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l V i N T A G E l
welcome to VINTAGE.. this is a weekly oldschool compo that will be held
every sunday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM central standard time on US EFNET,
Everyone has an hour to draw. they will then send it to sargon
or whoever is coordinating it. then, a zip file with all the asciis will
be offered, and everybody who participated will /msg sargon or the
coordinator with the numbers of the 3 asciis they liked most. the
votes will be tallied, and a winner announced. The zip file will consist
of ascii numbered like 1-blah.asc, 2-blah.asc, and the asciis will be
unsigned, to ensure that voting is as objective as possible.
results will be announced, and then put in a text file. each contest will
have a winner, and a running tally for best overall vintage artist will be
kept, every win will earn 3 points, every 2nd place will earn 2, and 3rd
place will earn 1.
place name his votes
1 TANGo 12 8
2 mjay 10 6
2 squish 7 6
3 Stezotehic 1 5
4 ramone 4 4
4 arlequin 5 4
4 serial2n 9 4
5 sargon 2 2
5 folar 15 2
5 nosanity 18 2
6 imani 3 1
6 ventti 6 1
6 tzeentch 8 1
6 groove 11 1
6 joule 16 1
6 tum 20 1
name total points
1 arlequin 13
2 TANGo 11
3 horiZon 8
3 mjay 8
4 hIRO 6
5 squish 5
6 folar 4
6 wise kid 3
6 d2mac 3
6 whodini 3
6 mhz 3
7 nosanity 2
7 tROOPEr 2
7 volatile 2
7 abhorrence 2
7 behemoth 2
7 phobia 2
8 sargon 1
8 tzeentch 1
8 jack phlash 1
8 groove 1
8 stezotehic 1
here are the numbers of the participants
1 - sargon
2 - volatile
3 - mjay
4 - helix
5 - groove
6 - arlequin
7 - squish
8 - horizon
9 - spos
10 - serial2n
11 - folar
12 - blindman
13 - jizm
14 - orthex
15 - mso
16 - abho
l V i N T A G E l
welcome to VINTAGE.. this is a weekly oldschool compo that will be held
every sunday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM central standard time on US EFNET,
Everyone has an hour to draw. they will then send it to sargon
or whoever is coordinating it. then, a zip file with all the asciis will
be offered, and everybody who participated will /msg sargon or the
coordinator with the numbers of the 3 asciis they liked most. the
votes will be tallied, and a winner announced. The zip file will consist
of ascii numbered like 1-blah.asc, 2-blah.asc, and the asciis will be
unsigned, to ensure that voting is as objective as possible.
results will be announced, and then put in a text file. each contest will
have a winner, and a running tally for best overall vintage artist will be
kept, every win will earn 3 points, every 2nd place will earn 2, and 3rd
place will earn 1.
place name his votes
1 TANGo 12 8
2 mjay 10 6
2 squish 7 6
3 Stezotehic 1 5
4 ramone 4 4
4 arlequin 5 4
4 serial2n 9 4
5 sargon 2 2
5 folar 15 2
5 nosanity 18 2
6 imani 3 1
6 ventti 6 1
6 tzeentch 8 1
6 groove 11 1
6 joule 16 1
6 tum 20 1
name total points
1 arlequin 13
2 TANGo 11
3 horiZon 8
3 mjay 8
4 hIRO 6
5 squish 5
6 folar 4
6 wise kid 3
6 d2mac 3
6 whodini 3
6 mhz 3
7 nosanity 2
7 tROOPEr 2
7 volatile 2
7 abhorrence 2
7 behemoth 2
7 phobia 2
8 sargon 1
8 tzeentch 1
8 jack phlash 1
8 groove 1
8 stezotehic 1
here are the numbers of the participants
1 - sargon
2 - volatile
3 - mjay
4 - helix
5 - groove
6 - arlequin
7 - squish
8 - horizon
9 - spos
10 - serial2n
11 - folar
12 - blindman
13 - jizm
14 - orthex
15 - mso
16 - abho
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