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i had a dream
ok.. this place is perfect
for some black on black..
so i thought id just send
out some greets.. firstly
to savagecow... and to argon
thanks for keeping me drawing
as we run from the sun
and we harbour the lies
and we leave things undone
as we cover our eyes
ansi by cryogenic
ok.. this is a tribute to a fine group that most people out there
wouldnt have heard of... locus was a local group to me.. and it died with the
release of pack 8 .. mad props to those who contributed to the locus
experience note the word contribute especially avenging angel..
thext cryo - you shade correctly, but you still couldnt draw a decent outlinethext if your life depended on it.
thext whereas spear has the opposite problem, to a lesser deg.
i had a dream
ok.. this place is perfect
for some black on black..
so i thought id just send
out some greets.. firstly
to savagecow... and to argon
thanks for keeping me drawing
as we run from the sun
and we harbour the lies
and we leave things undone
as we cover our eyes
ansi by cryogenic
ok.. this is a tribute to a fine group that most people out there
wouldnt have heard of... locus was a local group to me.. and it died with the
release of pack 8 .. mad props to those who contributed to the locus
experience note the word contribute especially avenging angel..
thext cryo - you shade correctly, but you still couldnt draw a decent outlinethext if your life depended on it.
thext whereas spear has the opposite problem, to a lesser deg.
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