont forget to clench your fist for the 15th, as we all punch the fuck out of
Sting for his 16th birthday ouch!.
This month we thank rz and tunglo for becomming our guest artists for Uprise5 if you want to become a guest for Uprise just message Sting, or e-mail me on:
or image on
or catch us on efnet
We are currently looking for a coder to code a ansi viewing program for Uprise, so if you think you have what it takes to code for us, just show us some of
your recent made programmes, and hey why not even join us while your at it!.
On another topic, it seems that we wont see crows work in any Uprise packs,
because he has officially ran away from home, but if he comes back, he will
be back in full motion this time.
Geez, look what you made me do!, im blushing, now you leave me no choice but
to give the microphone to Crow. that alias scares me
Crows Crap
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16!, OUCH!, thats gotta hurt Sting, heh
dont worry ill punch you as soft as possible , yes, i guess you have all
heard, iam a poor bastard living at a friends house, but Sting you got one
thing wrong, as long as you still have your good old aciddraw, ill still
be comming over to draw, i wont let you guys down i swear it!.
Umm i have to say One HUGE GIANORMOUS FUCK YOU to my parents for keeping
me under stress, and forcing me to move out, and i WILL not be comming
home you sorry ass people.
Because i cannot come back to hell, i will not be able to produce as much
artwork as before, as if you even liked my artwork anyways, i have had
enough bullshit comming out of my mouth, so terrOr 108, may god me let
you speak
Images big time talking
woohoo! its released, bout time, ive been waiting all month to show yas all
umm with the issue ive added a greetz list, this will be updated in all future
packs, just to show you all we love you! hug, umm its great that uprise, has
become much more then what was expected of it,... umm id like to thank rz for
guesting and tunglo for all his help , umm just check the pak out and spread
it round a little, and dont forget to join us in uprise, when its not being
taken over by some lame arse,. slatz
rzs part..
Cool so uprise has made it to its fifth pack. It seems that Image has been
hard at work organising the group and gathering new members. Its great to see
soo many new faces within the group especially from Australia. This shows a
growing number of people who are interested and willing to take up drawing and
helps build a stronger scene for Australian artists although boards are almost
depleted in the +612 area. Good luck to all of the Uprise members!!!
syndrOmes werdz..
Im the new hirez dOOdler in uprise, and Id like to say that Im glad to be
part of the growing success that is uprise.. also werd up to rz, chronix,
cryo and tremor....latuh..
bCs two pennies..
whats up all? well no one really knows me but im a co-senior and the i-net
co-ordinator as well. i draw ascii. well i took a year and a half break from
the scene and am trying to make my comeback with uprise from what ive seen we
have some pretty darn good artist. hopefully we can get most of you members on
the net and into uprise on efnetirc. we need to get ourselves known on the
net and widen out a bit. well thats all i have to say right now.
lets keep drawin, carpe diem.
Lost Soul Spittin Some Lit
ahkay..most people dont know me unless i met you on irc or you are in my local scene but hell this is really my first release with a group...i think woe is
dying will have more time to devote to uprise: i think i just made image happy but look for me i wanna give all the locals form 77o/4o4/678 greets cause you
know im keepin it real with evolution....ahkay, image is doing great and look
for uprise to come up!! watch my ansi soar! laits....
.../x LS x...
Xsys talkin .. .
Okey... Here i go with my first release in a group and im very glad to knew
that the group is Uprise!! Im on the swedish scene, the most guys in sweart
knew who i am. Dyingsoul joins uprise, hes also from sweden..we hope we can
give ya some of our swedish fingers. It seems to uprise strikes sweden! .
Like Lost Soul said, image is doing a great work! uPRIsE!
trippahs words of wizdom
this is my second sydney group i have joined, and im pretty happy to be in
the ranks with other great artists. some of you may have seen me in the past
year or so if you follow mOdding groups in xpress modding, another sydney
group, which is dead right now, but hopefully will make a comeback in the
near future. everyone keep up the good work, whatever you do, cuz i believe
competition is the only way we can expand on our skills.
... for some, its the path, not the goal ...
- trippah -
jawah spunks deez whiteish/gray letters that you weirdos peep out
ah... home sweet foam. well all you art freaks, this is mah debut group
as well mah debut art releases. but nobody cares. i suck. i SUCK. yes,
that is right... I SUCK.. heh, whatever, FUCK. SHIT. ASS. FUCK IT. if
you want art from me well, FUCK YOU!@ I SUCK@! no but seriously, if
you want to request art from me i suck find me on efnet UPRISE ASCII ANSI
or just email me at: jawah@tfs.net
from the mouth of Goblin
Uhm, Im do a guest appearance from Force... to show where the real talent
lies Well, anyway, its nice to see some competition in Oz. -Goblin-
now hear some words of wisdom....
yoe ppl... cryo on the mic .. uhh, what can i say.. my group is in direct
competition with uprise.. oh well.. get the force pack... force-21.zip .. madass props to image keep this bitch running, goblin wtf? you guested in
uprise??? traitor.. , and rz you too eh.. hrmm.. ..
cryogenic --- force prez
oops... i took my prozac!!?
you dont think we kick ass? join us.. and make us kick ass!
or are you one of those who not wants to give, just to have.. then i hate
you for that! but in that case, ill show what to give, mail me at
zatchmo@mail.com and tell me what you wanna see and ill make you see it!
thats not so hard.. uprise rises the scene against the heaven.. in
heaven everything is so beautiful, just like our art!
hmm.. i think this group is strange..
i wonder if im gonna stay here as long as i did in my other groups.. like
more than a week i hope.... no but really what is this.. what am i supposed to
type here... . like my grandmas maiden name ?.. hm.. i cant remember that so
youll just have to settle with something else... like shit.. im talking
garbage here.... well..Hope you like my art in here anyway.. cya sephiroth..
Heh I Guess Im New!E@@
Well im the new VGA guy coming directly from the 410 scene..Heh im gonna
try to bring you all some phat ass VGAZ and up the quality of this good group
Heh props go out to DsC LS and image! c-yaz
Guest Artists
:: rzarector :: cryogenic :: chronix :: goblin :: noah ::
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