this image contains text
logo colly by ninelives+--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- --- -- -
mS l .
k S
:::::::::::::: ,l , ,ls..::::.s. W. s ,S ::::::::::
:::::::::::,..:.::S :::::::::.k ....: ::::::::::
:::::::::: l ::..::::::: k :::::::::: ll4 :::::: l ::::::::::
:::::::::: Sl :::.:::::::::.bdl ::::::::: lk : :::::,.::::::::::::
:::::::::: ::::::::::,S9 ::. ::::: l :2 ::::::.::::::::::::::
Sbaas,, .ssadL ,k0d
abr SDSbaaxaaadS:7
s . , k .
a b r a x a s
if you can say that then you win
a lolly pop..
abraxas+-- -- - --- - +--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- --- -- - .
7sZ TSs, ,sS Xs,
sssssssssssss lssssssssssS ssssss S sss ssss ssssssssssssssssss
+d. S S. +
9lives, X,
2+ l ,
k . vinyl S
42O. s.,l SS,+ ,lS
d2s+-- -- - --- - +--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- +-- -- - --
.,sXS76s, ll .s67SXs,.
.,szXS67SS.sss., .,sss.SS67SXzs,.
I S .,s,S ss,. S
:iii::ii:iiiiii:iii....... .. .,,. .. . . . .ii:ii:i:iii::ii:iii
ab+-- -- - --- - +--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- +-- -- - --
.@s, yy .yssg. .ss, yyg. yy .yssg. gg yy
yy gg .ss, ,s@@.
this is a pretty simple askee.. but like
oh well.. i like eet anyway.. peace
skk-- -- - --- - +--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- +-- -- - --
baaaasssassass , . ssasSSssssasaaassssssaaaaaaaasssssssssssaaaasassaaa
7Ss,.s.d.@s, 756s,sSba,.adSs.s420 7Ss,.s. @s,
9 llSSs,sS SS 9 s ll
l: S k l s, k7+6: S S
l kS l 6s,.s7l + kS
ba,..dS S42O SssS ba,..dS,
,S ss saaassssassmunch S. sssssssS
k 9lives l . k vinyl l
pimp+-- -- - --- - +--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- --- -- --+-
errrr.. thats the end of my colly.. actually.. its my first good
logo colly ever so like really dig eet and shit and make me feel
kinda special if ya know what i think i mean.. er.. hope ya like
eet and shit.. if you want a logo.. watch on irc for when i go..
uhh.. anyone want a logo.. and then say.. ME!..and ill do ya
one .. peace -ninelives
mS l .
k S
:::::::::::::: ,l , ,ls..::::.s. W. s ,S ::::::::::
:::::::::::,..:.::S :::::::::.k ....: ::::::::::
:::::::::: l ::..::::::: k :::::::::: ll4 :::::: l ::::::::::
:::::::::: Sl :::.:::::::::.bdl ::::::::: lk : :::::,.::::::::::::
:::::::::: ::::::::::,S9 ::. ::::: l :2 ::::::.::::::::::::::
Sbaas,, .ssadL ,k0d
abr SDSbaaxaaadS:7
s . , k .
a b r a x a s
if you can say that then you win
a lolly pop..
abraxas+-- -- - --- - +--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- --- -- - .
7sZ TSs, ,sS Xs,
sssssssssssss lssssssssssS ssssss S sss ssss ssssssssssssssssss
+d. S S. +
9lives, X,
2+ l ,
k . vinyl S
42O. s.,l SS,+ ,lS
d2s+-- -- - --- - +--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- +-- -- - --
.,sXS76s, ll .s67SXs,.
.,szXS67SS.sss., .,sss.SS67SXzs,.
I S .,s,S ss,. S
:iii::ii:iiiiii:iii....... .. .,,. .. . . . .ii:ii:i:iii::ii:iii
ab+-- -- - --- - +--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- +-- -- - --
.@s, yy .yssg. .ss, yyg. yy .yssg. gg yy
yy gg .ss, ,s@@.
this is a pretty simple askee.. but like
oh well.. i like eet anyway.. peace
skk-- -- - --- - +--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- +-- -- - --
baaaasssassass , . ssasSSssssasaaassssssaaaaaaaasssssssssssaaaasassaaa
7Ss,.s.d.@s, 756s,sSba,.adSs.s420 7Ss,.s. @s,
9 llSSs,sS SS 9 s ll
l: S k l s, k7+6: S S
l kS l 6s,.s7l + kS
ba,..dS S42O SssS ba,..dS,
,S ss saaassssassmunch S. sssssssS
k 9lives l . k vinyl l
pimp+-- -- - --- - +--- -- -- -+- -- - ----+-- -- --+ --- ----- --- -- --+-
errrr.. thats the end of my colly.. actually.. its my first good
logo colly ever so like really dig eet and shit and make me feel
kinda special if ya know what i think i mean.. er.. hope ya like
eet and shit.. if you want a logo.. watch on irc for when i go..
uhh.. anyone want a logo.. and then say.. ME!..and ill do ya
one .. peace -ninelives
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