![uprise info by uprise](/pack/uprise06/x1/UPRISE%236.ANS.png)
this image contains text
S@.*,g gygzxzgyg
.g@,g xzxzygy g gyg
Sb,S gy gyg
bSb. :
Sg Sb,
P,. S ll - U P R I S E *1998* - THE 6:ST RELEASE -
,d *@SP ii .
,dP,@SS@ . ---- -- -
*,.+ .,g@
g S@g. S welcome to uprise 6!, we release early this
S .Sb. month once more,. we thank anomite for guest
S,S@ Sb, ing this month and to all our new members,.
P,,b, l anyways enjoy the pack and until next month
: ,d *@SS ii we shall return with another kick arse pack.
,dYg,.,gP image
* . Sb, : ---- -- -
,y :. b l
li..,gS image .................. seniorfounderascii
P i @Sl bC .................. seniorascii headascii
P,dl lP,di lost soul .................... co senioransi
,g: d: magician ................. vga headvgaascii
Si * phuturegroove .............. music headmusic
S** .*,b, . aeonsage.......... modding headasciimodding
.gS.g trippah ................................ ansi
Sb, acid burn ............................. ascii
b YP,S@@S-- - jawah ............................ ansiascii
SP,g@SS@g, . dyingsoul ........................ ansiascii
,dPdPYb,,* kaotic .............................. modding
,dPil dSb lP brainstew ............. vgacodingansiascii
Yb,ll P,dP zatchmo ................................ ansi
, Yb,S, sephiroth .............................. ansi
gdb,Sb, * naadah ................................ ascii
:S,Sb, syndrome ................................ vga
b, .Sb. zyklon-b ..................... web mastervga
P.* Sb, synmatic ............................. coding
.P,dP l xzys ................................... ansi
P,d ii spawn .................................. ansi
. P,dYg,.,gP obsidian ...............................coder
: ,dP @SS@ rage ................................... ansi
P *,d,. idler .................................. ansi
.gS.d. cleaner ................................ ansi
Sb,SP * .,* sos .................................. coding
bSb. g Yb, chaos ................................ coding
S. Sb,Y Yb, gfk ............................... asciirip
,* gb, l g mystery ................................ ansi
,d *@S@ il naadah ................................ ascii
S@g,g@S : ---- -- -
--- - -- - Want to contact us?
We are always available almost on IRC on
server EFNET channel UPRISE.
NFO:BURN . Or check out http://move.to/uprise.
.g@,g xzxzygy g gyg
Sb,S gy gyg
bSb. :
Sg Sb,
P,. S ll - U P R I S E *1998* - THE 6:ST RELEASE -
,d *@SP ii .
,dP,@SS@ . ---- -- -
*,.+ .,g@
g S@g. S welcome to uprise 6!, we release early this
S .Sb. month once more,. we thank anomite for guest
S,S@ Sb, ing this month and to all our new members,.
P,,b, l anyways enjoy the pack and until next month
: ,d *@SS ii we shall return with another kick arse pack.
,dYg,.,gP image
* . Sb, : ---- -- -
,y :. b l
li..,gS image .................. seniorfounderascii
P i @Sl bC .................. seniorascii headascii
P,dl lP,di lost soul .................... co senioransi
,g: d: magician ................. vga headvgaascii
Si * phuturegroove .............. music headmusic
S** .*,b, . aeonsage.......... modding headasciimodding
.gS.g trippah ................................ ansi
Sb, acid burn ............................. ascii
b YP,S@@S-- - jawah ............................ ansiascii
SP,g@SS@g, . dyingsoul ........................ ansiascii
,dPdPYb,,* kaotic .............................. modding
,dPil dSb lP brainstew ............. vgacodingansiascii
Yb,ll P,dP zatchmo ................................ ansi
, Yb,S, sephiroth .............................. ansi
gdb,Sb, * naadah ................................ ascii
:S,Sb, syndrome ................................ vga
b, .Sb. zyklon-b ..................... web mastervga
P.* Sb, synmatic ............................. coding
.P,dP l xzys ................................... ansi
P,d ii spawn .................................. ansi
. P,dYg,.,gP obsidian ...............................coder
: ,dP @SS@ rage ................................... ansi
P *,d,. idler .................................. ansi
.gS.d. cleaner ................................ ansi
Sb,SP * .,* sos .................................. coding
bSb. g Yb, chaos ................................ coding
S. Sb,Y Yb, gfk ............................... asciirip
,* gb, l g mystery ................................ ansi
,d *@S@ il naadah ................................ ascii
S@g,g@S : ---- -- -
--- - -- - Want to contact us?
We are always available almost on IRC on
server EFNET channel UPRISE.
NFO:BURN . Or check out http://move.to/uprise.
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